Oil & Gas Analytics

Resources change constantly. Make sure your analytics keep pace.
Reliable production from all your oil and gas resources. High total recovery at a lower cost. And greater certainty about future performance. Our oil and gas analytics can help you refine strategies for:
- Reservoir characterization. Understand the nature of your reservoirs’ properties to optimize oil recovery.
- Drilling optimization. Design and execute high-quality wells, mitigate drilling hazards and reduce nonproductive time with advanced drilling analytics.
- Unconventional completions. Make smart choices that improve completions efficiency by delving into the complexity of reservoir parameter variability.
- Production forecasting. Incorporate well surveillance and predictive models into forecasts to improve short- and long-term estimates of ultimate recovery.
- Well and well portfolio value optimization. Conduct reservoir simulations of dynamic flow and well-buildup processes to improve economic portfolio value calculations. Identify wells that are good candidates for optimized workover strategies.
- Seismic analyses. Interpret high volumes of seismic attributes to optimize your production and field development strategies.
Counter the risks and costs inherent in oilfield exploration. Improve your reserve exploitation strategies. Share probabilistic results in a dashboard view that encourages collaboration. And get better results – from planning to production. With oil and gas analytics from SAS, you can:
- See the full picture. Adopt a data integration platform that aggregates data from exploration, drilling, completion, reservoir, production and more. And be confident that you're taking the best approach in every situation by basing decisions on all relevant data.
- Uncover hidden patterns in your data. Reveal connections not evident before by linking all relevant data – from non-operational variables to drilling operational parameters and drilling system designs.
- Quantify uncertainty. Probabilistic approaches and advanced analysis of decline curves methodology combine with intuitive GUIs, automated forecasting models, near-real-time visual representations and what-if analyses to give reliable predictions of future production and more accurate reserve estimates.
- Improve drilling efficiency. Analyze the statistical relationship between data on relevant drilling incidents and key performance indicators, given geomechanical constraints. Predict adverse events in near-real time, and avoid hazardous situations, delays, accidents and unexpected shutdowns.
- Optimize production. Compare real-time production data rates and type curves against forecasted trends. Segment fields via well profile clustering, and automatically route alerts to experts. Dig out unexpected potential, and find the sweet spots for your economic bottom line. Then confidently explore shale gas, shale oil, ultra-deep water, tight gas, coal bed methane, heavy oil and oil sands.
Analytics in Action
Analytics Powers the Industrial Internet of Things for the Oil & Gas Industry
Keith Holdaway, of the Global Energy Practice at SAS, explains how IIoT data combined with analytics can fuel the decisions that keep oil and gas companies' assets and processes running at optimal capacity.
Read the Digital Oilfield Report to learn how production optimization affects upstream efficiencies.
Run your organization like a well-oiled machine. At all levels.
An integrated, big-picture view of assets and operational performance backed by strategies to optimize resource allocation. Improved flow assurance. Less unscheduled maintenance, downtime and deferment. And optimized operational costs, higher safety, along with better production performance and higher availability of all your facilities. Using data from the industrial internet of things (IIoT), our oil and gas analytics software includes solutions for:
- Process regularity and facility integrity. Avoid unexpected failures and production disruptions. Continuously improve efficiency, profitability and uptime, as well as safety and environmental compliance. Find root causes of process and operational problems, and take action to fix them.
- Demand forecasting. Be prepared to handle disruptions or spikes in demand for refined products across complex regional and international supply chains.
- Integrated operations and logistics. Get a clear view of all your operations – multiple departments, disciplines and subcontractors – from one consistent, consolidated information source.
- Operational risk/environment, health and safety (EH&S). Minimize risk across all levels of the organization.
Develop proactive maintenance plans to prevent and handle unexpected interruptions and safety hazards. Ensure process regularity and asset reliability, and run your operations at peak performance – with an understanding of hidden process anomalies. And keep constant watch over your operations from the web. Oil and gas analytics from SAS helps you:
- Keep deferment and downtime low. Prioritize the right interventions, avoid process failures and optimize maintenance campaigns through predictive analytics and alerts, process surveillance, asset health monitoring, automated real-time diagnosis and problem recovery recommendations.
- Boost efficiency and protect the bottom line. Plan better by refining the theoretical efficiency calculation with data-driven adjustments of the expected performance baseline. Use predictive analytics to boost uptime, performance and staff productivity. All while keeping pace with demand, lowering operational costs and reducing the risk of revenue loss.
- Improve quality. Boost process and asset quality by incorporating downtimes, production losses, parts and labor costs, probability of events and other factors into your analysis. Develop, monitor and measure KPIs via a web portal. And look across multiple systems, assets, resources, locations and environments to oversee costs and completions.
Analytics in Action
Analytics Powers the Industrial Internet of Things for the Oil & Gas Industry
Keith Holdaway, of the Global Energy Practice at SAS, explains how IIoT data combined with analytics can fuel the decisions that keep oil and gas companies' assets and processes running at optimal capacity.
Get the latest analytics news, views and best practices from the brightest minds in the business.
The energy industry is volatile. Your business shouldn't be.
Achieve rapid insights into your commodity portfolio, and gain the ability to make strategic decisions faster and more accurately than your competitors. See how hedging or not hedging will affect profitability and cashflow in response to changing market conditions. Our oil and gas analytics provides an integrated energy portfolio and risk management framework that helps you with:
- Energy trading and risk management. Minimize the effects – or capitalize on opportunities – of energy and commodity price volatility.
- Credit risk management. Manage your counterparty relationships, including assessment workflows and financial exposure. Run potential future exposure to prepare your portfolio in anticipation of credit adjustments in the market.
- A consolidated view of your entire portfolio. Eliminate the inefficiency of siloed operations by viewing positions from physical purchases/sales, storage, transport and financial trading in one centralized platform.
- Cashflow management. Forecast cashflows under current scenarios, and view effects on cashflow from future price movements. Slice and dice the portfolio to identify the business units that contribute the greatest risk to the enterprise.
Proactively capture, analyze and simulate market and credit risks. Report and display consolidated risk metrics in a user-friendly SAS Visual Analytics interface. With oil and gas analytics from SAS, you can:
- Gain greater insight faster. Streamline and automate business processes. Produce a consistent, portfolio-level view of consolidated risk measures.
- Maximize your existing technology investment. Engage our full suite of risk capabilities, or augment current systems with modular offerings in trade capture, sophisticated risk analysis and advanced visualization.
- Evaluate decisions before you make them. Run what-if trades and simulate future market conditions to determine the current impact on your portfolio, as well as potential outcomes, in a range of scenarios.
Get the latest news, views and best practices on analytics from the brightest minds in the business.
Ensure highly refined data. And make highly refined decisions.
Smart, timely decisions by everyone – from upstream to downstream refinery operators, financial experts and marketers. Better planning, reporting and analytic results. Higher productivity, lower cost and reduced likelihood of errors. Our oil and gas software delivers a single platform for data management that supports:
- Event stream processing. Filter and analyze streaming data from the industrial internet of things (IIoT) in real time to reduce latency of important oilfield decisions.
- Hadoop. Maximize the power of big data with tools that work inside and alongside your Hadoop cluster.
- Data quality. Provide the right data to the right people at the right time – complete, clean and standardized.
- Master data management. Work inside-out – control your data behind the scenes to improve results on the other side.
- Open and cloud-enabled. Integrate, extend and manage open source models. Deliver rapid results through SAS Analytics deployed on a shareable and scalable infrastructure that is optimized for business analytics.
With a plethora of operational systems, oil and gas companies seek analytic enablers that can be used across platforms, data standards and business use cases. Our solutions enable you to profile, standardize, consolidate and correct all types of data – whether in motion or at rest. With SAS, you can:
- Get all the data from all the sources. Regardless of volume, velocity and variety, SAS enhances value by uniting information from engineering and the geosciences with real-time surveillance data.
- Give decision makers high-quality data, fast. Across disciplines, hierarchies and geographies, ensure that decisions are backed by trustworthy, comprehensive data gathered from any source, in any format. Using standardized data that’s accurate, complete and up-to-date, you can create better maintenance schedules, address regulatory requirements and ensure resource availability.
- Partner with an analytics provider you trust. Top-notch analytical skills and 40 years of customer satisfaction combine to make SAS a trusted partner for delivery of your project results. We can remotely augment your staff or deliver a turnkey business solution, all while managing the IT infrastructure in a secure cloud environment.
Read the Digital Oilfield Report to learn how production optimization affects upstream efficiencies.

