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- 客户案例 分析助力反洗钱工作SAS 帮助 Landsbankinn 减少误报和简化调查。
- 文章 Online fraud: Increased threats in a real-time worldOnline and mobile banking is convenient for customers -- and an opportunity for fraudsters. With fraud methods constantly evolving, an analytical approach is a must for banks seeking early, accurate detection.
- 白皮书 Proactive anti-financial crime strategies to improve compliance and reduce riskIn today’s fast-changing landscape, become more effective across all stages of AML investigations by following this framework and shift to a proactive, risk-based approach.
- 白皮书 Managing Fraud Risk in the Digital Age The rise of mobile and online transactions introduces new fraud risks. Retailers and payment processors must adapt their anti-fraud defenses, augmenting them with stronger, analytics-driven authentication, proactive detection and mitigation tools.
- 文章 Strengthen your payment fraud defenses with stronger authenticationThe rapid growth of digital wallets and payment applications ushered in many new payment fraud threats. Today, it’s more critical than ever to authenticate users. Learn four innovative to ways strengthen your authentication defenses while reducing false positives and protecting customers’ assets.
- 白皮书 Detect and prevent digital banking fraudDiscover how banks can fight identity-based fraud attacks using proven analytical methods to detect the fraudsters while expediting service for legitimate customers.
- 白皮书 Payments Without BordersMitigating fraud risks in cashless payments by holistically understanding your customers across all channels.
- 客户案例 Fighting financial crime through a global anti-money laundering platformBangkok Bank uses advanced analytics from SAS to meet expanding anti-money laundering requirements for global operations and ensure compliance keeps pace with dynamic regulatory frameworks.
- 白皮书 Leveraging Analytics to Combat Digital Fraud in Financial OrganizationsInternational Institute for Analytics summarizes key questions and answers about financial fraud in the digital age.
- 白皮书 Rethinking customer due diligenceHelp evaluate your organization's CDD processes and technology relative to current industry risks and regulatory requirements.
- 客户案例 Advanced analytics and machine learning help Poste Italiane identify and stop fraud in real time while enhancing customer experienceItaly’s largest service distribution network relies on predictive analytics from SAS to detect fraud with greater precision and reduce losses.
- 客户案例 Fighting loan application fraud with cutting-edge analyticsBausparkasse Schwäbisch Hall uses SAS® Viya® to identify forged income documents
- 分析报告 IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Responsible Artificial Intelligence for Integrated Financial Crime Management Platforms 2022 Vendor AssessmentLearn why SAS is positioned in the Leaders category in the 2022 IDC MarketScape for worldwide responsible artificial intelligence for integrated financial crime management platforms.
- 文章 Detect and prevent banking application fraudCredit fraud often starts with a falsified application. That’s why it’s important to use analytics starting at the entrance point. Learn how analytics and machine learning can detect fraud at the point of application by recognizing the biggest challenge – synthetic identities.
- 文章 Payment fraud evolves fast – can we stay ahead?Payment fraud happens when a criminal steals a person’s private payment information, then uses it for an illegal transaction. As payment trends evolve, so do the fraudsters. Banks and PSPs can fight back with advanced analytics techniques that adapt quickly to spot anomalies in behavior.
- 文章 4 strategies that will change your approach to fraud detectionAs fraudulent activity grows and fighting fraud becomes more costly, financial institutions are turning to anti-fraud technology to build better arsenals for fraud detection. Discover four ways to improve your organization's risk posture.
- 客户案例 东亚银行使用SAS®欺诈管理解决方案侦测和阻断支付欺诈东亚银行使用SAS®欺诈管理解决方案侦测和阻断支付欺诈
- 白皮书 Next-generation AMLSix tips to modernize your fight against money laundering.
- 分析报告 Chartis RiskTech Quadrant for Trade-Based AML Solutions 2022SAS is named a category leader in the Chartis RiskTech Quadrant for Trade-Based AML Solutions, 2022.
- 白皮书 Protect the Integrity of the Procurement FunctionProcurement fraud affects nearly one-third of organizations, and it is often perpetrated by the most trusted, longtime employees, the ones you’d least suspect. Learn from two white-collar crime specialists about common flavors of procurement fraud, striking examples from recent headlines, four fundamental ways to get better at detecting and preventing fraud, and how to take procurement integrity to the next level.
- 分析报告 Chartis RiskTech Quadrant for AML Transaction Monitoring Solutions, 2024SAS is a category leader in Chartis' RiskTech Quadrant for AML Transaction Monitoring Solutions, 2024. According to Chartis, SAS' AML transaction monitoring solutions emphasize speed, volume and performance.
- 文章 如何发现共同购买点希望保持领先CPP并控制欺诈成本的银行需要实施高级反欺诈技术
- 白皮书 Machine Learning Use Cases in Financial CrimesLearn 10 proven ways machine learning can boost the efficiency and effectiveness of fraud and financial crimes teams – from data collection to detection to investigation and reporting.
- 电子书 Fight money laundering with these 5 next-gen game changers from SASEffectively battling dynamic financial crime threats requires new capabilities for AML defense – such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, intelligent automation and advanced visualization.
- 客户案例 Revolutionizing fraud detection at TechcombankAward-winning Vietnamese bank slashes time needed for fraud detection to mere seconds using a SAS enterprise fraud solution.
