SAS Analytics Pro 和 SAS Analytics Pro Advanced Programming
高度灵活的可扩展 4GL,语法简单易学,包括数百种支持编程的语言元素和功能,例如数据提取、格式化和清理、数据分析、报告和信息存储。
强大的 SAS 分析带来的高级统计分析
在基于 Web 的环境中预先构建的现成过程库
使用各种业务图表和 3D 关系图,直观展示您的想法和发现。
SAS Analytics Pro Advanced Programming 提供了各种其他高级统计技术,用于评估质量、处理时间序列数据,以及进行线性和非线性优化。
SAS® Analytics Pro 推荐资源
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- 网络研讨会
- Solution Brief
- 播客
- 播客系列
- 白皮书 Seven trends that will transform banking
- 网络研讨会 Mapping Digital Events to Customer Journeys: Strategies for Data-Driven Success
- 网络研讨会 Moving Microsoft Office Integration to the Next Level: SAS for Microsoft 365
- 网络研讨会 I Have Results From PROC PSMATCH. Now What?
- 网络研讨会 From Data to Insights: Leveraging SAS Visual Investigator Scenarios For Anomaly Detection
- 网络研讨会 Modernizing Your Cloud Analytics: What It Means to Have a Modern Data & AI Platform
- 网络研讨会 How To Make Your LLM Work For You
- 网络研讨会 Cultivating Customer Trust With Analytics and Martech
- 网络研讨会 How Do I Assess and Mitigate Models Bias With SAS Fair AI Tools?
- 客户案例 Modern, real-time marketing grew membership and incremental sales for leading grocery retailer
- 网络研讨会 No Fooling: 2025 Insurance Trends That Matter
- 网络研讨会 Do your homework for a successful SAS9 to SAS Viya Migration
- 网络研讨会 Exploring the Evolution of Data Transparency and Its Impact on Patient Outcomes
- 网络研讨会 Creating PowerPoints With SAS
- 网络研讨会 What’s New in SAS®9 M9
- Solution Brief Improve manufacturing quality
- Solution Brief Intelligent Monitoring: Prevent productivity and revenue losses due to asset anomalies
- Solution Brief Reduce carbon footprint and energy costs with AI for more sustainable manufacturing
- 网络研讨会 Easily Turn Your Automated Explanation Into a Predictive Model
- 网络研讨会 Rapidly Shifting Consumer Demand and Supply Chain Uncertainty: How Retailers Can Adapt With Analytic Agility
- 网络研讨会 How Can I Geocode Address Data Using SAS® Viya®?
- 白皮书 Revealing the paths to 2040: global insurance survey report
- 网络研讨会 Building Data Visualization Applications Using Python and SAS
- 分析报告 SAS 在 2023 年第二季度被《Forrester Wave™:AI 决策平台》评为领军软件。
- 白皮书 Analytics Accelerates Monetization Opportunities for Connected Vehicle and Mobility Services
- 电子书 Data scientists use SAS Viya on Microsoft Azure to develop big innovations
- 网络研讨会 Report Design in Action – Applying Report Design Best Practices
- 网络研讨会 Leveraging Snowflake With SAS Container Runtime + SAS Intelligent Decisioning
- 电子书 Public procurement integrity at risk
- 分析报告 SAS 在 2024 年第三季度《Forrester Wave™:AI/机器学习平台》报告中被评为领导者。
- 分析报告 2024 年《IDC MarketScape:全球决策智能平台》报告
- 分析报告 ARC View:工业级 AI:洞察数据,丰硕成果
- 电子书 The Streaming Analytics Scaries: What they are and how to get over them
- 网络研讨会 Forecasting Virtual Roundtable
- 网络研讨会 Leveraging R for Statistical Analysis in LSAF
- 分析报告 IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Machine Learning Operations Platforms 2024
- 网络研讨会 How Can I Process Scanned Document Images in SAS® Viya®?
- 白皮书 Solving the public services productivity puzzle
- 网络研讨会 Fostering Trustworthy AI Using a Model Card
- 网络研讨会 Unite MarTech and Adtech for Deeper Customer Engagement
- 网络研讨会 EnerjiSA Modernization Story: SAS is so Much More Than an AI Platform. Discover the Power of Business Intelligence!
