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- SAS Viya
- 分析
- Artificial Intelligence
- Cloud
- 客户智能
- Data for Good
- 信息管理
- Decisioning
- 欺诈和安全智能
- IoT
- Machine Learning and Deep Learning
- 风险管理
- Vanquis Bank UK bank uses advanced analytics to reduce risk and cloud costs
- Bupa UK Insurance Harnessing data to help people live healthier lives
- Nets 预测支付欺诈:强大的实时分析
- Calimax Quality forecasting for grocers, quality products for customers
- Techcombank Revolutionizing fraud detection at Techcombank
- Jyske Bank Understanding the needs of banking customers in the digital economy
- Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Leading cruise line personalizes passengers’ onboard experience in real time
- North-West University Preparing the workforce of tomorrow with innovative data science education
- Intesa Sanpaolo Accelerating stress testing in the cloud
- Banca Intesa Beograd Award-winning bank’s data-driven strategy boosts productivity, efficiency and customer centricity
- TowneBank Unlocking the power of customer experience, compliance and innovation
- Hillsborough Community College AI helps students graduate from college
- ABBANK Making faster, smarter credit decisions while elevating customer experience
- Malta Tax and Customs Administration Modernization initiative set to improve taxpayer compliance and morale
- ITV Transforming the streaming landscape with innovative programmatic ad delivery
- University College Dublin Groundbreaking pre-eclampsia research could save tens of thousands of lives
- Intesa Sanpaolo Banking on the power of data: The analytical approach to trust, performance and productivity
- AGEA Rooting out fraud and accelerating farm aid with advanced analytics
- READDI Getting ahead of the next pandemic with AI and machine-learning fueled drug discovery
- Migros Money Modern, real-time marketing grew membership and incremental sales for leading grocery retailer
- UTWIN French fintech modernizes its analytics approach with SAS Viya
- Shawbrook Bank Specialist bank accelerates digital transformation with cloud migration
- Bissell Centre From data to dignity: How advanced analytics can help lift people from poverty
- Treezor 欧洲银行即服务领导者应用SAS加强反洗钱和反欺诈监控
- Jakarta Smart City Jakarta Smart City uses IoT analytics to better serve residents
- 圣马蒂诺综合医院 高级分析帮助医院以患者为中心改进治疗效果
- French Rugby Federation (FFR) French national rugby team boosts performance with AI and analytics
- Rijkswaterstaat Managing Dutch roads and waterways with intelligence
- Federal Public Service Finance Advanced analytics helps policymakers determine how new tax measures would affect citizens
- Abu Dhabi Early Childhood Authority Helping younger generations form a brighter future with early childhood intervention
- Orange Bank Combating financial crime and terrorism financing with real-time sanctions screening
- Oscar Lambret Center Optimizing cancer patient care with advanced analytics
- Helse Nord Automated safety reporting protects hospital patients in Norway
- Fraport AG Advanced analytics helps airport efficiency take flight
- Tokio Marine Asia Achieving regionwide IFRS 17 compliance for insurance reporting
- 东亚银行 东亚银行使用SAS®欺诈管理解决方案侦测和阻断支付欺诈
- SBI General Insurance Predicting real-time insurance needs with hyperpersonalization
- Euramax Taking the guesswork out of production planning
- Chiesi Group Advanced analytics in the cloud helps international biopharmaceutical group enhance operations and efficiency
- Jan Yperman医院 医院通过实时医疗设备跟踪节省时间和资金
- CNG Holdings Identity management is key to preventing credit fraud
- West Virginia Fusion Center Making connections through high-quality data to enhance public safety
- iGA Istanbul Airport One airport operator is making every journey personal for passengers
- Voetbalmedia Voetbalmedia uses MarTech from SAS to better engage with 1.4 million football players and enthusiasts
