出自操作、交易、感測器和 IoT 裝置的串流資料,只要被充分理解,便極具價值。SAS 的事件串流處理包括串流資料品質和資料分析,以及陣容龐大的 SAS 和開放式程式碼機器學習和高頻率資料分析,能連貫、解譯、清理和理解串流資料,全都在單一解決方案中。無論您的資料遷移得多快、您擁有多少資料,或您從中提取多少資料來源,透過單一直覺化介面都能掌控一切,您也可以從業務的各個層面,定義模式並應對情境,因此您能夠保持敏捷性,並在問題出現時迎刃而解。
從邊緣到企業的串流處理速度更快、更好、功能更強大,以達到高容量輸送量 (每秒數百萬個事件),這意味著在分散式記憶體內的網格處理,在商用硬體環境中,能以低延遲回應時間執行。藉由使用內嵌 AI 和機器學習功能的進階資料分析,分析結構化和非結構化資料來源,包括視訊、文字和影像分類和識別。此外, SAS Event Stream Manager 整合 SAS Event Stream Processing 工作室和伺服器兩種元件,因此能夠簡化並自動化 SAS Event Stream Processing 專案和資料分析的部署,能快速制定決策,而且不會中斷服務。
讓使用者能夠藉由使用新的整合式 ONNX 執行階段,擴展對 CUDA 和 TensorRT 支援平台上 GPU 加速的支援,實現每秒數百萬個事件的高容量處理能力,以及低延遲回應時間。
擷取與合併串流 IoT 來源
可讓您使用現今的 IoT 來源,包括雲端或邊緣裝置串流,並在未來透過一系列各種預建連接器和配接器進行擴展。
藉由使用直覺的視覺化介面,在低程式碼環境中輕鬆定義、測試和精簡模型。適合資料科學家的編碼環境包括熟悉的 Python 開發工具 (例如,Jupyter Notebook)。
將 SAS 內嵌於邊緣、霧端和雲端中,因此在各個串流事件階段皆可清理和分析資料。深入的 SAS 模型可移植到串流和邊緣。支援演算法,例如,執行支援向量資料描述、穩健的主成分分析、隨機樹系、梯度提升和串流迴歸分析。
SAS Event Stream Manager 可讓您建構和管理可重複使用的部署範本,輕鬆在雲端中新增自動探索 ESP 伺服器,載入和取消載入 ESP 專案,動態分配資源,以及自動擴充和縮減規模,以實現自動化彈性和監控,實現更好的資源管理。當 ESP 伺服器離線或無法使用時,重試功能可在連線恢復時支援重新部署模型。
與 Docker 和 Kubernetes 等雲端技術相容,提供大規模彈性多租戶分散式服務。透過獲專利的瞬間 1+N 向容錯移轉、原生容錯移轉、保證交付,確保持續安全且穩定的事件模式偵測,而且無需使用持久性和其他容錯功能,即可確保事件串流處理具備韌性和高可用性。
針對不同的任務 (例如,指定資料串流輸入來源、感興趣的模式,以及衍生輸出動作),使用不同的視窗類型:訓練、評分、計算、模型監督器、模型讀取器。
藉由使用 ONNX 模型格式的 SAS 和第三方機器學習架構,結合串流資料分析、影片和影像擷取,因此可處理影片和靜態影像資料,包括影像預處理和物件偵測與分類。
了解誰已採用 SAS 產品,並以更智慧的方式執行工作
瞭解 SAS Event Stream Processing
Wabtec、Intel 與 SAS
Wabtec、Intel 與 SAS 攜手合作,藉由 IoT 連線運輸,將原始資料轉化為即時商業洞察,並開啟營運效率新境界。
深入探索 SAS Event Stream Processing 和更多範疇
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- 白皮書 Analytics Accelerates Monetization Opportunities for Connected Vehicle and Mobility ServicesLearn how automakers and their partners are using IoT data and analytics to help them reshape business models, seize new sources of revenue and develop inventive ways to better serve customers.
- 電子書 The Streaming Analytics Scaries: What they are and how to get over themThis e-book addresses the top five factors holding back most asset-intensive companies when it comes to implementing and taking advantage of streaming analytics. Read it, put the scaries to rest, and start delivering more value and insight in ways few in your organization may have ever thought possible.
- 分析報告 ARC View: Industrial-grade AI: Transforming Data into Insights and OutcomesThis ARC View report explains how organizations can not only start realizing immediate returns from their Industrial AI initiatives, but also ensure that their investments remain future-proof.
- 電子書 Rising Waters and Rapid ResponsesGet an insider’s view of the tools and strategies that some leaders in flood management are already deploying to better protect their citizens, as well as case studies that show how these approaches work in real-world applications.
- 分析報告 SAS named a Challenger in Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Augmented Data Quality SolutionsSAS named a Challenger in Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Augmented Data Quality Solutions.
- 網路研討會 Real-Time Predictive Analytics: Uncovering Opportunities and Barriers at the Speed of Data FlowJoin us as we discuss how SAS® Event Stream Processing can help organizations uncover data anomalies instantly, before trouble starts or opportunity passes
- 分析報告 IDC Spotlight: Looking Beyond the AI Model to Improve the Value of Computer Vision in Manufacturing OperationsThis IDC Spotlight explores the increasing adoption of computer vision (CV) by manufacturers, and how in order to succeed, they must focus on more than just model development, validation and deployment. SAS delivers a comprehensive portfolio of tools, software and resources – integrated into SAS Viya – to develop and deploy CV solutions.
- 文章 Real-Time Customer Recommendation Systems for Data in Motion
- 解決方案簡介 Analyze streaming data from edge to enterprise to make intelligent decisions in real time
- 合作夥伴簡介 Streaming Analytics and Internet of ThingsUse AI and streaming analytics to uncover insights at the edge and make real-time, intelligent decisions in the cloud.
- 部落格文章 A conversation with Rijkswaterstaat: How SAS is helping keep the Netherlands safeIn a recent panel discussion, project leaders at RWS talked about some of their latest projects and how SAS is helping fulfill the RWS mission to keep the Netherlands’ waterways safe and efficient.
- 文章 Understanding data in motionLearn how to analyze fast-moving data streams on the fly with event stream processing.
- 文章 Sensing a disturbance in the dataAs IoT data unites with event stream processing (ESP), these combined forces will automatically sense data pattern deviations and trigger immediate response.
- 文章 Making sense of streaming data in the Internet of ThingsThe Internet of Things has changed our lives forever. Read about how streaming data in IoT works, and why it has caused such a shift in the analytics world.
- 客戶案例 Managing Dutch roads and waterways with intelligenceA modern AI, IoT and analytics platform powered by SAS Viya helps Rijkswaterstaat move from reactive to predictive infrastructure maintenance.
查看這些與 SAS Event Stream Processing 相關的產品和解決方案。
- Drive innovation, efficiencies and results by putting IoT analytics in users' hands – from predictive maintenance at scale to superior process optimization and quality, flood prediction and preparedness, energy cost optimization and beyond.
- 透過可重複、自動化和可追溯的流程,以幫助您監控、控管和跟踪大量 SAS Event Stream Processing 伺服器。
- 輕鬆建立、管理和治理穩健的分析驅動型商業規則,以支援大規模決策。