Take control of your advertising using analytics to quickly update your digital advertising ecosystem.

Change your advertiser’s expectations, add value with stories derived from data, and reduce friction with narrow, accurate forecasting.

Analytic ad server

Lets you create individualized customer experiences. Activate data and analytics from multiple sources across different channels to serve dynamic, real-time creative. Connection framework supports in-session analytics or data. Create targeted custom segments and communications while adhering to consumer preferences and privacy requirements.

Framework for growth

Provides tools and built-in solutions to help you manage direct sales, create a custom data integration, connect to monetization partners and more. Is supported by many DMPs and integrates with top SSPs. Open APIs ease data import and file retrieval.

Privacy by design

Lets you put consumer desires front and center. Opt out, forget me and other privacy preferences are easy to implement and manage throughout the ad-serving chain. Manage external data sets with short-term external IDs. Activate tracking pixels in a proxy solution to prevent data leakage and risk.

Fluent in video

Lets you deploy our proven complex decisioning engines at scale. Translate business priority, audience and clash categories into a seamless process that supports selection and delivery for the most demanding users from programmatic and direct-sold sources.


Combine business models and priority to your ad products. Use our transparent system to preview the decisioning process and verify data integrations. Quickly understand why a specific ad is serving. Our Q&A tools also include spot preview that supports multiunit ads and tear sheets.

Adapt quickly to changes in the market and customer needs. Find out fast what succeeds and what fails so you can take control of your business ecosystem.

Improve your bottom line with digital endcapping.

Bring new revenue to your site by enabling other brands to offer their products or services and present highly relevant offers to your customers. Manage this process with our internal sales tool for IO generation, and develop sophisticated ad packages to retarget and personalize media.

Adopt an open monetization framework.

Seamlessly blend programmatic bids from multiple exchanges to compete with directly sold inventory and products. Our second auction server-to-server process quickly selects a winner from a diversity of programmatic bids, giving you more exacting control over how bids from PMP, open auction and directly sold sources compete. Bids are solicited across sizes and SSPs in parallel. You can select the winner based on your preferences. Our built-in prebid server adapter enables you to control your second auction in your solution.

Use a solution that's proven at scale.

Broadcasters have used SAS 360 Match to tune their services to their audiences. We have helped customers generate targeted advertising for large events, such as the FIFA World Cup and the British reality show Love Island and to support catch-up viewing with variable ad break length for different viewers. We seamlessly plug into transcoding, ad stitching services and billing systems.

This project has been a massive advance for REA. This was a unique business challenge that, without SAS' solution and consultants' expertise, would have been placed in the 'too hard' basket. REA Group logo Duncan Procter Executive Manager, Technical Operations & Ad Operations REA Group

Explore More on SAS® 360 Match and Beyond



Learn how MAFRA, one of the strongest media companies in the Czech Republic, uses SAS 360 Match to grow its business.


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Find out how Czech News Center uses SAS 360 Match to be more competitive.


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Discover why Internet Info, online media publisher and organizer of expert conferences, uses SAS 360 Match.


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