- Healthy Nevada Project DNA analysis unlocks better health for communities
- Poste Italiane Advanced analytics and machine learning help Poste Italiane identify and stop fraud in real time while enhancing customer experience
- Ulta Beauty Ulta Beauty glams up its marketing with personalized offers
- Barilla Just add data: How data and technology — paired with a human touch — create a sustainable and quality culinary experience
- Dompé farmaceutici Improving data collection and modeling to accelerate predictive medicine efforts
- Comelit Group Making buildings – and business – more secure with analytics and AI
- Anchor Bay and Armada Area School Districts Nudging students and school districts toward unimagined success
- FPS Justice Enhancing road safety with advanced analytics
- North Carolina Criminal Justice Analysis Center Ensuring public transparency and one-stop access to crime data and analysis
- World Wildlife Fund Improved donor funding helps protect wildlife
- Iowa Department of Corrections Making prisons and communities safer with data visualization
- Foxwoods Resort Casino Hitting the jackpot with a new analytics strategy
- Georgia-Pacific Optimizing the supply chain with analytics and IoT
- Sport Lisboa e Benfica One of the largest multi-sport clubs in Portugal aims to win big with analytics
- North Carolina Collaboratory How streaming IoT data and advanced analytics help maintain COVID-19 vaccine integrity
- Los Angeles County Department of Health Services Analytics helps major public health system run efficient programs and improve patient care
- The Nature Conservancy Protecting nature with dollars and sense
- Iveco Group Putting IoT data from connected vehicles to work
- AIA Group AIA Group collaborates with SAS to embark on the IFRS 17 Journey
- auxmoney Fintech company’s rapid growth leads to consistent cloud strategy
- Viking Europe Workplace solutions retailer creates compelling customer experience via data-driven marketing
- University of Alberta It’s all in the research: Using AI to solve issues in health care
- Norwegian Seafood Council Fishing for the freshest data: Leading the global seafood market with analytics
- bioMérieux, Inc. Strengthening the fight against antimicrobial resistance via data visualization
- InShared Integrated marketing improves results for marketers and customers
- Italy’s Ministry of Economy and Finance Analytic models spotlight risky loans
- Fluvius Managing mergers and analytics: Ensuring reliable energy by eliminating risk
- Techniker Krankenkasse SAS Viya and open source: Innovation through collaboration
- 杰梅里大学医院 意大利第二大医院使用高级分析高效应对疫情
- Banca Mediolanum Building reliability in risk
- Fratelli Carli A customer connection is the special ingredient
- S-Bank Finland’s top retail bank applies AI to improve customer service and credit scoring
- National Bank of Greece Transformation of the National Bank of Greece with SAS Viya on Microsoft Azure
- Telefónica Ecuador Real-time analytics helps telecom provider adapt to changing customer needs during global pandemic and beyond
- 盘谷银行 构建全球反洗钱平台打击金融犯罪
- 北卡罗来纳州保险部 利用高级分析避免数百万美元保险欺诈损失
- Chr. Hansen A healthier planet through bioscience innovation
- SSAB Transforming steelmaking through IoT analytics
- Standard Chartered Bank Stress testing becomes competitive advantage with advanced analytics
- Black Dog Institute Maximizing the reach and impact of an eHealth hub
- CIMB Singapore Transforming the consumer banking experience through advanced analytics
- FPS Public Health Predictive analytics helps save lives during COVID-19 pandemic
- Relais Colis Delivery company relies on analytics to optimize logistics and swiftly meet changing marketplace dynamics
- OTP Bank Romania Predictive analytics empowers bank to act quickly with confidence
- Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF) Providing a smooth transition for military veterans