- 储层表征 了解储层资产的自然属性,优化石油回收率。
- 钻井优化 设计和开采高质量钻井,降低钻井风险,减少停产时间。
- 非常规完井 通过钻研储层参数变化的复杂性,做出明智的选择,改善完井效率。
- 生产预报 在预报中结合钻井监控和预测模型,改善短期和长期的最终回收率评估。
- 地震分析 解析大量的地震属性数据,优化生产和油气田开发战略。
- 看清全局 采用数据整合平台,汇总勘探、钻井、完井、储层、生产等等数据。在对所有相关数据分析的基础上制定决策,让您确信自己采取了最佳方法处理各种情况。
- 揭示数据中隐藏的模式 结合所有相关数据,包括从非运营变量到钻井操作参数和钻井系统设计等数据,发现以前未曾验证的联系。
- 量化不确定性 概率方法和先进的下降曲线分析法,结合直观的图形用户界面、自动预报模型、准实时可视化展现和假设分析,对未来的生产给出可靠预测,更准确地估计储量。
- 提高钻井效率 在地质力学的约束下,分析相关钻井事故和关键绩效指标之间的统计关系。给出不良事件的准实时预测,避免危险情况、延时、事故和计划外停产。
- 提高非常规油气田的生产力 将实时生产数据的变化率和类型曲线与趋势预报进行对比。通过井深剖面聚类划分油气田,自动将警报分发给相关专家。更有信心地勘探页岩气、页岩油、超深井水、致密砂岩气、煤层气和重油以及焦油沙。

