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- Solution Brief
- Primer
- 白皮书 A modern statewide longitudinal data system: A continuum from cradle to career
- 客户案例 Advanced analytics empowers businesses with data-driven decisions
- 客户案例 Preparing the workforce of tomorrow with innovative data science education
- 客户案例 It’s all in the research: Using AI to solve issues in health care
- 客户案例 AI helps students graduate from college
- 白皮书 SAS® EVAAS for K-12 Statistical Models
- 新闻稿 Generative AI takes center stage at SAS Innovate
- 客户案例 Changing the data conversation in Ohio schools
- 客户案例 Smart data exploration advances K-12 public education programs
- 系列 Data drives destiny
- 执行简介信息 Preparing Students for post-pandemic success
- 白皮书 Tar Heels Play to Win With SAS Analytics
- 白皮书 From Data Rich, Information Poor to a $37.8 Million Return on Investment
- 系列 Data drives destiny
- 系列 Data drives destiny
- 电子书 Your guide to bridging the analytics skills gap
- 白皮书 Ten Tips for Using Data and Analytics Effectively in Education
- 客户案例 Nudging students and school districts toward unimagined success
- 白皮书 Data Management: The Foundation for Successful Reporting and Analytics in Education
- 系列 A culture of evidence
- 电子书 Why choose a career in analytics?
- 文章 Student growth measures show the way to educational success
- 客户案例 University uses analytics to ensure student success
- 白皮书 What We Now Know About Measuring Learning Loss and Learning Recovery
- 白皮书 Using Data and Analytics Across the Research Lifecycle to Improve Population Health
- 电子书 Government and education: Leading through change
- 白皮书 From cradle to career: A modern SLDS
- 白皮书 Building an Analytical Culture for Success
- 客户案例 Boosting institutional research with data governance and self-service reporting
- 客户案例 A model of institutional research champions the value of analytics for all
- 客户案例 Building a culture of analytics empowers university to lead as an educational enterprise
- 访谈 The University of Alabama makes better decisions through education analytics
- 客户案例 Optimizing bus routes helps funnel cost savings back to schools
- 系列 Evolving your institutional insight
- 系列 Lessons learned, looking forward
- 客户案例 Filling the business analytics skills gap
- 客户案例 Valencia College uses data-driven approach to improve outcomes in higher education
- 客户案例 Self-service analytics advances higher education