- 1&1 Complex telco product portfolio, maximum agility thanks to intelligent decisioning
- Koninklijke Nederlandse Voetbal Bond (KNVB) Reaching 3.6 million football fans via comprehensive marketing analytics
- Adda Analytics helps ensure fair and balanced pay structures across Sweden’s public sector
- PostFinance Swiss financial institution uses advanced analytics to reimagine marketing and personalize customer experiences
- University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) Building a culture of analytics empowers university to lead as an educational enterprise
- California's Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission (MHSOAC) Transforming mental health care in California, turning data into insight
- Banca Progetto Advanced simulations and ‘stress-proof’ models help digital bank successfully navigate uncertain scenarios
- The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong Advanced analytics empowers businesses with data-driven decisions
- DER Touristik Travel and tourism forecasts become more accurate with analytics
- Delaware State Police Solving crime in less time with analytics
- Government of Odisha Advanced analytics empowers the Government of Odisha to combat pandemic and help keep citizens safe
- 凯里镇 智慧城市携手分析技术和物联网技术来预测、管理洪水事件
- REA Group Using customer intelligence to optimize advertising sales
- BeeFutures Using artificial intelligence to decode dance patterns of bees
- Copenhagen Regional Psychiatric Centers Ensuring mental health patient safety during a global pandemic
- CNseg Brazil tackles insurance fraud with AI and analytics
- Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Advancing mental health care with predictive analytics
- Special Olympics World Games Abu Dhabi World’s largest sports and humanitarian event builds legacy of inclusion with data-driven technology
- Alliant Revolutionizing marketing campaigns with AI
- 1-800-FLOWERS.COM, Inc. 客户参与在分析和人工智能中绽放光彩
- Krungsri Consumer Thai bank safeguards customers while managing fraud detection in real time
- Kia Motors America Manufacturing smarter, safer vehicles with analytics
- Topdanmark Hybrid approach ensures seamless experience for insurance customers
- Region of Southern Denmark Reducing hospital-acquired infections with artificial intelligence
- The Kids' Cancer Project Funding for groundbreaking childhood cancer research fueled by analytics
- USG Building materials leader optimizes production using analytics
- Ayalon Insurance A risk-based approach to combat money laundering in Israel
- Oklahoma State University A model of institutional research champions the value of analytics for all
- CNM Strengthening communities with analytics in the cloud
- Orlando Magic Predictive analytics and AI deliver a winning fan experience
- Eneo Forecasting accuracy brings ‘new energy’ to Cameroon
- Lockheed Martin 人工智能和 IoT 分析助力飞机顺利执行重要任务
- NVM Property experts open analytics to new markets
- University of Idaho Boosting institutional research with data governance and self-service reporting
- Vodafone Ukraine Telecom calls on automation to improve market position
- VietCredit Modernizing consumer lending in Vietnam
- Seacoast 银行 用机器学习寻找你的最佳客户
- Siemens Healthineers Automated laboratories improve uptime with analytics
- University of North Texas University aces data strategy to retain more students
- Triad Analytic Solutions Improving loss ratios and profitability
- Northern Virginia Electric Cooperative (NOVEC) Electric co-op forecasts demand and transmission needs
- Local Government Federal Credit Union Making faster, better lending decisions
- Crouse医院 通过分析提供最佳医疗服务
- North Carolina Electric Membership Corp. Electric cooperative sharpens forecasts, reduces energy costs
- Florida Department of Corrections Identifying potential trouble spots
- Ydrogios Insurance Advanced analytics can detect and prevent insurance fraud before losses occur
