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- 文章 Risk data infrastructure: Staying afloat on the regulatory floodWhat are the challenges of a risk data infrastructure and how can they be addressed? Here's what you need to know to build an effective enterprise risk and finance reporting warehouse that will effectively address compliance requirements.
- 文章 From lab to lifeOnce you've created your analytical model, you need to put it to use. Here are tips from finance industry experts to get your models in the hands of users.
- 客户案例 Forecasting helps Wescom Credit Union save millions of dollarsWescom Credit Union increases lending decision accuracy by at least 50%.
- 分析报告 SAS is a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Real-Time Interaction Management, Q1 2024Forrester names SAS a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Real-Time Interaction Management, Q1 2024.
- 客户案例 Fintech company’s rapid growth leads to consistent cloud strategyauxmoney saves resources, gains flexibility and scalability with risk management in the SAS Cloud hosted on Microsoft Azure.
- 客户案例 分析助力反洗钱工作SAS 帮助 Landsbankinn 减少误报和简化调查。
- 文章 CECL: Are US banks and credit unions ready?CECL, current expected credit loss, is an accounting standard that requires US banking institutions and credit unions to estimate life-of-loan losses at origination or purchase.
- 客户案例 Advanced analytics and machine learning help Poste Italiane identify and stop fraud in real time while enhancing customer experienceItaly’s largest service distribution network relies on predictive analytics from SAS to detect fraud with greater precision and reduce losses.
- 文章 Detect and prevent banking application fraudCredit fraud often starts with a falsified application. That’s why it’s important to use analytics starting at the entrance point. Learn how analytics and machine learning can detect fraud at the point of application by recognizing the biggest challenge – synthetic identities.
- 文章 Situational awareness guides our responses – routine to crisisMany circumstances call for situational awareness – that is, being mindful of what’s present and happening around you. The COVID-19 pandemic heightened this need, as leaders across industries used analytics and visualization to gain real-time situational awareness and respond with fast, critical decisions.
- 分析报告 Matrix: Leading Fraud & AML Machine Learning PlatformsSAS is a best-in-class vendor in the most recent Datos Insights report, Matrix: Leading Fraud & AML Machine Learning Platforms.
- 文章 Should banks adopt regulations as best practices?The regulatory tsunami isn't letting up, but is there value to be gained in adopting, for instance, BCBS 239 principles?
- 客户案例 Transforming the consumer banking experience through advanced analyticsCIMB Singapore uses SAS Viya to enhance business operations and keep pace with changing customer needs.
- 客户案例 东亚银行使用SAS®欺诈管理解决方案侦测和阻断支付欺诈东亚银行使用SAS®欺诈管理解决方案侦测和阻断支付欺诈
- 分析报告 dbInsight: SAS Viya is living large on AzureLearn how Azure provides the onramp to a new customer base to take advantage of SAS capabilities without having to make big enterprise software commitments.
- 文章 Mobile payments, smurfs and emerging threatsM-payment remittances are replacing traditional banks and money services that have historically charged high fees for small transfers. Former US Treasury Special Agent John Cassara maps what he sees in the road ahead and gives advice for protecting your firm.
- 客户案例 构建全球反洗钱平台打击金融犯罪盘谷银行利用 SAS 的高级分析技术,满足全球运营不断扩展的反洗钱要求,并确保合规性与动态监管框架保持同步。
- 客户案例 用机器学习寻找你的最佳客户Seacoast Bank 利用 SAS Viya 上的 AI 和 SAS Visual Analytics 增加客户价值。
- 客户案例 Low-risk strategy delivers top-level returnsBank Leumi uses SAS to achieve superior shareholder returns in a competitive environment and with high capital reserves.
- 客户案例 Fighting loan application fraud with cutting-edge analyticsBausparkasse Schwäbisch Hall uses SAS® Viya® to identify forged income documents
- 文章 4 strategies that will change your approach to fraud detectionAs fraudulent activity grows and fighting fraud becomes more costly, financial institutions are turning to anti-fraud technology to build better arsenals for fraud detection. Discover four ways to improve your organization's risk posture.
- 文章 Data quality: The Achilles' heel of risk managementGiven the tightly regulated environment banks face today, the importance of data quality cannot be overstated. Beyond the obvious benefits of staying one step ahead of regulatory mandates, having accurate, integrated and transparent data drives confident, proactive decisions and supports a solid risk management foundation.
