為何選擇 SAS® 進行風險管理?
無論您的金融機構如何優先考慮風險,SAS 都擁有經過驗證的方法和最佳實踐,可幫助您建立風險意識文化,優化資本和流動性,並滿足監管需求。 將按需求的高性能風險分析交給您的風險專業人員,以確保更高的效率和透明度。 在短期和長期策略之間取得適當的平衡。 並自信地滿足不斷變化的法規要求。
Chartis RiskTech100® 2025 Awards
SAS ranks #2 overall – with six category wins

SAS is ranked second overall in the world's foremost ranking of the Top 100 risk management and compliance technology providers. SAS also bested six technology award categories, including AI for Banking, Balance Sheet Risk Management, Behavioral Modeling, Enterprise Stress Testing, IFRS 9 and Model Risk Management.
SAS 風險管理解決方案
SAS 擁有經過驗證的方法和最佳實踐,可幫助您建立風險意識的文化,優化資本和流動性,並有效地滿足監管需求。
檢視所有 SAS 風險管理產品
資產與負債管理 (ALM)
延伸 ALM 功能的解決方案
- SAS® Model Risk ManagementSignificantly reduce your model risk, improve your decision making and financial performance, and meet regulatory demands with comprehensive model risk management.
- SAS® Risk ModelingQuickly develop, validate, deploy and track risk models in house – while minimizing model risk and improving model governance.
- SAS® Solution for Stress TestingMeet the challenges of supervisory stress testing and strategic scenario planning with SAS Solution for Stress Testing.
- SAS® Risk EngineMake better, faster decisions based on current views of your overall risk exposure.
- SAS® Credit Scoring比任何外包替代方案更快速、成本更低且更具彈性地開發、驗證和監控信用評分。
- SAS® Solution for Regulatory CapitalProactively manage regulatory risk with a single, end-to-end risk management environment.
- SAS® Risk ModelingQuickly develop, validate, deploy and track risk models in house – while minimizing model risk and improving model governance.
- SAS® Model Implementation Platform Quickly and efficiently execute a wide range of models used in bank stress tests and other enterprise-level risk assessments.
- SAS® Regulatory Content for EBA TaxonomiesMeet European Banking Authority (EBA) reporting requirements and gain business value with a collection of industry-leading reporting content.
- SAS® Model Risk ManagementSignificantly reduce your model risk, improve your decision making and financial performance, and meet regulatory demands with comprehensive model risk management.
- SAS® Risk ModelingQuickly develop, validate, deploy and track risk models in house – while minimizing model risk and improving model governance.
- SAS® Solution for CECLQuickly meet new US Financial Accounting Standards Board current expected credit loss (CECL) standards with best practices for modeling, workflow and reporting.
- SAS® Solution for IFRS 9Accelerate time to benefit and quickly meet IFRS 9 standards.
- SAS® Allowance for Credit LossAddress CECL and IFRS 9 requirements with a fully governed, automated workflow.
- SAS® Solution for CECLQuickly meet new US Financial Accounting Standards Board current expected credit loss (CECL) standards with best practices for modeling, workflow and reporting.
- SAS® Solution for IFRS 9Accelerate time to benefit and quickly meet IFRS 9 standards.
擴展 ECL 功能的解決方案
- SAS® Allowance for Credit LossAddress CECL and IFRS 9 requirements with a fully governed, automated workflow.
- SAS® Model Risk ManagementSignificantly reduce your model risk, improve your decision making and financial performance, and meet regulatory demands with comprehensive model risk management.
- SAS® Risk ModelingQuickly develop, validate, deploy and track risk models in house – while minimizing model risk and improving model governance.
- SAS® Solution for Stress TestingMeet the challenges of supervisory stress testing and strategic scenario planning with SAS Solution for Stress Testing.
- SAS® IFRS 17 解決方案透過一流的模式、工作流程和報告,簡化您向 IFRS 會計標準的過渡。
- Insurance Contract Valuation | Powered by AzureStay in front of IFRS 17/LDTI compliance requirements without losing visibility.
- SAS® Dynamic Actuarial ModelingReduce silos, automate processes and facilitate cross-departmental collaboration with a complete, end-to-end pricing solution that includes innovative, AI-based premium modeling.
- SAS® Solution for LDTIManage, audit and trace all steps of LDTI compliance processes within a single, integrated environment.
- SAS® Solution for Stress TestingMeet the challenges of supervisory stress testing and strategic scenario planning with SAS Solution for Stress Testing.
- SAS® 保險資本管理滿足不斷改變的保險資本要求與監管合規性要求,更深入地瞭解貴公司的風險與財務狀況。