Free workshops designed to empower educators and students
Learn something new or level up existing skills.
Free workshops for professors and students
Whether you’re an educator looking to sharpen your skills and teach SAS or a student eager to develop in-demand skills, our interactive workshops offer everything you need.
Learn how to get the best out of SAS and into your classroom.
Benefits for All Attendees
- Free sessions throughout the year. We keep your time and budget constraints in mind by providing free sessions of varying lengths that accommodate your academic schedule.
- Training on a variety of topics. From predictive modeling to machine learning, you’ll stay on top of the latest technologies and learn today's most valuable skills.
- Instructor interaction. Our live web courses offer all the benefits of classroom training without leaving your home or office. Interact with instructors who are industry experts.
Exclusive Benefits for Educators
- Free course materials. You’ll get PowerPoint slides, course notes and data sets you can use in your own classroom. Access resources via the SAS Educator Portal.
- Curriculum assistance. We'll help you develop both graduate and undergraduate courses. Plans are intended to encompass one semester of teaching (equivalent to four credit hours; three lecture hours per week plus a weekly lab).
How to Register to the free workshops:
Choose your workshop and enroll
- Every workshop enrollment opens in a new tab so you can add additional workshops if needed.
- Be sure workshop selections do not overlap as there are simultaneous tracks.
Sign in with your SAS profile
- Your SAS profile must use your academic email to process your registration and access course materials in SAS Skill Builder for Students or the SAS Educator Portal.
- Priority is given to first-time registrants, so seats are not guaranteed.
- Courses fill quickly, but new workshops are added regularly.
Save the date and join us in class
- Upon checkout, look for an email that confirms processing of your registration request.
- Next, you'll get an email notifying you that you're enrolled in a course, or waitlisted.
- If you're waitlisted, a follow-up email will confirm when a seat is available, moving you from waitlisted to enrolled.
More Educator Resources
Contact us: academic@sas.com | Call +1-800-727-0025