SAS® Solutions for Hadoop

88% of organizations see Hadoop as an opportunity. Are you in?
SAS 強大的分析技術,能夠幫助資料科學家解讀 Hadoop 的資料。結合SAS與Hadoop,可有效解讀所有的資訊,將資料化為決策,速度之快超乎想像!
Data Exploration & Visualization
Understand your data. It's the first step to finding value.
With Hadoop, understanding what your data has to tell you can be challenging. SAS makes it easy to understand. With SAS, you can:
- Interactively explore billions of rows of data in seconds. Visually examine Hadoop data quickly. Look at both structured and unstructured data – like Twitter feeds – to discover when and why your customers' behavior changes.
- Put fast, powerful analytics in the hands of all users. Easy-to-use analytics helps even those with limited technical skills interact with and analyze data on their own.
- Tell others. Whether it's through the web, mobile devices or Microsoft Office applications, you can easily share your findings. Pass it along.
- Self-service, easy-to-use BI designed for large-scale use. Interactive query, reporting and visual data discovery are at your fingertips. Now everyone can glean insights from Hadoop.
- Analytics for everyone. You don't have to be a programmer to use our tried-and-true analytics to get value from Hadoop. Intuitively find relationships, generate forecasts and predict scenarios on the fly.
- Integration with Microsoft Office and mobile devices. You've got a gold mine of information stored in Hadoop. Put your insights where others can easily access, share and use them.
Ready to take the next step toward getting the most value from your data? We offer several different technology, deployment and financing options, depending on your needs.
Data Management for Hadoop
Effectively manage big data.
Big data skills are in high demand. Now business users can profile, transform and cleanse data – on Hadoop or anywhere else it may reside – using an intuitive user interface. Data analysts can run SAS code on Hadoop for even better performance. With SAS, you can:
- Access and load Hadoop data fast. Turn big data into valuable data with quick, easy access to Hadoop and the ability to load to and from relational data sources as well as SAS datasets.
- Stop the “garbage in, garbage out” cycle. Integrated data quality delivers pristine data that fuels accurate analytics amplified by the power of Hadoop.
- Put big data to work for you. Transform, filter and summarize data yourself, and get more value from your big data.
- Get more out of your computing resources. Optimize your workloads, and gain high availability across the Hadoop cluster.
- Better productivity through faster management of big data. In-Hadoop data quality and code execution take advantage of MapReduce and YARN to speed the process of accessing trusted data.
- Big data management. Big data is becoming the backbone of business information. We help business and IT work together to deliver big data that's enterprise ready – no need to write code (unless you want to).
- Data you can trust. Make big data better. SAS provides multiple data integration and data quality transformations to profile, parse and join your data without moving it out of Hadoop.
- Data Management
Supercharge your AI journey with seamless data connectivity, enhanced transformations and robust governance. - Service Offerings for Hadoop
Get the most out of your Hadoop data with support, training and resources from SAS.
Ready to take the next step toward getting the most value from your data? We offer several different technology, deployment and financing options, depending on your needs.
Interactive Predictive Analytics
Tired of waiting? Get answers now.
Want answers from Hadoop? Churning out a couple of models a week isn’t going to cut it. Neither is waiting hours for analytical results that must be refined further. SAS takes a different approach, so you can:
- Answer questions you never had time to ask. Build and refine predictive models in a visual, intuitive environment. Get results in minutes – even seconds – using in-memory processing.
- Produce better insights. Use diverse data and run more models on-the-fly. Test more ideas and find the best answers.
- Seize new opportunities. With finer, more accurate results you can make the right choices, drive new revenue and improve your bottom line. Put your Hadoop data to work for you.
- In-memory processing for persisting data. SAS reads big data into memory once. It can then be analyzed multiple times. By multiple users. All without having to write data to disk or perform expensive data shuffling.
- Deeper drilling for bigger challenges. Evaluate and refine models to get precise answers. SAS helps you solve problems you could not address before.
- Faster experimentation, better answers. In-memory processing allows you to run frequent modeling iterations to find the results that bring the most value.
Ready to take the next step toward getting the most value from your data? We offer several different technology, deployment and financing options, depending on your needs.
Analytics for the Data Scientist
Like coding? You'll love this – real results from Hadoop in seconds.
An all-in-one, interactive environment gives you everything you need to get accurate insights from data in Hadoop. At lightning-fast speed. With SAS, you can:
- Do everything from a single environment. Many users can work simultaneously. Manipulate and prepare data. Explore. Build models. And deploy. We've got the entire analytical life cycle covered.
- Build better models for better results. Create sophisticated models using world-class statistical and machine-learning techniques. Run them against all your Hadoop data.