- 分析报告 SAS is a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Enterprise Fraud Management, Q2 2024
- 电子书 5 Steps to a Unified Enterprise Customer Decisioning StrategyIn an era of unprecedented technology-driven disruption, banks are facing a dual challenge: Meeting rising customer expectations while navigating increasingly complex regulatory demands. To remain competitive, banks must not only innovate but also streamline operations and foster greater collaboration across departments, breaking down traditional silos and working toward innovation. How can banks simplify their operations, future-proof their services, and drive growth? Enterprise customer decisioning is the answer. This ebook describes five important steps to making better decisions faster with enterprise customer decisioning.
- 白皮书 AI Is at the Forefront of Reducing Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism See how artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and robotic process automation (RPA) are helping firms overcome the challenges, improve results and make AML/CFT programs more efficient and effective.
- 客户案例 欧洲银行即服务领导者应用SAS加强反洗钱和反欺诈监控Treezor使用SAS® 反洗钱解决方案 (SAS® Anti-Money Laundering) 防范新型风险,提高运营效率并加快调查速度
- 分析报告 Chartis RiskTech Quadrant for Watchlist and Adverse Media Monitoring 2024
- 文章 Managing fraud risk: 10 trends you need to watchSynthetic identities, credit washing and income misrepresentation – these are just some of the trends to watch if you’re trying to understand how to manage fraud risk. Find out what’s on the top 10 list of trends according to experts like Frank McKenna and Mary Ann Miller.
- 白皮书 How AI and Machine Learning Are Redefining Anti-Money LaunderingMachine learning can play a big role in the defense against money laundering, either to automate tasks that formerly required human intervention, such as managing the data to train models, or detect more financial crimes risk that rules and more basic analytic techniques might miss.
- 白皮书 Banking in 2035: global banking survey reportWhat trends do banking leaders consider to be the greatest risks and the greatest opportunities? What internal and external barriers stand in their way? What technologies will help them harness the opportunities ahead? Download the report to explore.
- 文章 Rethink customer due diligenceTo streamline compliance and protect against financial and regulatory risk, re-examine your customer due diligence processes and technologies regularly. With new analytical tools, you can monitor customer transactions or personal information in real time, and accurately segment customers by the risk they represent.
- 分析报告 Matrix: Leading Fraud & AML Machine Learning PlatformsSAS is a best-in-class vendor in the most recent Datos Insights report, Matrix: Leading Fraud & AML Machine Learning Platforms.
- 客户案例 助力120家北欧银行预防犯罪并合规SDC赋能北欧四国的中小型金融机构遵守相关监管要求
- 分析报告 SAS is a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Anti-Money Laundering Solutions, Q3 2022SAS Anti-Money Laundering, which helps fight money laundering and terrorist financing with AI, machine learning, intelligent automation and advanced network visualization, is named a Leader in The Forrester Wave.
- 客户案例 Fast analytical defenseDeutsche Kreditbank AG combats fraud and money laundering with SAS.
- 白皮书 Banking in 2035: three possible futuresThis paper explores how the major forces affecting banks may evolve between now and 2035, seen through the lens of three potential scenarios.
- 客户案例 Combating financial crime and terrorism financing with real-time sanctions screeningOrange Bank stays ahead of emerging risks and changing regulations with a cloud-based sanctions-screening solution from SAS and Neterium.
- 白皮书 The Escalation of Digital FraudThis Javelin Research report is based on 120 independent interviews of payment and security executives in 20 countries and delivers a clear picture of how digital fraud has changed the global operating environment for financial institutions.
- 白皮书 Anti-Fraud Technology As criminals find new ways to exploit technology and target potential victims, anti-fraud professionals must adopt new technologies to effectively navigate the evolving threat landscape.
- 白皮书 Data, analytics and machine learning: The new frontier of fraud preventionThe Economist explores how global financial institutions are using advanced technologies such as machine learning to support fraud and security intelligence.
- 白皮书 Fighting Insurance Application Fraud Learn about the advantages of using analytics-driven methods for authenticating applicants to reveal customer gaming, agent gaming and potential future claims fraud.
- 白皮书 Balancing Fraud Detection and the Customer Experience Customers of a digital business create an intricate online footprint as they transact online. Businesses that capture and truly understand a complete identity based on online and offline attributes can seamlessly authenticate good customers and reliably spot the fraudulent or hijacked identities – in real time.
- 白皮书 Detect and Prevent Identity Theft The explosion in e-commerce and online account opening has created new convenience and choice for consumers. At the same time, large-scale data breaches have created new opportunities for fraudsters, fueling an 8-percent increase in identity theft in a single year. Find out how to fight back, without hindering your good customers.
- 文章 构筑反在线支付欺诈防线一家全球最大的金融机构如何打击手机和在线支付欺诈–实现共赢
- 白皮书 AML ModernizationThis white paper explores current organizational challenges, outlines the benefits of new AML technology adoption, and identifies how to embark on a journey of discovery and modernization.
- 文章 Top prepaid card fraud scamsThe margin for prepaid cards is slim, so it's particularly important to root out the scams. Here are some tips for combating and mitigating prepaid card fraud.
- 文章 Mobile payments, smurfs and emerging threatsM-payment remittances are replacing traditional banks and money services that have historically charged high fees for small transfers. Former US Treasury Special Agent John Cassara maps what he sees in the road ahead and gives advice for protecting your firm.
IDC MarketScape vendor analysis model is designed to provide an overview of the competitive fitness of ICT suppliers in a given market. The research methodology utilizes a rigorous scoring methodology based on both qualitative and quantitative criteria that results in a single graphical illustration of each vendor’s position within a given market. The Capabilities score measures vendor product, go-to-market and business execution in the short-term. The Strategy score measures alignment of vendor strategies with customer requirements in a 3-5-year timeframe. Vendor market share is represented by the size of the icons.