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2024 年 Gartner® 資料科學和機器學習魔力象限™
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- 部落格文章
- 電子書
- 電子書 Data-driven health care
- 白皮書 Data and AI Present Significant Opportunities for Social Benefits Systems
- 白皮書 Revealing the paths to 2040: global insurance survey report
- 電子書 5 Tips for Using GenAI to Improve Customer Experience
- 電子書 How to govern your AI strategy in a highly regulated world
- 白皮書 Boosting Tax Agency Productivity and Protection with AI and Generative AI
- 電子書 Your journey to a GenAI future: A strategic path to success in health care
- 電子書 Your journey to a GenAI future: A strategic path to success in life sciences and pharma
- 分析報告 IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Machine Learning Operations Platforms 2024
- 白皮書 Revealing the paths to 2040: four possible scenarios for insurance
- 電子書 A Comprehensive Approach to Trustworthy Data and AI Governance
- 電子書 Five reasons developers hit a productivity wall – and what to do about it
- 電子書 Your journey to a GenAI future: An insurer’s strategic path to success
- 電子書 Your journey to a GenAI future: A strategic path to success for government
- 白皮書 Solving the public services productivity puzzle
- 電子書 Marketers and GenAI: Diving Into the Shallow End
- 分析報告 ARC View: Industrial-grade AI: Transforming Data into Insights and Outcomes
- 電子書 Public service of the future
- 分析報告 SAS is a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: AI / ML Platforms, Q3 2024
- 分析報告 IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Decision Intelligence 2024
- 電子書 On the Road to Accelerating Claims Automation
- 白皮書 Pioneering Ethical AI: The Crucial Role of Property and Casualty Insurers
- 電子書 Intelligent decisioning in government
- 電子書 Government navigating an uncertain world
- 白皮書 Generative AI in Health Care: Opportunities and Cautions
- 白皮書 How to realize value from cloud analytics faster — and with less cost and risk
- 白皮書 Top 5 insurance problems – and AI isn’t one of them
- 電子書 Detect and halt risky payments across the life sciences supply chain
- 文章 What are AI hallucinations?
- 電子書 The insurance data and AI revolution
- 文章 What are chatbots?
- 客戶案例 Specialist bank accelerates digital transformation with cloud migration
- 分析報告 Gartner® Top Strategic Technology Trends for 2024: AI Trust, Risk and Security Management
- 客戶案例 Jakarta Smart City uses IoT analytics to better serve residents
- 客戶案例 法國橄欖球國家隊透過 AI 和資料分析提高表現
- 文章 4 strategies that will change your approach to fraud detection
- 客戶案例 Managing Dutch roads and waterways with intelligence
- 客戶案例 客戶案例 Advanced analytics helps policymakers determine how new tax measures would affect citizens
- 分析報告 SAS 在 Forrester Wave™ 2023 年第二季度 AI 決策平台報告中被評為領導者。
- 分析報告 SAS Inside Intelligence 2023 Conference
- 客戶案例 Modern, real-time marketing increases customer loyalty and revenue for property management company and its retail tenants
- 客戶案例 Taking the guesswork out of production planning
- 客戶案例 Advanced analytics in the cloud helps international biopharmaceutical group enhance operations and efficiency
- 文章 Analytics leads to lifesaving cancer therapies
- 分析報告 IDC MarketScape: Worldwide MLOPs Platforms 2022 Vendor Assessment
- 分析報告 IDC Spotlight: Looking Beyond the AI Model to Improve the Value of Computer Vision in Manufacturing Operations
- 分析報告 SAS is a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Digital Intelligence Platforms, Q4 2022
- 客戶案例 Just add data: How data and technology — paired with a human touch — create a sustainable and quality culinary experience
- 分析報告 Artificial Intelligence In Retail: What Now?