- 分析报告 2024 Gartner® 数据科学与机器学习魔力象限™
- 网络研讨会 Modernize to SAS® Viya® with HPE GreenLake High-Performance, On-Premises, Pay-As-You-Go Solution
- 网络研讨会 Improving Manufacturing Product Quality With Bayesian Computation in SAS® Viya®
- 客户案例 Conservation efforts take flight with analytics
- 客户案例 Quality forecasting for grocers, quality products for customers
- 网络研讨会 Revolutionizing Customer Insights: Harnessing the Power of SAS Customer Analytics
- 网络研讨会 Executing SAS Analytics From R Shiny Applications
- 客户案例 Leading cruise line personalizes passengers’ onboard experience in real time
- 客户案例 Making prisons and communities safer with data visualization
- 客户案例 Protecting nature with dollars and sense
- 客户案例 Fintech company’s rapid growth leads to consistent cloud strategy
- 电子书 Public service of the future
- 网络研讨会 Solving Multi-Objective Optimization Models in SAS® Optimization
- 白皮书 Pioneering Ethical AI: The Crucial Role of Property and Casualty Insurers
- 客户案例 Advanced analytics empowers businesses with data-driven decisions
- 网络研讨会 Why Democratizing Analytics Will Lead to Faster Innovation and Digital Transformation
- 网络研讨会 Realizing Value From Your Cloud Analytics Faster
- 网络研讨会 The Economic Imperative of Responsible Innovation
- 网络研讨会 Analytics for Everyone: Finding the ‘80/20’ to Faster Time to Value
- 网络研讨会 Exploring the Environmental Impact of AI and Analytics in the Cloud
- 网络研讨会 Planet, People and Profit: The Role of Data and AI to Drive Sustainability
- 网络研讨会 Understanding the Critical Role of Data Modernization on Analytics Transformation
- 网络研讨会 Common Mistakes With Analytics Upgrades and How to Avoid Them
- 网络研讨会 Better Analytics with Automation in SAS® Viya®
- 网络研讨会 Advance Your Data Engineering and Analytics Skills With SAS® Studio on SAS® Viya® 4
- 网络研讨会 Workload Orchestration in SAS® Viya® 4
- 客户案例 Preparing the workforce of tomorrow with innovative data science education
- 网络研讨会 Top Tips for SAS®9 Programmers Moving to SAS® Viya®
- 白皮书 How to realize value from cloud analytics faster — and with less cost and risk
- 白皮书 Top 5 insurance problems – and AI isn’t one of them
- 网络研讨会 Tricks for Report Builders: Report Design Best Practices
- 客户案例 Transformation of the National Bank of Greece with SAS Viya on Microsoft Azure
- 客户案例 Finland’s top retail bank applies AI to improve customer service and credit scoring
- 客户案例 Predictive analytics and AI deliver a winning fan experience
- 客户案例 Managing Dutch roads and waterways with intelligence
- 客户案例 Transforming the consumer banking experience through advanced analytics
- 客户案例 Building reliability in risk
- 客户案例 Jakarta Smart City uses IoT analytics to better serve residents
- 客户案例 Improving data collection and modeling to accelerate predictive medicine efforts
- 客户案例 Revolutionizing marketing campaigns with AI
- 网络研讨会 Using SAS With Microsoft 365: A Programming Approach
- 白皮书 How will generative AI influence forecasting software?
- 网络研讨会 Jupyter Notebook: Your Coding Canvas
- 网络研讨会 SAS® Viya® Workbench
- 网络研讨会 SAS® Viya® Workbench on AWS Marketplace
- 客户案例 Banking on the power of data: The analytical approach to trust, performance and productivity
- 网络研讨会 ModelOps: Why Data Matters – Building Efficient Foundations
- 网络研讨会 Are You Ready for MarTech 2024?
- 客户案例 Award-winning bank’s data-driven strategy boosts productivity, efficiency and customer centricity
- 客户案例 AI helps students graduate from college
- 网络研讨会 Using Templates to Create Reports Quickly in SAS Visual Analytics
- 网络研讨会 How Do I Streamline AI Project Workflows?
