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- 分析报告 SAS is a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Real-Time Interaction Management, Q1 2024Forrester names SAS a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Real-Time Interaction Management, Q1 2024.
- 文章 The connected consumer: IoT's impact on the future of retailThe IoT and the connected consumer are set to revolutionize retail. Here are a few ways companies can take advantage of technology advancements.
- 文章 The 5 new rules of retailThere is good news for retailers. Analytics can help overcome some of the effects of disruption, allowing retailers to move from long-term seasonal forecasting to more agile planning.
- 分析报告 dbInsight: SAS Viya is living large on AzureLearn how Azure provides the onramp to a new customer base to take advantage of SAS capabilities without having to make big enterprise software commitments.
- 文章 如何发现共同购买点希望保持领先CPP并控制欺诈成本的银行需要实施高级反欺诈技术
- 文章 3 ways to rethink retail forecasting and demand planning The pandemic has profoundly changed consumer shopping behaviors and experiences and the increasing pressure has retailers scrambling to improve their ability to precisely predict and plan for demand. If you don’t know where to start, here are three questions to ask as you rethink your forecasting and demand planning.
- 文章 Small but mighty: Modern marketing for the midmarketUsing data to improve the customer experience is how midmarket companies can take on the retail titans to win the hearts of their customers.
- 文章 5 IoT applications retailers are using today The Internet of Things can bring big benefits, but what is IoT and how are retailers taking advantage of it?
- 分析报告 SAS is a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Enterprise Fraud Management, Q2 2024
- 文章 How do recommendation systems know what you might like?How do recommendation systems know what you’re likely to want and offer it up while you’re shopping? That’s a computationally intensive question that used to take hours or days to answer. With distributed computing and in-memory analytics, it’s done in minutes.
- 分析报告 Artificial Intelligence In Retail: What Now?This RSR Benchmark Report examines retailers’ attitudes about AI/ML technology and whether it can be used to turn data into insights and help retailers better understand the environments they operate in.
- 文章 Situational awareness guides our responses – routine to crisisMany circumstances call for situational awareness – that is, being mindful of what’s present and happening around you. The COVID-19 pandemic heightened this need, as leaders across industries used analytics and visualization to gain real-time situational awareness and respond with fast, critical decisions.
- 文章 什么是全渠道分析?Omnichannel analytics used to mean recognizing and marketing to customers across all channels. Now, smart retailers know it can, and must, mean so much more.
- 文章 A lesson in customer service from Chick-fil-A President Dan CathyDoes Chick-fil-A’s commitment to be kind to employees and provide heartfelt hospitality to customers make the food taste better? President and COO Dan Cathy says it does, and the numbers back him up. He recently shared the secret behind the family-owned company's success.
- 文章 Viking transforms its analytics strategy using SAS® Viya® on AzureViking is going all-in on cloud-based analytics to stay competitive and meet customer needs. The retailer's digital transformation are designed to optimize processes and boost customer loyalty and revenue across channels.
- 文章 Seven characteristics of the modern consumerToday's consumers are connected, content driven and global. Learn how leaders from eBay, Chico’s and Brooks Brothers described their shoppers at the recent Retail Big Show.
- 文章 Keeping your customers happy with assortment optimizationIf you want to make the best assortment decisions possible for your store or chain, let the data your customers provide be your guide.
- 文章 How to create your own organizational think tank Analytics today is about looking to the future for answers. Two retail analytics leaders share their ideas for creating a smart team of diverse experts to shape your strategic focus.
- 文章 How Walmart makes data work for its customersTips from the world's largest retailer on building an infrastructure that makes data work for its 240 million weekly customers.
- 文章 Analytics at the edgeStreaming data from automobiles, medical devices, location apps and other "things" lives at the edge of the network, where it can be used to monitor existing conditions and evaluate future scenarios. Learn how organizations in multiple industries are finding opportunity in analyzing this data from the Internet of Things.
- 文章 Retail cyber risk toleranceManage your data assets just as you would any of your physical assets by putting security plans in place for any and all contingencies.