- 沃尔沃卡车和马克卡车 IoT 数据和人工智能可减少停机时间,帮助卡车司机持续完成运输工作
- Wake County Zeroing in on property values with machine learning
- Shop Direct Digital retailer bags record sales with analytics
- Travis Perkins Building supplier nails inventory management
- SDC 助力120家北欧银行预防犯罪并合规
- IOM Hope, armed with answers, can overcome hardship
万达集团万达集团 万达主题娱乐“看得见的经营”:价值、体验和战略一个都不能少
- Daiwa Securities Using artificial intelligence to better engage with customers
- Aksigorta Turkish insurer achieves real-time fraud detection
- Deutsche Kreditbank AG Fast analytical defense
- Bank of Baroda Cultivating a risk culture
- The University of Alabama Filling the business analytics skills gap
- Interamerican Bolstering insurance data protection while building customer trust
- The University of Central Florida Self-service analytics advances higher education
- South Carolina Department of Education Smart data exploration advances K-12 public education programs
- Landsbankinn 分析助力反洗钱工作
- Boston Public Schools Optimizing bus routes helps funnel cost savings back to schools
- Curtin University Achieving academic and operational excellence through business intelligence
- 美国本田汽车公司 分析将保修数据转化为成本节省
- GAC-SOFINCO 广汽汇理 SAS协助广汽汇理打造反欺诈系统,高效防范欺诈攻击
- Levi Strauss & Co. The right fit in all the right ways
- Santen Improving eye health via clearer data analysis
- Ethniki Insurance Protecting policyholders through better fraud analysis
- Telstra Telstra calls on SAS to keep customers engaged
- Yapi Kredi Calculating credit risk in half the time
- Asia Credit Monitors 亚洲信贷监察:数据分析让应收账款管理更智能、更有效
- kt wiz Hitting fan experience out of the ball park
- Amica 统一数据分析:百年保险公司的数字化生存“保险”
- GAC-SOFINCO 汽车消费金融现团伙欺诈,社交网络分析寻找被忽略的线索
- bsb 包商银行 城商行的互联网机遇:以数据驱动为核心的未来银行
- SPD Bank 从全局数据分析到实时智能营销,浦发银行CRM建设重塑客户价值挖掘
- San Bernardino County Department of Behavioral Health Changing the conversation about behavioral health
- Western Kentucky University University uses analytics to ensure student success
- Des Moines Area Community College Advancing student success through better data analysis
- DER Touristik Köln Travel operator goes further with advanced analytics
- Enexis Exploring data to fuel better decisions
- ODEC Generating power – and more value for customers
- Migros The right offer every time
- DirectPay Making debt collection less painful
- Salt River Project 让沙漠生活凉爽舒适
- Erste Bank Croatia Better reporting yields better understanding of risk management
- Western Digital Big data analytics fuels manufacturing excellence in hard disk drive industry
- İşbank Customer satisfaction, sales surge with improved customer intelligence
- Royal Society for the Protection of Birds Conservation efforts take flight with analytics
- Wescom Credit Union Forecasting helps Wescom Credit Union save millions of dollars
- Town of Cary Municipality puts wireless water meter-reading data to work
- Zenith Insurance Driving business growth with better data
- Valencia College Valencia College uses data-driven approach to improve outcomes in higher education
- Orange County Child Support Services Child support agency uses analytics to provide better options for parents
- NMIMS Businesses seek students with an analytics edge
- Akbank Optimization delivers more revenue while slashing marketing costs
Bank of IndiaBank of India Fast track to advanced operational risk management
Bank of IndiaBank of India Fast track to advanced operational risk management
- Murata Manufacturing Same processes, significantly better yield
E·LAND CHINAE·LAND CHINA 衣恋集团(中国)利用SAS建立决策支持系统提升产品规划表现
- FANCL Corp. 如何让客户关系焕发新生?
- INC Research Trial, not error
- Texas Public Schools Raising the bar
Savannah-Chatham County SchoolsSavannah-Chatham County Schools Creating an interactive classroom
- University of New Hampshire UNH database aids healthcare decision making
- Caser Seguros What does it take to win a price war?