- 网络研讨会 Optimizing Logistics Operations Using Customized Solutions
- 客户案例 Funding for groundbreaking childhood cancer research fueled by analytics
- 网络研讨会 What’s New in SAS Optimization?
- 客户案例 French fintech modernizes its analytics approach with SAS Viya
- 客户案例 Austrian bank uses integrated risk and carbon calculation engine to steer toward net-zero by 2050
- 客户案例 Analytic models spotlight risky loans
- 网络研讨会 How to Prep for the Statistics for Machine Learning Specialist Certification
- 客户案例 智慧城市携手分析技术和物联网技术来预测、管理洪水事件
- 网络研讨会 SAS Life Science Analytics Framework
- 网络研讨会 How Can You Use Deep Learning for Personalized Pricing and Revenue Optimization?
- 文章 What are AI hallucinations?
- 客户案例 Maximizing the reach and impact of an eHealth hub
- 电子书 Rising Waters and Rapid Responses
- 文章 Concussion - 普利策记者利用数据分析揭露丑闻
- 文章 Turning the analytical talent gap into an analytical talent dividend
- 文章 The intersection of modern IT and advanced analytics
- 网络研讨会 Real-Time Predictive Analytics: Uncovering Opportunities and Barriers at the Speed of Data Flow
- 网络研讨会 Using AI to Build a Better Insurance Industry
- 文章 洞察页面 What is a data scientist?
- 分析报告 IDC Spotlight: Looking Beyond the AI Model to Improve the Value of Computer Vision in Manufacturing Operations
- 网络研讨会 Enhance Forecasting Accuracy With Time-Series Segmentation and Machine Learning
- 文章 10 ways analytics can make your city smarter
- 文章 Blockchain: What it is and why it matters
- 文章 Equifax uses trended data to better qualify loan applicants
- 文章 5 machine learning mistakes and how to avoid them
- 文章 Understanding data in motion
- 文章 Sensing a disturbance in the data
- 文章 Making sense of streaming data in the Internet of Things
- 文章 How Walmart makes data work for its customers
- 网络研讨会 Boosting Retail & CPG Profits: Are Your Promotions Optimized?
- 网络研讨会 Advanced Analytics: The Chief Risk Officer’s Perspective
- 文章 洞察页面 Personalization: What it is and why it matters
- 网络研讨会 Advanced Analytics: Walk in the Insurance Regulator’s Shoes
- 网络研讨会 Advanced Analytics: Insurers’ Fiduciary Responsibilities
- 网络研讨会 AI and the Board: Bias, Control and Trust
- 网络研讨会 Insuring the World’s Food Supply: How Analytics Is Changing Agricultural Insurance
- 网络研讨会 Tips and Tricks: Improve Forecast Accuracy Using Interactive Modeling in SAS® Visual Forecasting
- 网络研讨会 Diving Deeper: How Many Ways Can You Join SAS® Tables?
- 网络研讨会 Boosting Casino Revenue: Optimizing Player Reinvestment With AI-Driven Next Best Actions
- 网络研讨会 Top Trends in 2024 The Pressure Test on Health Care and Life Sciences
- 系列 Use education dashboards to publicize the value of analytics
- 文章 Big data and global development
- 文章 Resilience in the face of unpredictability
- 文章 How researchers are fighting cancer with analytics
- 文章 5 leadership tips from a four-star general
- 电子书 5 Steps to Accelerate Value From Your Industrial IoT Data
- 客户案例 Changing the data conversation in Ohio schools
- 客户案例 Fighting loan application fraud with cutting-edge analytics
- 客户案例 French national rugby team boosts performance with AI and analytics
- 客户案例 Empowering customers to choose more efficient energy consumption
- 客户案例 Hyper-personalized offers help consumer finance company elevate the customer experience
- 客户案例 客户案例 Advanced analytics helps policymakers determine how new tax measures would affect citizens
- 客户案例 Enhancing road safety with advanced analytics
- 客户案例 Automated safety reporting protects hospital patients in Norway
- 客户案例 Optimizing cancer patient care with advanced analytics
- 客户案例 Taking the guesswork out of production planning
- 网络研讨会 Discover the Possibilities: SAS® Visual Studio Code Extension
- 网络研讨会 Have It Your Way – Forecasting With SAS® and Open Source
- 客户案例 医院通过实时医疗设备跟踪节省时间和资金
- 客户案例 通过分析提供最佳医疗服务
- 客户案例 意大利第二大医院使用高级分析高效应对疫情
- 网络研讨会 How Does SAS® Viya® Integrate With My Favorite Microsoft Products?
