How IT Executives Use SAS®

Drive superior customer experiences, operational agility and smarter use of resources by leveraging  AI and analytics solutions.

Unlock value from digital transformation and empower end users to develop, run and execute in a cloud, at the edge, on-premises or in a hybrid environment. 

Change perception and build IT's credibility as a business value creator and innovator across the company.

Featured Customer | SDC

Money laundering through banks by organized criminals is a growing global concern. As a result, banks are facing increasing regulatory pressure at both the local and international levels. With the help of SAS, SDC enables small and medium financial institutions in four Nordic countries to stay compliant

We are really one of the first technology partners in the world that can provide smaller banks the quality of anti-money laundering surveillance that only the largest players in the financial market would otherwise be able to muster. Susan Moos Business Analyst & Developer SDC

SDC Facts & Figures


financial institutions



3.6 million


Recommended Resources for IT Executives



SAS is the only vendor named a Leader in the Magic Quadrant for Data Science and Machine Learning Platforms for all eight years of its existence.


Read report



The State of Digital Transformation (DX) for SMBs: Your Five Steps to DX Success


Read white paper



Digital Transformation: Lessons Learned From Your SMB Peers


Watch webinar

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