Featured White Papers & E-Books
Machine Learning and AI in a Brave New World
Machine learning in the last few decades has given way to an AI revolution. As the amount of data produced continues to scale, use of algorithms enables faster computational understanding to create new opportunities for innovation. From self-driving cars to virtual assistants, the possibilities for these developing technologies are endless.
Making Sense of AI.
Creating a cooperative AI environment in which man and machine work seamlessly together takes more than a smart machine. Deploying smart systems in ways we humans find natural and intuitive is both science and the art. This e-book explores the current boundaries of AI, as well as the many ways that modern AI applications can improve our understanding of the world and enable us to make better, faster decisions.
- Challenges in the Effective Use of Master Data Management Techniques
- Data Management and Solvency II A critical partnership
- Data Management: A Unified Approach Effective, unified data management strategies depend on IT and business users working together
- Hadoop for the Enterprise: Making Data Management Massively Scalable, Agile, Feature-Rich, and Cost-Effective A TDWI Best Practices Report
- AI 如何改变规则 智能组织的新需求
- BI, Analytics, and the Cloud Strategies for Business Agility
- Building an Analytics Culture A Best Practices Guide
- Doing good with government data Improving health, protecting the vulnerable, preventing fraud – and more
- Forecast Value Added Analysis: Step-by-Step
- IT 成功的秘诀?实现选择和控制 利用覆盖分析生命周期各个环节的集成平台来筹划您的工作
- SAS®加入开放式生态系统 统一化的平台如何融合多样化的数据和分析,为您的组织创造巨大价值
- The Analytics Mandate As analytics becomes a common path to business value, many companies are changing how they make decisions, operate and strategize
- The Best Price for the Most Revenue A global life-cycle management strategy should be baked into a drug's initial price at launch
- The Soft Grid 2013 - 2020 Big Data & Utility Analytics for Smart Grid
- 云重构分析
- 创新:从数据到业务 同行的见解,帮助您领略分析驱动的创新之旅。
- 如何更快地实现云分析的价值,同时降低成本和风险 一项由 408 位业务和 IT 领导者参与的全球调查发现,他们目前很难通过将分析工作负载迁移到云端来获得投资回报,但未来有望实现。
- 政府应对充满不确定性的世界
- 开拓合乎伦理的 AI:财产与意外伤害保险公司的关键作用
- 数据、分析和人工智能 (AI):信任如何实现 Value 年度《数据和分析全球执行研究》的结论
- 物联人工智能 从智能互联设备到人工智能的事物、服务和体验。
- 领导能力与大数据创新 A Harvard Business Review Key Learning Summary
- 2035 年银行业展望:三种未来
- 2035 年银行业展望:全球银行业调查报告
- Accelerating Solvency II Compliance with SAS Building the bridge to competitive advantage
- Data Management and Solvency II A critical partnership
- Insurers: Are You Ready for IFRS 17? The January 2021 compliance deadline seems a long way out, but savvy insurers are acting now. Find out why, and the top 10 things to look for in an IFRS 17 solution.
- 云计算助您脱离风险之地 超负荷风险成为弥漫在银行风险模型上的阴云。利用云计算做到先人一步。
- A Road Less Traveled The Transformational Path to Becoming an Analytic Insurer
- Data Management and Solvency II A critical partnership
- Insurers: Are You Ready for IFRS 17? The January 2021 compliance deadline seems a long way out, but savvy insurers are acting now. Find out why, and the top 10 things to look for in an IFRS 17 solution.
- The Business Value of Social Media in Insurance Leveraging Analytics Across the Enterprise
- The Insurance Fraud Race Using Information and Analytics to Stay Ahead of Criminals
- 加速推进索赔自动化 保险公司如何提供以客户为中心的索赔流程。
- A New Dimension in Institutional Reporting Business intelligence tools enable multidimensional reporting of enrollment and degree data for the University of Central Florida
- A Road Less Traveled The Transformational Path to Becoming an Analytic Insurer
- Accelerating Solvency II Compliance with SAS Building the bridge to competitive advantage
- Empowering Grocers: Using Retail Analytics to Engage Customers How Shoppers Insight Cement Long-Term Loyalty Through Optimization and Forecasting
- Empowering Life Sciences with Secure, Accessible Information Navigating new business models, new partnerships and new strategies to improve operational efficiencies
- Insurers: Are You Ready for IFRS 17? The January 2021 compliance deadline seems a long way out, but savvy insurers are acting now. Find out why, and the top 10 things to look for in an IFRS 17 solution.
- Integrating Sustainability into Supply Risk Management Best practices to improve supplier performance and reduce supply chain risk
- The Analytics Mandate As analytics becomes a common path to business value, many companies are changing how they make decisions, operate and strategize
- The Best Price for the Most Revenue A global life-cycle management strategy should be baked into a drug's initial price at launch
- The Business of Sustainability: What It Means to Managers Now Results and insights from the first annual MIT Sloan Management Review Global Sustainability Survey