- Analyze as fast as you think. An interactive, in-memory environment lets you customize your code and get instant results. How fast and creative can you be?
- Scale to meet enterprise needs. More data, more users and complex issues? No problem. Our highly scalable, in-memory environment grows easily as needed.
- Faster results. Build models and quickly run multiple iterations to determine the best performer. Shrink the time from model inception to deployment.
- Ability to persist data in memory. Our unique technology reads in big data once, but you can analyze it multiple times. The result? Greater productivity and turn-on-a-dime creativity.
- Unprecedented analytical power. Powerful statistical and machine-learning techniques, text analytics, a recommendation system and more. Know more, faster.
- One environment for the entire analytical life cycle. You don’t have to switch between different Hadoop languages and technologies to get insights that drive better decisions. You're covered from beginning to end.
Ready to take the next step toward getting the most value from your data? We offer several different technology, deployment and financing options, depending on your needs.
Data Scoring in Hadoop
Get models out fast for faster predictive insights and real-time action.
Moving analytical models from design into production can be resource-intensive. But it's crucial to deploy them inside Hadoop as quickly as possible to reap the benefits. With SAS, you can:
- Score data in Hadoop. Don't waste time moving data when you can score it inside Hadoop and quickly turn insights into action.
- Operationalize analytics. We've automated the analytic model deployment process so you can put more models into production faster.
- Score raw data as it comes in. Export not just the model, but the entire workflow – including data preparation and variable transformation logic for scoring.
- Reduced data movement, greater data governance. Score data inside Hadoop instead of moving it. Avoid data latency and replication.
- Streamlined model deployment. Execute your model-scoring processes within Hadoop to avoid manual processing errors and get faster results.
- More productive IT and analytic teams. Faster automated deployment frees your analytics team to focus on developing more models and lets IT focus on strategic projects.
Ready to take the next step toward getting the most value from your data? We offer several different technology, deployment and financing options, depending on your needs.
SAS Insights, your source for top big data news, views and best practices.
Data Exploration & Visualization
Data Management for Hadoop
Analytics on Hadoop
For the Data Scientist
Data Exploration & Visualization