- 文章 Analytics leads to lifesaving cancer therapies
- 客户案例 Ensuring public transparency and one-stop access to crime data and analysis
- 客户案例 Transforming steelmaking through IoT analytics
- 客户案例 Managing mergers and analytics: Ensuring reliable energy by eliminating risk
- 网络研讨会 How to Develop Better Forecasts With SAS® Visual Forecasting
- 文章 A data scientist’s views on data literacy
- 分析报告 SAS is a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Digital Intelligence Platforms, Q4 2022
- 文章 People analytics: Make smarter decisions
- 客户案例 Making connections through high-quality data to enhance public safety
- 客户案例 Analytics helps major public health system run efficient programs and improve patient care
- 客户案例 Predictive analytics helps save lives during COVID-19 pandemic
- 客户案例 Transforming mental health care in California, turning data into insight
- 客户案例 World’s largest sports and humanitarian event builds legacy of inclusion with data-driven technology
- 客户案例 Smart data exploration advances K-12 public education programs
- 网络研讨会 How Many Ways Can You Join SAS® Tables?
- 文章 洞察页面 Hadoop: What it is and why it matters
- 文章 What are chatbots?
- 分析报告 Gartner® Voice of the Customer for Analytics and Business Intelligence Platforms
- 文章 洞察页面 Big Data: What it is and why it matters
- 文章 The transformational power of evidence-based decision making in health policy
- 文章 洞察页面 Understanding algorithms in analytics: Key concepts and applications
- 网络研讨会 Deploying SAS® Viya® on 4th Gen Intel® Xeon® Hardware
- 文章 洞察页面 Deep learning: What it is and why it matters
- 文章 Operationalizing analytics: 4 ways banks are conquering the infamous ‘last mile’
- 系列 Data drives destiny
- 文章 10 tips for analytics success
- 客户案例 A customer connection is the special ingredient
- 网络研讨会 How Do I Get My SAS®9 Codes Running in SAS® Viya®?
- 白皮书 Artificial Intelligence for Executives
- 网络研讨会 Working With SAS® Viya® Data
- 文章 The Humanity in Artificial Intelligence
- 文章 Using Hadoop as an Analytics Catalyst
- 文章 Three reasons reporting and analytics projects fail and how to avoid the pitfalls
- 网络研讨会 Ethics in AI: Building Responsible AI Systems
- 网络研讨会 Trustworthy AI Using SAS®: A Technical Discussion
- 白皮书 Hosted managed services for SAS® technology
- 文章 How to work like a disrupter
- 文章 Machine learning and artificial intelligence in a brave new world
- 文章 Wanted: AI leaders
- 网络研讨会 AI and Machine Learning in Action Using SAS® Viya®: A Detailed Use Case
- 文章 洞察页面 生成式AI:它是什么,为什么重要
- 网络研讨会 Digital Transformation in Health & Life Sciences: Fact or Fiction
- 文章 Exploring the sun with big data
- 系列 Meet the data scientist: Colin Nugteren
- 文章 Streaming data: The ins and outs of this technology buzzword
- 白皮书 The Power of Collaboration
- 文章 洞察页面 数据可视化:它是什么,它为什么重要
- 网络研讨会 10 Tips for Simulating Data With SAS®
- 文章 Governed analytics and discovery: Balancing business user and IT needs
- 网络研讨会 Still Talking Supply Chains? Solving for Manufacturing Disruption in Health Care and Life Sciences
- 访谈 A brave new world of analytics
- 文章 Could APIs provide advanced analytics for the masses?
- 文章 When it matters: Safeguarding your organization from the inside
- 分析报告 IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Responsible Artificial Intelligence for Integrated Financial Crime Management Platforms 2022 Vendor Assessment
- 网络研讨会 How Can I Create Custom Geo Maps in SAS® Visual Analytics?