- 文章 构筑反在线支付欺诈防线一家全球最大的金融机构如何打击手机和在线支付欺诈–实现共赢
- 文章 Marketing optimization: Five lessons learned at a major US bankHow does a bank know what you need when you visit its website, open the mobile banking app or walk into the branch? For one of the largest banks in the US, the answer is marketing optimization. Here are five lessons they’ve learned.
- 分析报告 Chartis RiskTech100 2025SAS ranks #2 overall in the prestigious Chartis RiskTech100, 2025. Six category wins are AI for Banking, Balance Sheet Risk Management, Behavioral Modeling, Enterprise Stress Testing, IFRS 9 and Model Risk Management.
- 客户案例 Finland’s top retail bank applies AI to improve customer service and credit scoringS-Bank provides better customer service and faster, more accurate loan processing time using SAS Viya on Azure.
- 文章 Top prepaid card fraud scamsThe margin for prepaid cards is slim, so it's particularly important to root out the scams. Here are some tips for combating and mitigating prepaid card fraud.
- 文章 Online fraud: Increased threats in a real-time worldOnline and mobile banking is convenient for customers -- and an opportunity for fraudsters. With fraud methods constantly evolving, an analytical approach is a must for banks seeking early, accurate detection.
- 分析报告 Chartis RiskTech Quadrant for Model Risk Management, 2024Chartis names SAS a leader in both Model Risk Governance and Model Validation, 2024.
- 分析报告 Chartis RiskTech Quadrant for Trade-Based AML Solutions 2022SAS is named a category leader in the Chartis RiskTech Quadrant for Trade-Based AML Solutions, 2022.
- 客户案例 欧洲银行即服务领导者应用SAS加强反洗钱和反欺诈监控Treezor使用SAS® 反洗钱解决方案 (SAS® Anti-Money Laundering) 防范新型风险,提高运营效率并加快调查速度
- 文章 What is a risk model?Banks use multiple models to meet a variety of regulations (such as IFRS 9, CECL and Basel). With increased scrutiny on model risk, bankers must establish a model risk management program for regulatory compliance and business benefits. Begin the planning by clearly defining what a risk model is.
- 文章 Retail cyber risk toleranceManage your data assets just as you would any of your physical assets by putting security plans in place for any and all contingencies.
- 客户案例 Advanced simulations and ‘stress-proof’ models help digital bank successfully navigate uncertain scenariosBanca Progetto relies on predictive analytics and a cloud-first approach to mitigate risk, better serve clients and plan for the future.
- 客户案例 Transformation of the National Bank of Greece with SAS Viya on Microsoft AzureLeading Greek financial institution pursues digital transformation backed by advanced analytics to become the bank of choice for businesses and private individuals.
- 文章 Managing fraud risk: 10 trends you need to watchSynthetic identities, credit washing and income misrepresentation – these are just some of the trends to watch if you’re trying to understand how to manage fraud risk. Find out what’s on the top 10 list of trends according to experts like Frank McKenna and Mary Ann Miller.
- 文章 Payment fraud evolves fast – can we stay ahead?Payment fraud happens when a criminal steals a person’s private payment information, then uses it for an illegal transaction. As payment trends evolve, so do the fraudsters. Banks and PSPs can fight back with advanced analytics techniques that adapt quickly to spot anomalies in behavior.
- 文章 Model risk management: Vital to regulatory and business sustainabilitySloppy model risk management can lead to failure to gain regulatory approval for capital plans, financial loss, damage to a bank's reputation and loss of shareholder value. Learn how to improve model risk management by establishing controls and guidelines to measure and address model risk at every stage of the life cycle.
- 客户案例 Revolutionizing fraud detection at TechcombankAward-winning Vietnamese bank slashes time needed for fraud detection to mere seconds using a SAS enterprise fraud solution.
- 客户案例 Combating financial crime and terrorism financing with real-time sanctions screeningOrange Bank stays ahead of emerging risks and changing regulations with a cloud-based sanctions-screening solution from SAS and Neterium.
- 客户案例 Accelerating stress testing in the cloudIntesa Sanpaolo enhances efficiency and meets stress-testing requirements six times faster with SAS Viya.
