保持領先新興風險和不斷變化的法規。 SAS 已協助金融機構達到 90% 以上的模型準確度,降低高達 80% 的假陽性,並提高 SAR 轉換率四倍。
透過網路和實體產生程序,快速發現新興的複雜的洗錢和恐怖分子資金融資威脅,這些程序可自動建立網路圖並揭示隱藏的關係。 進階分析可透過查看多個資料來源和客戶的參照,然後考慮不一致性、錯誤、縮寫和不完整記錄,以協助判斷它們是否與相同實體有關。
為 AML 調查員提供整合、可配置、用戶友好的警示和案件管理解決方案,提供自助服務功能和智能優先順序的警報,以便快速分類、調查和處理。 互動式拖放頁面建置器可讓管理使用者設定設定、檢視和工作流程,以根據獨特的業務或使用者需求量身定制應用程式。
透過混合式監控交易方法獲得更全面的風險覆蓋範圍。 這種方法結合了經過驗證的規則,以偵測已知風險,以及先進的分析技術(包括機器學習、深度學習和 AI),以識別未知的風險和隱藏關係。 管理使用者可以使用自訂的內建案例建置器來建立、管理和更新程式定義的監控規則。 整合式工作流程管理可協助 AML 團隊無縫建立案例,並向政府當局提交監管報告。
使用「客戶入職」功能於開戶時快速驗證客戶資訊。從最開始的入職,再到持續的客戶盡職調查工作,我們以風險為基礎且可擴充的方法,全面為客戶生命週期提供支援。分析師和調查人員能夠在事件出現時持續查核事件,無須延長時間間隔。純熟的視覺化功能則可以協助 AML 調查人員快速發現和監控受益人。
透過透明環境,確保內部模型治理委員會和外部監管機構同步有效監管。SAS 反洗錢解決方案能夠實現對觸發危險信號之情境的完整洞察,並為警示產生提供明確的解釋,以便對結果進行稽核。
在採用 AI、機器學習、機器人流程自動化和進階網路分析的單一整合平台上支援交易監控、客戶盡職調查、入職、監管清單篩選、案件管理和監管報告。
將所有分析工作(從資料存取、準備、互動式探索、最佳化、機器學習、AI 和其他進階模型開發到部署活動)集中在一個緊密、開放、高效能的環境中。
通過實體分析(entity analytics)提供全面的風險視圖,讓 AML 分析師和調查人員能透過網絡檢視工具直觀檢視完整網絡,並使用連結擴展探鑽關係。
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- 客戶案例
- 分析報告 Chartis RiskTech Quadrant for AML Transaction Monitoring Solutions, 2024SAS is a category leader in Chartis' RiskTech Quadrant for AML Transaction Monitoring Solutions, 2024. According to Chartis, SAS' AML transaction monitoring solutions emphasize speed, volume and performance.
- 客戶案例 European Banking-as-a-Service leader strengthens its AML/CFT and fraud surveillance system with SASTreezor uses SAS Anti-Money Laundering to stay ahead of emerging risks, improve operational efficiency and expedite investigations.
- 文章 4 strategies that will change your approach to fraud detectionAs fraudulent activity grows and fighting fraud becomes more costly, financial institutions are turning to anti-fraud technology to build better arsenals for fraud detection. Discover four ways to improve your organization's risk posture.
- 白皮書 Proactive anti-financial crime strategies to improve compliance and reduce riskIn today’s fast-changing landscape, become more effective across all stages of AML investigations by following this framework and shift to a proactive, risk-based approach.
- 白皮書 Banking in 2035: global banking survey reportWhat trends do banking leaders consider to be the greatest risks and the greatest opportunities? What internal and external barriers stand in their way? What technologies will help them harness the opportunities ahead? Download the report to explore.
- 白皮書 Banking in 2035: three possible futuresThis paper explores how the major forces affecting banks may evolve between now and 2035, seen through the lens of three potential scenarios.
- 分析報告 SAS is a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Anti-Money Laundering Solutions, Q3 2022SAS Anti-Money Laundering, which helps fight money laundering and terrorist financing with AI, machine learning, intelligent automation and advanced network visualization, is named a Leader in The Forrester Wave.
- 分析報告 IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Responsible Artificial Intelligence for Integrated Financial Crime Management Platforms 2022 Vendor AssessmentLearn why SAS is positioned in the Leaders category in the 2022 IDC MarketScape for worldwide responsible artificial intelligence for integrated financial crime management platforms.
- 分析報告 Chartis RiskTech Quadrant for Trade-Based AML Solutions 2022SAS is named a category leader in the Chartis RiskTech Quadrant for Trade-Based AML Solutions, 2022.
- 分析報告 Matrix: Leading Fraud & AML Machine Learning PlatformsSAS is a best-in-class vendor in the most recent Datos Insights report, Matrix: Leading Fraud & AML Machine Learning Platforms.
- 客戶案例 Fighting financial crime through a global anti-money laundering platformBangkok Bank uses advanced analytics from SAS to meet expanding anti-money laundering requirements for global operations and ensure compliance keeps pace with dynamic regulatory frameworks.
- 客戶案例 A risk-based approach to combat money laundering in IsraelSAS Anti-Money Laundering helps Ayalon Insurance monitor suspicious activity and meet challenging regulatory requirements.
- 客戶案例 Preventing crime and ensuring compliance at 120 Nordic banksSDC enables small and medium financial institutions in four Nordic countries to stay compliant.
- 客戶案例 Fast analytical defenseDeutsche Kreditbank AG combats fraud and money laundering with SAS.
- 客戶案例 洗錢防制SAS 幫助 Landsbankinn 降低誤報率並簡化調查過程
- 文章 Mobile payments, smurfs and emerging threatsM-payment remittances are replacing traditional banks and money services that have historically charged high fees for small transfers. Former US Treasury Special Agent John Cassara maps what he sees in the road ahead and gives advice for protecting your firm.
- 文章 Rethink customer due diligenceTo streamline compliance and protect against financial and regulatory risk, re-examine your customer due diligence processes and technologies regularly. With new analytical tools, you can monitor customer transactions or personal information in real time, and accurately segment customers by the risk they represent.
- 白皮書 Rethinking customer due diligenceHelp evaluate your organization's CDD processes and technology relative to current industry risks and regulatory requirements.
- 電子書 Fight money laundering with these 5 next-gen game changers from SASEffectively battling dynamic financial crime threats requires new capabilities for AML defense – such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, intelligent automation and advanced visualization.
- 白皮書 How AI and Machine Learning Are Redefining Anti-Money LaunderingMachine learning can play a big role in the defense against money laundering, either to automate tasks that formerly required human intervention, such as managing the data to train models, or detect more financial crimes risk that rules and more basic analytic techniques might miss.
- 白皮書 AI Is at the Forefront of Reducing Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism See how artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and robotic process automation (RPA) are helping firms overcome the challenges, improve results and make AML/CFT programs more efficient and effective.
- 白皮書 AML ModernizationThis white paper explores current organizational challenges, outlines the benefits of new AML technology adoption, and identifies how to embark on a journey of discovery and modernization.