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- 白皮书 Enabling data and analytics in the cloudRunning analytics software in the cloud can vastly simplify the deployment, maintenance and adoption of analytics across the enterprise. But it does add another level of complexity to operations – complexity that must be managed by experts.
- 电子书 Empower your analytics in the cloudFive use cases for using SAS® Viya® on Microsoft Azure.
- 客户案例 French national rugby team boosts performance with AI and analyticsThe French Rugby Federation counts on intelligence gleaned from SAS Viya on Microsoft Azure to guide coaching decisions and enhance player performance.
- 白皮书 The balance sheet risk conundrumHow SAS and Microsoft are modernizing asset liability management and liquidity risk management in turbulent times.
- 客户案例 Advanced analytics in the cloud helps international biopharmaceutical group enhance operations and efficiencyChiesi Group uses SAS Viya on SAS Cloud hosted on Microsoft Azure to analyze information in a collaborative platform, streamline processes and efficiently deliver trial results to regulatory authorities.
- 分析报告 SAS Explore 2022 Review and AnalysisThis IDC Link focuses on several SAS announcements supporting faster time-to-value for AI/ML model-driven businesses.
- 白皮书 Hosted managed services for SAS® technologySAS provides hosted managed services designed to provide faster and easier deployment options for SAS technologies. This white paper reviews the fundamentals of this capability.
- 文章 Viking transforms its analytics strategy using SAS® Viya® on AzureViking is going all-in on cloud-based analytics to stay competitive and meet customer needs. The retailer's digital transformation are designed to optimize processes and boost customer loyalty and revenue across channels.
- 客户案例 Fintech company’s rapid growth leads to consistent cloud strategyauxmoney saves resources, gains flexibility and scalability with risk management in the SAS Cloud hosted on Microsoft Azure.
- 分析报告 dbInsight: SAS Viya is living large on AzureLearn how Azure provides the onramp to a new customer base to take advantage of SAS capabilities without having to make big enterprise software commitments.
- 白皮书 Outrunning risk with cloudBy employing cloud-based risk modeling and decisioning capabilities, banks can make faster, more sophisticated risk calculations that keep them one step ahead of existing and emerging threats.
- 客户案例 Finland’s top retail bank applies AI to improve customer service and credit scoringS-Bank provides better customer service and faster, more accurate loan processing time using SAS Viya on Azure.
- 客户案例 Transformation of the National Bank of Greece with SAS Viya on Microsoft AzureLeading Greek financial institution pursues digital transformation backed by advanced analytics to become the bank of choice for businesses and private individuals.
- 客户案例 Analytics helps ensure fair and balanced pay structures across Sweden’s public sectorTietoEVRY and SAS partner to help Sweden's largest employer organization, Adda, offer a nationally aggregated salary planning tool for municipalities and regions across the country.
- 电子书 5 Steps to Accelerate Value From Your Industrial IoT Data This e-book features five steps industrial leaders can follow to get more value from IIoT data. It describes how to craft a comprehensive IIoT strategy, what to look for in an edge-to-enterprise analytics solution, and how to evaluate IIoT solutions.
- 文章 The future of IoT: On the edgeFrom cows to factory floors, the IoT promises intriguing opportunities for business. Find out how three experts envision the future of IoT.
- 白皮书 Using Big Data to Enable the Omnichannel Retail ExperienceAs trends in consumer buying patterns continue to evolve, retailers need solutions that can derive deep data analytic insights to provide a more sophisticated, centralized view of their customers’ preferences and buying journeys.
- 白皮书 Combining Robotic Process Automation and Machine LearningLearn how you can make robotic process automation smart by adding machine learning to it.
- 白皮书 SAS® Analytics on Azure: Four Steps to Success with the Cloud Adoption FrameworkTransform your business with SAS® Viya® on Azure. Learn about the four key steps to success as organizations work to harness, access, understand and lead with big data and artificial intelligence to become top performers in their market.
- 电子书 The New Analytics EcosystemMany organizations are struggling to evolve their current analytics ecosystem, with disparate groups working across multiple technologies and tools. We surveyed more than 1,000 organizations to determine their level of adoption of technology to evolve their analytics ecosystem. In this e-book, you’ll learn the results of our survey and the three approaches to analytics that deserve your attention
- 白皮书 SAS and Microsoft: Shaping the future of AI and analytics in the cloudLearn how SAS and Microsoft are establishing an integrated, cloud-native analytics and AI platform; accelerating analytics life cycle activities; and embedding analytics into Microsoft Excel and Power Platform.
- 电子书 Discovering new possibilities with SAS Viya on Microsoft AzureSAS Viya on Microsoft Azure delivers powerful, easy-to-use analytics that incorporate open source and SAS algorithms on a scalable, easy-to-deploy environment.
- 电子书 Reimagine Analytics in the Cloud With SAS and Microsoft AzureMigrating analytics to the cloud can open the door for powerful capabilities like solving your most intractable problems, making the best decisions possible, and unearthing opportunities you would otherwise miss.
- 白皮书 The Total Economic Impact™ of SAS® Viya® on AzureA Forrester Total Economic Impact Study on the cost savings and business benefits enabled by SAS Viya on Azure.
- 白皮书 ModelOps with SAS and MicrosoftThis paper explores how SAS and Microsoft have built integrations between SAS Model Manager and Microsoft Azure Machine Learning.
- 白皮书 Overheard: 5 Questions IT leaders are really asking about SAS® and Microsoft AzureHow does SAS Viya work on the cloud – and on Microsoft Azure in particular? Get answers to five of the most frequently asked questions so you can you reach the right decision for your organization faster.
- 电子书 Delivering Insight and Innovation With SAS® Viya® on Microsoft AzureData analytics can only drive success if it enables intelligent decision making. A cloud-based analytics platform can provide the agility to experiment quickly to generate fast insights from data. This e-book shows how organizations can use advanced analytics in the cloud.
- 白皮书 TDWI Checklist Report | Bring Your Analytics Investments into the Cloud-Native World: Key Best PracticesLearn three best practices for migrating enterprise data analytics investments to the emerging cloud-native world of distributed containerized applications.
- 电子书 Powering Health Innovation with AIThere is no doubt: AI has the potential to transform health care. The most recent SAS Hackathon showcased how the transformative power of analytics can spark health care innovation. The Hackathon was entirely conducted on a Microsoft Azure cloud infrastructure to facilitate the agile analysis and visualization of big data.
- 白皮书 IT Leaders Weigh Strategies and Challenges Around Analytics and the CloudDiscover how IT leaders spanning industries are thinking about the challenges in managing analytics in the cloud.
- 电子书 Data scientists use SAS Viya on Microsoft Azure to develop big innovationsThis e-book features top solutions showcasing how global Hackathon teams used SAS Viya on Microsoft Azure to develop innovative approaches that save time, money, and entire ecosystems, such as the world's coral reefs.