- 客戶案例 Improving data collection and modeling to accelerate predictive medicine efforts
- 客戶案例 Making buildings – and business – more secure with analytics and AI
- 分析報告 SAS Explore 2022 Review and Analysis
- 分析報告 Advanced Analytics Excellence In Discrete Manufacturing
- 分析報告 IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Responsible Artificial Intelligence for Integrated Financial Crime Management Platforms 2022 Vendor Assessment
- 文章 Analytics: A must-have tool for leading the fight on prescription and illicit drug addiction
- 客戶案例 It’s all in the research: Using AI to solve issues in health care
- 分析報告 dbInsight: SAS Viya is living large on Azure
- 分析報告 Matrix: Leading Fraud & AML Machine Learning Platforms
- 客戶案例 Building reliability in risk
- 文章 Detect and prevent banking application fraud
- 客戶案例 Finland’s top retail bank applies AI to improve customer service and credit scoring
- 客戶案例 Transformation of the National Bank of Greece with SAS Viya on Microsoft Azure
- 客戶案例 Real-time analytics helps telecom provider adapt to changing customer needs during global pandemic and beyond
- 客戶案例 Transforming steelmaking through IoT analytics
- 客戶案例 Transforming the consumer banking experience through advanced analytics
- 客戶案例 Predictive analytics helps save lives during COVID-19 pandemic
- 客戶案例 Predictive analytics empowers bank to act quickly with confidence
- 客戶案例 Building a culture of analytics empowers university to lead as an educational enterprise
- 客戶案例 Advanced analytics empowers businesses with data-driven decisions
- 客戶案例 Travel and tourism forecasts become more accurate with analytics
- 客戶案例 智慧城市利用IoT與分析,預測及管理洪災問題
- 文章 5 ways to measure beehive health with analytics and hive-streaming data
- 客戶案例 World’s largest sports and humanitarian event builds legacy of inclusion with data-driven technology
- 客戶案例 Revolutionizing marketing campaigns with AI
- 客戶案例 Manufacturing smarter, safer vehicles with analytics
- 文章 As AI accelerates, focus on 'road' conditions
- 文章 AI in government: The path to adoption and deployment
- 客戶案例 A model of institutional research champions the value of analytics for all
- 文章 From Apollo to AI: A new era of American exploration
- 文章 The untapped potential in unstructured text
- 文章 AI in manufacturing: New opportunities for IT and operations
- 文章 半導體供應鏈全球布局:SAS 助力台灣企業強化 AI 數據治理與供應鏈韌性
- 客戶案例 Predictive analytics and AI deliver a winning fan experience
- 文章 The Humanity in Artificial Intelligence
- 客戶案例 Forecasting accuracy brings ‘new energy’ to Cameroon
- 客戶案例 Artificial intelligence and IoT analytics keep aircraft operational for crucial missions
- 電子書 5 Steps to Accelerate Value From Your Industrial IoT Data
- 文章 How AI and advanced analytics are impacting the financial services industry
- 文章 AI in banking: Survey reveals factors for success
- 客戶案例 透過機器學習尋找最佳客戶
- 文章 Data lineage: Making artificial intelligence smarter
- 文章 How to drill a better hole with analytics
- 客戶案例 Advanced analytics can detect and prevent insurance fraud before losses occur
- 白皮書 The Artificial Intelligence of Things
- 客戶案例 客戶案例 物聯網數據結合人工智慧成功減少停機時間,協助貨車車隊持續運行
- 白皮書 Adopting AI: Strategic Takes on AI Adoption
- 白皮書 Adopting AI: Industry Perspectives
- 白皮書 Adopting AI: The Impacts of AI on Management
- 白皮書 Adopting AI: Linchpins of AI Success - Data Scientists and Their Algorithms
- 客戶案例 數位零售商藉由分析囊括銷售記錄
- 白皮書 AI Momentum, Maturity and Models for Success
- 文章 Shut the front door on insurance application fraud!
- 白皮書 The 3 R’s of AI Adoption: Refactor, Reinvent, Reimagine
- 文章 A guide to machine learning algorithms and their applications
- 白皮書 The Machine Learning Landscape
- 白皮書 Data Management for Artificial Intelligence
- 文章 GDPR and AI: Friends, foes or something in between?
- 客戶案例 Using artificial intelligence to better engage with customers
- 白皮書 Artificial Intelligence for Executives
- 白皮書 Machine Learning Use Cases in Financial Crimes
- 文章 Wanted: AI leaders
- 文章 Machine learning and artificial intelligence in a brave new world
- 白皮書 Machine Learning With SAS® Enterprise Miner™
- 文章 3 steps for AI ethics
- 研究 Nerd in the herd: protecting elephants with data science
- 白皮書 How to Do Deep Learning With SAS®
- 文章 What do drones, AI and proactive policing have in common?
