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- The 5 new rules of retailThere is good news for retailers. Analytics can help overcome some of the effects of disruption, allowing retailers to move from long-term seasonal forecasting to more agile planning.
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- Reimagine marketing: Today, tomorrow and in times of disruptionPutting the customer first has never been more important than it is now. One way marketers can prepare for the new reality is to look at each step in the marketing process (the marketing lifecycle) and map martech capabilities into the lifecycle, based on what you are trying to accomplish with each step.
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- Data and the customer experienceCustomer experiences are better when they are backed by a deep customer profiles based on a wide range of data and driven by the latest analytical technologies that enable real-time engagement.
- 線下轉線上,企業的極速轉型!對有實體店面的零售業、餐廳及銀行分行來說,從線下轉到線上數位通路的經營是唯一的出路。然而經營數位通路絕非只是在 Google 或臉書下廣告就能創造營收,如何在流量導引到自家網站後,即時分析客戶行為,依照喜好給予最佳商品推薦,才是創造下單成交的關鍵。
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- 大和證券活用SAS AI科技 強化營業提案能力商品購買率提升2.7倍證券EBM更上一層樓。日本大和證券為了活用AI等科技強化提案能力並提升業務效率,設立了AI推動處。另外透過活用SAS系統,實現了根據客戶分析結果提供業務員最佳行動方案。
- How to improve your AI marketing skillsMarketing teams can use current AI capabilities to enhance their efforts around campaign automation, dynamic pricing based on forecasting models, and by providing more relevant, real-time customer offers.
- Building confidence in your customer experienceForbes Insights surveyed more than 350 leaders at large organizations to determine how they are using data and analytics to power the customer experience.
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