- 文章 Situational awareness guides our responses – routine to crisis
- 文章 How health care leaders deployed analytics when crisis hit
- 文章 Finding COVID-19 answers with data and analytics
- 文章 Analytics startup focuses on health care optimization
- 分析报告 Matrix: Leading Fraud & AML Machine Learning Platforms
- 白皮书 Machine Learning With SAS® Enterprise Miner™
- 网络研讨会 SAS® Viya® and R Integration
- 文章 Machine learning for beginners and beyond
- 文章 A guide to machine learning algorithms and their applications
- 白皮书 The Machine Learning Landscape
- 白皮书 Machine Learning Use Cases in Financial Crimes
- 白皮书 Machine learning and artificial intelligence in a brave new world
- 白皮书 Looking Inside SAS® Forecast Studio
- 白皮书 Leveraging data successfully for development
- 文章 洞察页面 Statistical Analysis: What it is and why it matters
- 网络研讨会 Solving the Analytics Puzzle From BI to AI
- 网络研讨会 Solving the Analytics Puzzle From BI to AI: Illustrated Solutions
- 网络研讨会 5 Ways to Maximize Your Analytics ROI
- 网络研讨会 Five Imperatives for the Analytic Executive
- 网络研讨会 Finding the Sweet Spot: The Nexus of Data, Analytics and Business Strategy
- 网络研讨会 Determining the FATE of AI
- 网络研讨会 Building the Foundation for Analytic Success
- 网络研讨会 Beyond Dashboards: Analytics in Action Webinar
- 客户案例 Making buildings – and business – more secure with analytics and AI
- 网络研讨会 Geocoding and Mapping in SAS®
- 访谈 How does a center of excellence really work?
- 网络研讨会 Building and Maintaining Data Science Talent
- 分析报告 SAS Inside Intelligence 2023 Conference
- 网络研讨会 SAS® Visual Analytics Stories Are Data With a Soul
- 文章 Analytics: A must-have tool for leading the fight on prescription and illicit drug addiction
- 网络研讨会 From Idea to Action: The Keys to Real-World Evidence and Analytics
- 文章 4 strategies that will change your approach to fraud detection
- 网络研讨会 How can I Integrate SAS® and Open Source for Analytics and Machine Learning?
- 文章 Key questions to kick off your data analytics projects
- 文章 How to drill a better hole with analytics
- 文章 Inside sports analytics: Ten lessons for business leaders
- 文章 Smart cities, smart energy solutions – thanks to the IoT
- 文章 数据共享能否帮助治疗癌症?
- 文章 Why pharmaceutical firms are investing in real-world evidence
- 文章 大数据分析在医疗领域发力:阻击寨卡病毒 对抗癌症
- 文章 Analytics tackles the scourge of human trafficking
- 文章 Become a strategic business partner using analytics in finance
- 文章 Is your data too big to visualize?
- 系列 Data drives destiny
- 文章 The opportunity of smart grid analytics
- 文章 Three C’s of the connected customer in the IoT
- 系列 Data drives destiny
- 客户案例 One of the largest multi-sport clubs in Portugal aims to win big with analytics
- 文章 Applying machine learning to IoT data
- 客户案例 Analytics helps ensure fair and balanced pay structures across Sweden’s public sector
- 白皮书 Making the case: The ROI of demand management
- 网络研讨会 Get Started: Using CAS Programming Language for Distributed Computing in the SAS® Viya® Platform
- 电子书 Innovation driven by strategy
- 白皮书 Improving disaster response efforts through data
- 白皮书 The impact of data and analytics on local government
- 白皮书 SAS® in the Open Ecosystem
- 网络研讨会 Quantifying the Impacts of Clinical Intervention Programs Using Propensity Score Matching in SAS®
- 客户案例 Manufacturing smarter, safer vehicles with analytics
- 文章 9 questions on in-memory analytics
- 白皮书 In-Memory Analytics: Get Faster, Better Insights from Big Data
- 文章 Analytics for prescription drug monitoring: How to better identify opioid abuse
- 网络研讨会 Biotech, Pharma, Med Device Leaders: Re-Think Commercialization With Analytics
- 网络研讨会 Composite AI Using Machine Learning in Optimization Formulations
- 网络研讨会 Banking Breakdown: The Wider Implications and What to Do Next
- 客户案例 Advanced analytics in the cloud helps international biopharmaceutical group enhance operations and efficiency
- 网络研讨会 How Can I Collaborate With My Coworkers in SAS® Viya® to Build Better Models?
