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- 電子書
- 白皮書 Rethinking risk: Smarter models, better decisions
- 分析報告 SAS is a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Cross-Channel Marketing Hubs, Q4 2024
- 電子書 Real-Time Hyperpersonalization in Hospitality
- 分析報告 SAS is a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Customer Analytics Technologies, Q2 2024
- 電子書 The insurance data and AI revolution
- 分析報告 SAS is a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Real-Time Interaction Management, Q1 2024
- 白皮書 Creating Meaningful Data-driven Customer Journeys
- 電子書 Personalized advertising that you control
- 白皮書 Improving HCP Engagement with Digital Analytics
- 分析報告 SAS 在 Forrester Wave™ 2023 年第二季度 AI 決策平台報告中被評為領導者。
- 電子書 Cracking Tomorrow's CX Code
- 白皮書 Retail bank media networks: Monetize customer data with personalized offers and advertising
- 電子書 The Path to a Single Customer View
- 客戶案例 Modern, real-time marketing increases customer loyalty and revenue for property management company and its retail tenants
- 客戶案例 Voetbalmedia uses martech from SAS to better engage with 1.4 million football players and enthusiasts
- 白皮書 Cracking Tomorrow's CX Code
- 分析報告 SAS is a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Digital Intelligence Platforms, Q4 2022
- 白皮書 Banking in 2035: global banking survey report
- 白皮書 Banking in 2035: three possible futures
- 白皮書 Maximizing Moments of Truth: Creating Meaningful Real-Time Customer Interactions
- 客戶案例 Protecting nature with dollars and sense
- 客戶案例 Workplace solutions retailer creates compelling customer experience via data-driven marketing
- 客戶案例 Integrated marketing improves results for marketers and customers
- 客戶案例 A customer connection is the special ingredient
- 客戶案例 Finland’s top retail bank applies AI to improve customer service and credit scoring
- 客戶案例 Real-time analytics helps telecom provider adapt to changing customer needs during global pandemic and beyond
- 客戶案例 Maximizing the reach and impact of an eHealth hub
- 客戶案例 Complex telco product portfolio, maximum agility thanks to intelligent decisioning
- 客戶案例 Reaching 3.6 million football fans via comprehensive marketing analytics
- 客戶案例 Swiss financial institution uses advanced analytics to reimagine marketing and personalize customer experiences
- 文章 The 5 new rules of retail
- 文章 3 ways to rethink retail forecasting and demand planning
- 文章 Reimagine marketing: Today, tomorrow and in times of disruption
- 分析報告 The Total Economic Impact Of SAS Customer Intelligence 360
- 客戶案例 Using Customer Intelligence to optimise advertising sales
- 文章 Customer data platform: What it is and why it’s important
- 文章 Your customers aren’t afraid of new technologies. Are you?
- 文章 Tread carefully with customer data platforms
- 文章 Marketers and privacy
- 文章 Digital transformation for SMBs
- 文章 Five trends that will reshape customer experience
- 文章 Under siege: Improving customer experience in banking
- 客戶案例 Predictive analytics and AI deliver a winning fan experience
- 文章 IoT: The customer experience accelerator you can't afford to ignore
- 白皮書 The Real-Time and Predictive Commerce Playbook for CMOs
- 文章 What big data has brought to the privacy discussion
- 文章 Effective real-time marketing
- 白皮書 Real-Time Analytics: The Key to Unlocking Customer Insights & Driving the Customer Experience
- 白皮書 Using Hybrid Cloud Capabilities for True Omnichannel Marketing
- 文章 Contextual engagement
- 文章 Data and the customer experience
- 文章 台灣製造業再戰 10 年新標配:AIoT 如何助力工廠從自動化邁向智慧化
- 文章 迎向開放銀行第三階段,佈局「智慧中台」實現場景金融
- 文章 趨勢觀察/保險業接軌IFRS17 把握數位轉型契機
- 文章 AI如何改寫保險業機遇?迎向2030年保險業未來趨勢
- 文章 線下轉線上,企業的極速轉型!
- 文章 後Cookie時代,以AI打造「客戶決策平台」追緊消費者足跡
- 文章 疫情再襲零售業的備戰之道:如何提高需求預測準確度?
- 文章 為何已導入 AI,營運效率還是 NG?讓 AI 上雲提升企業數位韌性
- 文章 資料科學家還在自己做資料清理與特徵工程?怎麼不讓 AutoML 來幫你!
- 文章 大和證券活用SAS AI科技 強化營業提案能力
- 文章 反洗錢大作戰,看AI如何助攻!
- 電子書 How Can Retailers Satisfy Today's Customers?