- 设备完整性 达到运营利润、安全性和环境合规方面的目标。
- 需求预报 在国际供应链中做好准备,应对复杂地区对成品油需求的中断或急剧增长。
- 整合运营和物流 从一个统一综合的信息源得到所有业务的清晰视图,包括多个部门、领域和分包商。
- 操作风险/环境、健康与安全(EH&S) 在所有业务层面上最小化风险。
- 缩短停机时间 持续不断地监视资产健康,提供自动警报功能,帮助您排定维护优先级,尽可能按照计划停机,避免错误和事故。
- 提高效率保护盈亏底线 通过收集和整合性能数据,并使用预测分析来提高正常运行时间、绩效以及员工的生产效率。所有工作都紧跟需求,降低维护成本,减少营收损失风险。
- 提高质量 通过在分析中结合停机时间、生产损失、零部件和人力损失、事件概率和其他因素,来提高流程和资产的质量。通过网站门户开发、监控和评估KPI。查看多个系统、资产、资源、位置和环境等信息,全局掌握成本和完成情况。

- 能源交易和风险管理 最小化能源及商品价格波动带来的影响。
- 信用风险管理 通过复杂模拟,做出多种风险下的信用决策。.
- 交易合规 在欺诈和合规问题影响到业务之前检测它们。
- 监管合规报告 自动记录保存和报告,满足不断变化的 Dodd-Frank 法案和EMIR法规。
- 加速标准化流程 我们完备的模块式解决方案,提供一个灵活易用的可视化界面,简化和自动化作业任务。您可以得到关于综合风险参数的一致视图。
- 利用多种分析功能 借助数据捕获、数据整合、高级预测分析、合规报告以及一系列先进的建模工具,您能获得风险管理所需的全部功能,并整合到企业的处理流程之中。
- 精心验证 在集中管控的环境中,您可以基于来自多个数据源的市场数据,建立和维护定价与估值模型,进行多种场景的模拟和压力测试。

- 事件流处理 实时过滤分析流数据,缩短油田重要决策的延迟。
- 数据质量 适时地为适当的人提供完整干净和标准的适当数据。
- 主数据管理 由内而外的发挥作用--治理后台数据改善分析结果。
- 获取任何数据源的数据 访问主机、ERP、关系数据库、大数据平台、PC文件格式等数据。结合工程与地质科学的信息和实时监控数据来提高价值。
- 为决策者快速提供高质量数据 确保决策背后有值得信赖的全面数据集合支持,这些数据来自跨学科和所有层次以及地域,包括任何数据源和格式。使用标准化的、准确、全面并且是最新的数据,您可以创建更好的维护计划,符合监管要求并保证资源的可用性。
- 建立坚实的数据基础 使用数据匹配技术解析和匹配记录,提供最佳的选择。跨多种数据类型定义数据模型。并使用审计跟踪功能,查看谁在什么时候做了什么修改。