- 白皮书 Leadership and Big Data Innovation
- 文章 How to find and equip the citizen data scientists in your midst
- 文章 洞察页面 Predictive Analytics: What it is and why it matters
- 电子书 Your guide to bridging the analytics skills gap
- 案例研究 Thwarting disruption with strategic investments in innovation
- 白皮书 From chaos to coherence: Managing pandemics with data
- 网络研讨会 Tips and Tricks For Better Forecasting With SAS®
- 白皮书 Forecasting 101
- 白皮书 Fast and Furious: Big Data Analytics Meets Hadoop
- 文章 Location intelligence: Adding geospatial context to BI
- 访谈 Location analytics: Why adding where makes BI better
- 电子书 Enrich Your Data With Location Analytics
- 文章 Will health care be fundamentally changed post-COVID-19?
- 网络研讨会 Composite AI Using Forecasting and Optimization
- 白皮书 Demand Shaping
- 白皮书 How to Do Deep Learning With SAS®
- 白皮书 Data Visualization Techniques
- 客户案例 Nudging students and school districts toward unimagined success
- 白皮书 Thirsting for Insight?
- 研究 Nerd in the herd: protecting elephants with data science
- 网络研讨会 Top 5 Change Drivers for the Year of the “Non” Patient
- 系列 A culture of evidence
- 文章 Five ways your organization can enhance resilience for years to come
- 白皮书 Cognitive Computing: Analytics and Beyond
- 白皮书 Closing the OODA Loop: Using Big Data and Analytics to Improve Decision Making
- 文章 The OODA Loop
- 白皮书 Choosing New Slots? Here’s a Game-Changer.
- 白皮书 Channeling Streaming Data for Competitive Advantage
- 白皮书 Sales & Marketing Report 2017 - The Digital Experience
- 电子书 Why choose a career in analytics?
- 白皮书 Building a Foundation for HR Analytics
- 文章 Components of an information management strategy
- 文章 什么是全渠道分析?
- 白皮书 Big Data, Analytics and Hadoop
- 文章 Student growth measures show the way to educational success
- 白皮书 Assessing Your Business Analytics Maturity: Eight Metrics That Matter
- 白皮书 The 3 R’s of AI Adoption: Refactor, Reinvent, Reimagine
- 白皮书 The Analytic Enterprise
- 白皮书 Workforce Analytics
- 网络研讨会 How to Increase Speed to Analytics-Driven Decisions: SAS® Viya® With SingleStore
- 客户案例 Putting IoT data from connected vehicles to work
- 访谈 Using data to control unruly hotel pricing
- 网络研讨会 Toward Responsible AI: Creating Fair Machine Learning Models
- 文章 Detect and prevent banking application fraud
- 网络研讨会 Predicting Customer Value Using Advanced Analytics
- 客户案例 University uses analytics to ensure student success
- 文章 What coaching a new driver and developing an analytics culture have in common
- 文章 From lab to life
- 文章 Lessons from the track
- 网络研讨会 Jobs in SAS® Viya® 4: The Next Generation of Stored Processes
- 网络研讨会 How Do I Use SAS® Model Manager?
- 网络研讨会 Getting Started With SAS® Visual Data Mining and Machine Learning
- 网络研讨会 What Are Current Challenges and Opportunities in Analytics?
- 网络研讨会 Data Preparation Best Practice Approaches for Deriving Better Insights From Analytics
- 网络研讨会 But I Love Open Source – Why Do I Need SAS® Viya®?
- 网络研讨会 Best Practices for Data Scientists and Analysts: Communicating Your Results
- 网络研讨会 How Do You Use Events to Improve Your Forecasts in SAS Viya Visual Forecasting?
- 网络研讨会 What’s New in SAS® Studio 5.2?
- 网络研讨会 Why Do I Have Missing Data and How Do I Fix it?
- 网络研讨会 How Can I Visualize Global COVID-19 Survey Data?
- 网络研讨会 How Do You Use SAS® to Access Data and APIs From the Web?