- 客户案例 Making faster, smarter credit decisions while elevating customer experienceAutomated credit risk management process puts ABBANK at the forefront of Vietnam’s credit revolution.
- 文章 What was your data doing during the financial crisis?Financial institutions usually survive a crisis, then react to prevent it in the future. SAS' Mazhar LeGhari explains how data can help you break that cycle.
- 文章 Understanding capital requirements in light of Basel IVMany financial firms are already using a popular 2012 PIT-ness methodology for internal ratings-based models. This article examines eight ways the industry is successfully using the methodology – and why this approach can bring synergies for banks, value for regulators, and major competitive advantages.
- 客户案例 Analytic models spotlight risky loansItaly’s Ministry of Economy and Finance uses advanced analytics on SAS Viya to quickly calculate risk on financial guarantees.
- 客户案例 助力120家北欧银行预防犯罪并合规SDC赋能北欧四国的中小型金融机构遵守相关监管要求
- 分析报告 Chartis RiskTech Quadrant for AML Transaction Monitoring Solutions, 2024SAS is a category leader in Chartis' RiskTech Quadrant for AML Transaction Monitoring Solutions, 2024. According to Chartis, SAS' AML transaction monitoring solutions emphasize speed, volume and performance.
- 分析报告 IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Responsible Artificial Intelligence for Integrated Financial Crime Management Platforms 2022 Vendor AssessmentLearn why SAS is positioned in the Leaders category in the 2022 IDC MarketScape for worldwide responsible artificial intelligence for integrated financial crime management platforms.
- 文章 Rethink customer due diligenceTo streamline compliance and protect against financial and regulatory risk, re-examine your customer due diligence processes and technologies regularly. With new analytical tools, you can monitor customer transactions or personal information in real time, and accurately segment customers by the risk they represent.
- 分析报告 SAS is a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Anti-Money Laundering Solutions, Q3 2022SAS Anti-Money Laundering, which helps fight money laundering and terrorist financing with AI, machine learning, intelligent automation and advanced network visualization, is named a Leader in The Forrester Wave.
- 文章 如何发现共同购买点希望保持领先CPP并控制欺诈成本的银行需要实施高级反欺诈技术
- 客户案例 Banking on the power of data: The analytical approach to trust, performance and productivityIntesa Sanpaolo promotes a data-driven culture with support from SAS analytics.
- 文章 IFRS 9 and CECL: The challenges of loss accounting standardsThe loss accounting standards, CECL and IFRS 9, change how credit losses are recognized and reported by financial institutions. Although there are key differences in the standards for CECL (US) and IFRS 9 (international), both require a more forward-looking approach to credit loss estimation.
- 文章 Under siege: Improving customer experience in bankingBanks are ranking low in customer satisfaction, but improvement is possible says Digital Banking Report owner and publisher Jim Marous.
- 客户案例 Award-winning bank’s data-driven strategy boosts productivity, efficiency and customer centricityAn ‘analytics for all’ approach helps Banca Intesa Beograd foster informed decision making, innovation and sustainable growth.
- 文章 Strengthen your payment fraud defenses with stronger authenticationThe rapid growth of digital wallets and payment applications ushered in many new payment fraud threats. Today, it’s more critical than ever to authenticate users. Learn four innovative to ways strengthen your authentication defenses while reducing false positives and protecting customers’ assets.
- 客户案例 Building reliability in riskBanca Mediolanum uses SAS Viya to develop high-performing, reliable credit scoring models.
- 客户案例 Modernizing consumer lending in VietnamVietCredit aims to revolutionize the consumer finance market with SAS.
- 文章 Equifax uses trended data to better qualify loan applicantsMachine learning for credit scoring has helped Equifax analyze consumer data over time to determine which borrowers are trending in a positive direction and develop a more accurate measure than credit scores.
- 客户案例 Predictive analytics empowers bank to act quickly with confidenceOTP Bank Romania can better assess risk, meet profitability targets and enhance customer satisfaction through a streamlined data mining process from SAS.