- 快速總覽資訊。有別於傳統的資料視覺化工具,SAS巨量資料視覺分析平台能夠讓您在交叉比對所有相關資料時,迅速察覺資訊的關鍵意義,而且不需要劃分資料子集或對資料取樣。資料能快速讀到記憶體,進行分析處理。只需幾分鐘甚至短短幾秒,不論資訊量大小,您即可以進行預測和描述性分析,發現之前未知的模式,識別重要的關係,揭露資訊中隱藏的關鍵意義。
- 無需仰賴IT人員,使用者自行操作。以前,您的IT部門往往會積壓許多來自使用者的協助請求,而現在情況改變了。使用者自訂服務功能和即時資料視覺化環境,讓您能夠完全依靠自己來探索資料,而不再需要求助於IT人員。您不是個技術天才?那也沒問題。您可以在側欄工具列,或動態過濾分組資料項目中進行選擇,就可以輕鬆建立和修改資料視圖。透過選擇炫目的視圖分析如:箱圖、熱力圖、氣泡圖等——讓資料變得生動,即可揭示隱藏在資訊中的重要訊息,激發更深入的分析。
- 自動繪圖功能省去反復嘗試。您需要瞭解哪些圖表更能說明您的分析結果嗎?不需要。自動繪圖功能會呈現最適合您資料類型的圖表,省去您反覆嘗試的步驟。最後得到的視圖是準確,且適切說明資料的重要性,讓您信心十足。
Data Management for Hadoop
SAS Data Management 可使上述所有雜訊變得有意義,使巨量資料發揮巨大價值。資料存取、資料品質、資料整合與資料管理皆可透過單一平台掌握,您僅需花費較少的時間即可維護資訊,並將更多時間運用於經營事業。
- 統一的資料管理平台。藉由將資料整合、資料品質與主檔管理合併為統一的開發與遞送環境,企業即可充分運用資料管理程序的每一個階段。利用具有直覺式介面的單一架構,將一致、精確且即時的資料提供給企業。
- 適用於資料管理的整合式分析功能。SAS 在 ETL/ELT 程序中內嵌分析功能,以提供高效率且具有成本效益的協同合作模型建立環境。只有 SAS 將高效能運算與分析智慧併入資料管理程序中,所以才能提供更快速的結果。
- 最悠久的資料治理成熟度模型。資料治理是持續進行的流程,而不是一次性的專案。SAS 與 DataFlux 提供各種經過證實、方法論導向的方式,協助客戶根據其資料成熟度模型來建置偏好的流程。客戶可以完全利用其現有技術,以及視需要加入新的元件。
- 以原生方式開發的技術。SAS 與 DataFlux 都是從頭開始構思與開發。這樣可提供產品開發一致性並消除複雜性,例如:整合問題、功能重疊及產品方向不明確。
- 適用於業務與 IT 部門的全方位資料管理架構。包含商業問題與解決方案的 SAS 專業知識,已實現了業務與 IT 部門之間的全企業資料管理合作。
Analytics on Hadoop
巨量資料的數量與種類持續增加,使其難以去瞭解資料中有價值的關 係,也難以獲得基於分析的解答以採取最佳的行動。傳統IT基礎架構的設計並不是用來處理快速、複雜的分析與動態變化的預測模型。統計人員與資料科學家無法 輕易建立所需要的眾多模型,無法快速以分群結果或群組進行實驗,或調整模型以找到最佳的解答。目前的分析架構是以批次為導向,設計用途並不是快速、反覆傳 送資料,進行多項分析工作。
SAS Visual Statistics 可解決上述問題。專業分析人員可獲得快速的互動式介面,可即時建立與調整大量的預測模型。In-Memory引擎將資料讀入記憶體一次,不需要持續進行成本昂貴的資料交換。
- 領先競爭者獲得新見解並發現有機會的領域。快速洞察隱藏在龐大儲存資料中的關聯性。探索、分析並評估新機會。尋找提高營收的新方法。強大的預測分析與視覺化互動功能,可協助商業分析師與統計人員利用資料完成更多工作。
- 更快速執行更多模型以獲得更高的精確性。執行您的模型需要多少時間?幾個小時?我們的多核心處理環境可將時間縮短為幾分鐘。建立以特定群組或分群結果為目標的模型,並同時執行多個多重情境。專業分析人員可詢問更多假設性的問題並快速獲得解答。改良模型以獲得更好的結果。
- In-Memory運算維持敏捷性。SAS Visual Statistics 使用 In-Memory 引擎執行複雜的分析運算。建模人員可快速測試新的想法,嘗試不同的複雜建模技術,並即時改良模型,以前所未有的方式利用資料量。
- 提高資料科學家與統計人員的生產力。多名使用者可用快速且互動的方式自訂模型,包括新增或變更變數、移除離群值等,同時立即檢視這些變更如何影響模型結果。哪個模型可提供最強大的預測能力?這很容易找出來。企業可從巨量資料分析獲得更多價值。
Model Deployment & Execution
在 Hadoop 進行分析的單一互動式程式設計環境
越來越多的企業將 Hadoop 整合至資料儲存結構中,不過並不容易執行高速分析來挖掘隱藏於資料內即時洞察。許多企業也發現,需要多套軟體產品與少見的資料科學家,才能管理分析生命週期中的各項工作。若您想要及時地從 Hadoop 獲得洞察,需要採取不同的方法。
SAS In-Memory Statistics for Hadoop 可讓多名使用者同時分析巨量資料,同時結合非常強大的分析技術,提供前所未有的方式,運用 Hadoop 的資料快速獲得見解,做出高價值的分析決策。大幅縮短模型開發時間,模型便可更快開始運作。此解決方案亦可縮短處理時間,亦可根據企業需求進行擴充,處理 更多資料、更多使用者,甚至是更複雜的問題。
- 深入鑽探 Hadoop,快速獲得正確的洞察。應用成熟且先進的統計演算法與機器學習技術,獲得最佳解答。您可以探索並使用多種分析方法揭露見解,依據事實訂定決策。
- 協助資料科學家提升生產力。多名使用者可使用快速的 In-Memory 程式設計語言,同時以互動方式分析Hadoop 中的巨量資料。準備、操作、轉換、探索、建模、存取及評分資料,全部都可在 Hadoop 中完成。
- 運用可擴充的環境。目前統計人員與資料科學家必須拼湊不同的程式設計語言或產品才能存取、準備、建模及評分 Hadoop 中的資料,而且運作模型時軟體無法擴充。這種情況已成為過去式。從資料操作與探索到模型建立與開發,我們的解決方案已獲得證實、通過考驗且非常精確,同時可依據您的生產環境進行擴充。
- 避免不必要的、多重的傳遞資料。我們的 In-Memory 基礎架構執行於 Hadoop 之上,可避免耗費成本的資料移動,並可將資料保存在記憶體內進行完整的分析工作,大幅降低資料延遲,以閃電般的速度提供快速分析。
What People Are Saying
"要特別撰寫程式的分析工具若是單眼相機的話,SAS VA就是一款有拍照功能的智慧型手機。影像具有高畫質,且資料可與眾多App串聯使用,重點是在一個行動裝置就能輕鬆完成。"