- 文章 您的AI還在沙盒裡嗎? 那些說已獲AI成效的企業做了什麼?
- 文章 台灣製造業再戰 10 年新標配:AIoT 如何助力工廠從自動化邁向智慧化
- 文章 迎向開放銀行第三階段,佈局「智慧中台」實現場景金融
- 文章 趨勢觀察/保險業接軌IFRS17 把握數位轉型契機
- 文章 AI如何改寫保險業機遇?迎向2030年保險業未來趨勢
- 文章 線下轉線上,企業的極速轉型!
- 文章 後Cookie時代,以AI打造「客戶決策平台」追緊消費者足跡
- 文章 疫情再襲零售業的備戰之道:如何提高需求預測準確度?
- 文章 為何已導入 AI,營運效率還是 NG?讓 AI 上雲提升企業數位韌性
- 文章 資料科學家還在自己做資料清理與特徵工程?怎麼不讓 AutoML 來幫你!
- 文章 大和證券活用SAS AI科技 強化營業提案能力
- 文章 反洗錢大作戰,看AI如何助攻!
- 白皮書 The Risks and Rewards of AI
- 白皮書 Machine learning and artificial intelligence in a brave new world
- 文章 How to improve your AI marketing skills
- 文章 AI marketing: What does the future hold?
- 文章 2018年技術趨勢的兩大共性
- 文章 Fraud detection and machine learning: What you need to know
- 白皮書 Advanced Analytics: Moving Toward AI, Machine Learning, and Natural Language Processing
- 文章 Artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning and more
- 白皮書 Statistics and Machine Learning at Scale
- 客戶案例 Analytics turns service repair data into cost savings
- 文章 Machine learning for beginners and beyond
- 白皮書 TDWI Navigator Report: Predictive Analytics
- 文章 不用說,我都能懂!「機器學習」給零售業的新解方
- 白皮書 Redefine Your Analytics Journey With Interactive Data Exploration and Predictive Analytics
- 文章 5 machine learning mistakes and how to avoid them
- 白皮書 The Next Analytics Age: Machine Learning
- 文章 Student lands dream job with help from SAS
- 文章 When it matters: Safeguarding your organization from the inside
- 白皮書 Improve Customer Experience with Actionable Artificial Intelligence
- 文章 An executive’s guide to cognitive computing
- 客戶案例 University uses analytics to ensure student success
- 文章 Exploring the sun with big data
- 文章 Stopping the Zika virus: The potential of big data, analytics
- 文章 Applying machine learning to IoT data
- 文章 Your personal data scientist
- 客戶案例 Conservation efforts take flight with analytics
- 文章 Introduction to machine learning: Five things the quants wish we knew
- 客戶案例 Child support agency uses analytics to provide better options for parents
- 客戶案例 Knowing the who, informs the what
- 客戶案例 Building a decision support system
- 白皮書 Combining Robotic Process Automation and Machine Learning
- 電子書 The Innovator's Flight Plan to AI
- 電子書 Augmented Analytics: The secret ingredient to better business intelligence
- 白皮書 The Autonomous Grid in the Age of the Artificial Intelligence of Things
- 電子書 Fearless Decision?
- 白皮書 Artificial Intelligence in Banking and Risk Management
- 白皮書 AI Momentum, Maturity & Models for Success: Focus on Singapore
- 電子書 How to Take AI Projects From Start to Win
- 白皮書 Data, Analytics & AI: How Trust Delivers Value
- 電子書 Accelerate and improve business outcomes with AIoT
- 白皮書 TDWI Checklist Report Six Best Practices to Ignite the Customer Experience with IoT
- 電子書 Formidable Forecasts
- 白皮書 AIOT: How IoT Leaders Are Breaking Away (IDC Market Report / AIoT Survey 2019)
- 電子書 Powering Health Innovation with AI
- 白皮書 AI for the CIO: 10 Tips for Success
- 白皮書 How AI Changes the Rules
- 網路研討會 AI in Health Care: Enhance Clinical and Operational Decision Making
Gartner,資料科學和機器學習平台魔力象限,Afraz Jaffri、Aura Popa、Peter Krensky、Jim Hare、Raghvender Bhati、Maryam Hassanlou、Tong Zhang,2024 年 6 月 17 日。
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