- 白皮書 Data and the customer experience
- 文章 How to improve your AI marketing skills
- 文章 Building confidence in your customer experience
- 文章 AI marketing: What does the future hold?
- 文章 Three ways to improve real time marketing results
- 白皮書 Analytics Accelerates Monetization Opportunities for Connected Vehicle and Mobility Services
- 白皮書 Beyond The Campaign
- 文章 Customer journey analytics goes mainstream
- 白皮書 Using Data to Create Outcome-Based Customer Experiences
- 白皮書 The Internet of Things: Marketing’s Opportunities and Challenges
- 白皮書 Power your digital transformation with guided analytics
- 電子書 How Customer Intelligence Is Energizing the Utilities Industry
- 白皮書 Using Big Data to Enable the Omnichannel Retail Experience
- 文章 What is marketing automation?
- 文章 不用說,我都能懂!「機器學習」給零售業的新解方
- 文章 Real-time customer engagement is the future of experience management
- 電子書 白皮書 Tomorrow's telco
- 電子書 Improving Customer Experience
- 文章 Harnessing the martech advantage
- 白皮書 Getting to Why in Omnichannel Marketing Attribution
- 白皮書 Marketing attribution: Giving credit where credit is due
- 白皮書 Improve Customer Experience with Actionable Artificial Intelligence
- 文章 R 'Ray' Wang: A conversation with a digital disruptor
- 文章 IoT: The next best thing to reading your customer’s mind
- 文章 Marketing for the midmarket
- 白皮書 Redefining Brand Performance for the 21st Century
- 文章 Linking data to the customer journey
- 文章 Putting you at the frontier of the fan experience
- 白皮書 Data Elevates the Customer Experience
- 系列 Brand equity has a big role in RCI's strategy
- 文章 Customer journeys: How to be ready when customers visit
- 文章 Customer journey management: Eliminating missed opportunities
- 文章 Small but mighty: Modern marketing for the midmarket
- 客戶案例 每次都有合適的優惠
- 文章 The marketer's dream: Harmonic convergence
- 文章 Customer segmentation for the new digital experience
- 訪問 Using data to control unruly hotel pricing
- 訪問 Q&A: What's your level of digital marketing maturity?
- 訪問 How do you know if you’re ready for Hadoop?
- 系列 The customer journey: Why you need journey maps
- 文章 The modern marketing leader: Is your CMO ready?
- 文章 Customer loyalty in a digital world: A new approach
- 文章 Four multichannel marketing strategies that deliver exceptional customer experiences
- 文章 Marketing measurement do's and don'ts
- 文章 Out of size, out of mind
- 文章 Empty shelves: The retail analytical talent deficit
- 白皮書 The Architecture and Security of SAS® Marketing Operations Management
- 文章 The first step in building a better customer experience
- 文章 The era of gargantuan data
- 文章 Marketing optimization: Five lessons learned at a major US bank
- 文章 Seven characteristics of the modern consumer
- 白皮書 Customer Engagement Analytics: How to Use Data to Create (and Keep) Happy Customers
- 白皮書 Unleashing the Power of Text Analytics for Travel
- 文章 Do marketers need real-time analytics
- 文章 The digitization of everything – its impact on the buyer’s journey and marketing’s role
- 文章 A lesson in customer service from Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy
- 分析報告 白皮書 Marketing Analytics for Manufacturing: Forging Customer Insights
- 網路研討會 Real-Time Decision Manager
- 網路研討會 Data and AI: Accelerators of Banking CX
- 電子書 Brilliant decision?
- 電子書 In-the-Moment Marketing
- 白皮書 SAS - Hospitality Provider
- 電子書 Strategic Marketing: From aspirational to exceptional customer experience
- 電子書 Retail Experimentation: The New Fundamentals
- 白皮書 AI and analytics are powering a demand planning and customer experience revolution
- 白皮書 Experience 2030. The Future of Customer Experience is... NOW!
- 白皮書 TDWI Checklist Report Six Best Practices to Ignite the Customer Experience with IoT
- 電子書 Operational Marketing: From Hard Work to Heroic Performance
- 白皮書 SAS Experience 2030
- 電子書 The Secrets of Delivering Exceptional Customer Experience
- 白皮書 Experience Evolution: Staying Ahead of Customer Expectations Through 2030 and Beyond
- 白皮書 Experience 2030: Pulse Report
- 電子書 Planning For CDP Success: A guided journey for choosing a customer data platform
- 白皮書 Where does marketing stop and advertising begin?
- 電子書 Customer experience - now and into the future
- 客戶案例 Hyper-personalized offers help consumer finance company elevate the customer experience
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