The Forrester Wave™: Customer Analytics Technologies, Q2 2024
SAS helps organizations accelerate and monetize their marketing efforts with the power of a best-in-class customer analytics solution.
Reference customers uniformly expressed that they are extremely satisfied with SAS and praised the vendor’s ability to deliver value quickly. Data rich enterprises with strong analytical resources should consider SAS to turbocharge their customer insights."![]()
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- 白皮書 Rethinking risk: Smarter models, better decisions
- 分析報告 SAS is a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Cross-Channel Marketing Hubs, Q4 2024
- 電子書 Real-Time Hyperpersonalization in Hospitality
- 白皮書 Navigating the uncertain world of third-party cookies
- 電子書 The insurance data and AI revolution
- 分析報告 SAS is a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Real-Time Interaction Management, Q1 2024
- 白皮書 Creating Meaningful Data-driven Customer Journeys
- 電子書 Personalized advertising that you control
- 白皮書 Improving HCP Engagement with Digital Analytics
- 分析報告 SAS 在 Forrester Wave™ 2023 年第二季度 AI 決策平台報告中被評為領導者。
- 電子書 Cracking Tomorrow's CX Code
- 白皮書 Retail bank media networks: Monetize customer data with personalized offers and advertising
- 電子書 The Path to a Single Customer View
- 客戶案例 Modern, real-time marketing increases customer loyalty and revenue for property management company and its retail tenants
- 客戶案例 Predicting real-time insurance needs with hyperpersonalization
- 客戶案例 Voetbalmedia uses martech from SAS to better engage with 1.4 million football players and enthusiasts
- 白皮書 Cracking Tomorrow's CX Code
- 分析報告 SAS is a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Digital Intelligence Platforms, Q4 2022
- 白皮書 Banking in 2035: global banking survey report
- 白皮書 Banking in 2035: three possible futures
- 白皮書 Maximizing Moments of Truth: Creating Meaningful Real-Time Customer Interactions
- 客戶案例 Protecting nature with dollars and sense
- 客戶案例 Workplace solutions retailer creates compelling customer experience via data-driven marketing
- 客戶案例 Integrated marketing improves results for marketers and customers
- 客戶案例 A customer connection is the special ingredient
- 客戶案例 Finland’s top retail bank applies AI to improve customer service and credit scoring
- 客戶案例 Real-time analytics helps telecom provider adapt to changing customer needs during global pandemic and beyond
- 客戶案例 Maximizing the reach and impact of an eHealth hub
- 客戶案例 Complex telco product portfolio, maximum agility thanks to intelligent decisioning
- 客戶案例 Reaching 3.6 million football fans via comprehensive marketing analytics
- 客戶案例 Swiss financial institution uses advanced analytics to reimagine marketing and personalize customer experiences
- 文章 The 5 new rules of retail
- 文章 3 ways to rethink retail forecasting and demand planning
- 文章 Reimagine marketing: Today, tomorrow and in times of disruption
- 分析報告 The Total Economic Impact Of SAS Customer Intelligence 360
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- 文章 Effective real-time marketing
- 白皮書 Real-Time Analytics: The Key to Unlocking Customer Insights & Driving the Customer Experience
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- 文章 Three ways to improve real time marketing results
- 白皮書 Analytics Accelerates Monetization Opportunities for Connected Vehicle and Mobility Services
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- 文章 Customer journey analytics goes mainstream
- 白皮書 Using Data to Create Outcome-Based Customer Experiences
- 白皮書 The Internet of Things: Marketing’s Opportunities and Challenges
- 白皮書 Power your digital transformation with guided analytics
- 電子書 How Customer Intelligence Is Energizing the Utilities Industry
- 白皮書 Using Big Data to Enable the Omnichannel Retail Experience
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- 白皮書 Improve Customer Experience with Actionable Artificial Intelligence
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- 白皮書 Redefining Brand Performance for the 21st Century
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- 文章 Linking data to the customer journey
- 文章 Putting you at the frontier of the fan experience
- 白皮書 Data Elevates the Customer Experience
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- 文章 The marketer's dream: Harmonic convergence
- 文章 Customer segmentation for the new digital experience
- 訪問 Using data to control unruly hotel pricing
- 訪問 Q&A: What's your level of digital marketing maturity?
- 訪問 How do you know if you’re ready for Hadoop?
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- 文章 The modern marketing leader: Is your CMO ready?
- 文章 Customer loyalty in a digital world: A new approach
- 文章 Four multichannel marketing strategies that deliver exceptional customer experiences
- 文章 Marketing measurement do's and don'ts
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- 白皮書 The Architecture and Security of SAS® Marketing Operations Management
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- 白皮書 Customer Engagement Analytics: How to Use Data to Create (and Keep) Happy Customers
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- 文章 The digitization of everything – its impact on the buyer’s journey and marketing’s role
- 文章 A lesson in customer service from Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy
- 分析報告 白皮書 Marketing Analytics for Manufacturing: Forging Customer Insights
- 電子書 Brilliant decision?
- 白皮書 SAS - Hospitality Provider
- 白皮書 AI and analytics are powering a demand planning and customer experience revolution
- 電子書 Planning For CDP Success: A guided journey for choosing a customer data platform
- 白皮書 Where does marketing stop and advertising begin?
- 電子書 In-the-Moment Marketing
- 電子書 Strategic Marketing: From aspirational to exceptional customer experience
- 電子書 Retail Experimentation: The New Fundamentals
- 白皮書 Experience 2030. The Future of Customer Experience is... NOW!
- 白皮書 TDWI Checklist Report Six Best Practices to Ignite the Customer Experience with IoT
- 電子書 Operational Marketing: From Hard Work to Heroic Performance
- 白皮書 SAS Experience 2030
- 電子書 The Secrets of Delivering Exceptional Customer Experience
- 白皮書 Experience Evolution: Staying Ahead of Customer Expectations Through 2030 and Beyond
- 白皮書 Experience 2030: Pulse Report
- 電子書 Customer experience - now and into the future
- 白皮書 Delivering Experiences That Win Business and Build Loyalty
- 網路研討會 Real-Time Decision Manager
- 網路研討會 Data and AI: Accelerators of Banking CX
- 客戶案例 Hyper-personalized offers help consumer finance company elevate the customer experience
- 客戶案例 InShared moves towards an integrated omnichannel marketing approach with SAS Customer Intelligence solution
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