- 系列 数字化转型:看美国联信银行如何“从握手之交到亲如一家”联信银行是一家典型的安守传统的银行,有良好的收益并在当地商业银行市场维系着稳固的客户关系。虽然得益于银行的传统资源,联信比大多数银行更好地度过了这场金融风暴,但这份“传统”也带来了文化上的挑战。
- 案例研究 Thwarting disruption with strategic investments in innovationNational Australia Bank turns to innovative strategies, like hackathons, to find new solutions to emerging challenges.
- 分析报告 SAS is a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Enterprise Fraud Management, Q2 2024
- 客户案例 Nationwide reduces fraud losses by 75%The world's largest building society chose SAS to lower its fraud losses - it realized a reduction of 75%.
- 客户案例 Better reporting yields better understanding of risk managementSAS Visual Analytics helps Erste Bank Croatia tackle diverse data for accurate analysis.
- 访谈 Data visualization: A wise investment in your big data futureData visualization technologies can help the practice of data-driven decision making really take hold. But putting data visualization software in the hands of business users? Is it crazy – or crazy smart?
- 文章 AI in banking: Survey reveals factors for successWhat do banking executives report about their experiences with AI? Where are they focusing today? What’s working? What are their plans for the future?
- 文章 Are you good at scoring?Credit scoring is the foundation for evaluating clients who apply for a loan (or other types of exposure for the bank). It is not unusual for it to take up to 12 months to build and deploy a new credit scoring model. Reforming the process will help minimize losses, increase earnings and reduce operational risk.
- 客户案例 Calculating credit risk in half the timeTo stay compliant with Basel regulations, Yapi Kredi relies on SAS to handle millions of data sets.
- 客户案例 Hyper-personalized offers help consumer finance company elevate the customer experienceHome Credit modernizes its marketing with SAS® Customer Intelligence 360 to increase engagement, boost efficiency and reduce costs
- 文章 Risk data aggregation: Transparency, controls and governance are needed for data quality and reportingFinancial institutions’ data aggregation and reporting techniques and systems are receiving increased attention both internally and externally. Find out how to take a comprehensive approach to BCBS principles and risk data aggregation and management.
- 客户案例 Swiss financial institution uses advanced analytics to reimagine marketing and personalize customer experiencesPostFinance turns to SAS to automate and optimize campaigns for improved offers, more effective communications and higher response rates.
- 分析报告 Chartis RiskTech Quadrant for Watchlist and Adverse Media Monitoring 2024
- 分析报告 Chartis RiskTech Quadrant Asset and Liability Management, 2024SAS is named a category leader in Chartis Research's 2024 RiskTech Quadrant for ALM solutions, FTP solutions, LRM and reporting technology solutions, capital and balance sheet optimization solutions., hedging and risk management solutions, and financial planning and budgeting solutions.
- 文章 Why banks need to evolve their approach to climate and ESG riskManaging environmental, social and governance (ESG) risk is important to banks, regulators, investors and consumers – yet there are many interpretations of how to do it. To thrive, organizations must evolve their risk management practices – including those affected by ESG risk.
- 客户案例 Fast analytical defenseDeutsche Kreditbank AG combats fraud and money laundering with SAS.
- 文章 New attitudes for liquidity risk managementRecent liquidity risk shocks and regulatory pressures have highlighted the need for agile liquidity risk management and planning systems. To manage liquidity risk more strategically, banks will need the right strategy, solution architecture and IT systems – plus governance to manage the process.
- 客户案例 Optimization delivers more revenue while slashing marketing costsMarketing optimization helps Akbank cut campaign costs by 50 percent, and dramatically reduce time spent producing campaigns from days to hours.
- 文章 Improving customer experience with digital marketingAdvanced analytics can help bankers predict customer behavior and deliver personalized offers to customers just at the moment they're most open to receiving them.
- 客户案例 Austrian bank uses integrated risk and carbon calculation engine to steer toward net-zero by 2050Erste Group extends its SAS Solution for Regulatory Capital to help understand and reduce impact of climate change on its portfolios
- 客户案例 Stress testing becomes competitive advantage with advanced analyticsStandard Chartered Bank uses SAS Analytics to meet stress-testing requirements and assess the effect of crisis scenarios on its future P&L and balance sheet.
- 文章 Understanding capital requirementsCredit risk classification systems have been in use for a long time, and with the advent of Basel II, those systems became the basis for banks’ capital adequacy calculations. What is needed going forward is an efficient and honest dialogue between regulators and investors on capitalization.