- Crédito y Caución Data quality is a strategic decision
- IAG New Zealand Better data quality provides accurate view of insurance risk and pricing
- New Zealand Ministry of Health Knowing the who, informs the what
- DSM DSM drives spending analysis, commodity coding with SAS
- Irish Tax and Customs Using analytics to predict fraud
Irish Tax & CustomsIrish Tax & Customs Using analytics to predict fraud
- CESCE Get more precision and detail on costs and business processes
- Oklahoma State University How to arm graduate students with real-world skills
- West Midlands Police Using technology to keep the community safe
- Nationwide Building Society Nationwide reduces fraud losses by 75%
- T-Mobile Smarter campaigns, lower churn
- Estonian Tax and Customs Board Improving audit efficiency
- 印度证券交易委员会 保护投资者免受不法之徒欺骗
- Sejung Staying ahead of retail trends
- sees what's in store for customers
- EDF Energy Understand the propensity of your customers to defect
- Bank Leumi Low-risk strategy delivers top-level returns
- College of Education at Lipscomb University Helping students achieve academic excellence
- North Carolina Office of Information Technology Services North Carolina gets tougher on crime
- Los Angeles County Large metro county improves indigent adult services; supports policy changes and protects privacy with SAS
E.ONE.ON Full speed ahead
VerizonVerizon Verizon: Creating their own upturn
- Gloucestershire Constabulary People first policing
State GovernmentState Government SAS帮助政府收入部门加强税收及法规遵从工作
- Directorate of Economics and Statistics Building a decision support system
Bank of CommunicationsBank of Communications 交通银行依靠信息技术启动“后发者优势”
Dexia BILDexia BIL 作业成本管理在Dexia BIL的应用
US BancorpUS Bancorp 提高客户知名度 美国合众银行使用SAS®软件加强客户关系管理(CRM)大获成功
ANZANZ 澳大利亚新西兰银行(集团)有限公司 在SAS帮助下,降低客户风险取得显著成效
ICBCICBC SAS全行统一数据分析平台协助工行深入信息化建设 ——中国工商银行扩大与SAS公司合作
BNLBNL SAS帮助意大利国民劳动银行遵循Basel II信用风险监管规定
Citibank SingaporeCitibank Singapore 花旗银行(新加坡)用SAS软件实现客户份额增长
GE MoneyGE Money GE Money利用SAS产品的简单性,成功提高报表能力
JCBJCB JCB采用SAS解决方案 加强与日本客户之间的联系
UBSUBS 瑞士银行在SAS的帮助下打造更加紧密的客户关系
UBSUBS 客户智能促进瑞士银行(UBS)收入增长
Tsinghua SEMTsinghua SEM 为了培养新一代中国企业领导者,清华大学经济管理学院采用SAS解决方案进行教学。
GSM, Peking UniversityGSM, Peking University 光华新建的商务统计系运行SAS
Jet ServicesJet Services Jet Services 使用SAS® 来获得更清楚的活动视图
AmazonAmazon 使用SAS® 来提供欺诈发现
Kingfisher Asia LimitedKingfisher Asia Limited 翠鸟(KINGFISHER) 亚洲有限公司通过使用 SAS® 来利用供应商表现以及获取更大的收益性
Illinois DOTIllinois DOT 为效率铺平道路
SGMSGM 基于SAS保修解决方案 上海通用快速获得高投资回报
Ford Motor CompanyFord Motor Company 顾客关系是福特汽车公司最为重要的部分 SAS为全球汽车制造商的顾客关系管理(CRM)计划提供了支持
VodafoneVodafone 加强营销的影响力 沃达丰通过分析客户的关联性来削减成本和提高响应率
CSI-Piemonte (信息系统联盟)CSI-Piemonte (信息系统联盟) CSI-Piemonte 通过 SAS® 制定更明智的公众健康服务开销决策
RadiolinjaRadiolinja 芬兰的Radiolinja使用SAS®来为移动客户提供支持
Telekomunikacia PolskaTelekomunikacia Polska 变革让公司和客户受益非浅 波兰电信巨人请求SAS协助
Environment CanadaEnvironment Canada Environment Canada让呼吸更舒畅, SAS® 确保为大气化学研究提供质量数据
Daiichi Sankyo Pharma DevelopmentDaiichi Sankyo Pharma Development 无纸办公解决之道 Daiichi Sankyo Pharma Development采用SAS®更加快速地制定药品开发决策
Eli Lilly and CompanyEli Lilly and Company 美国礼来公司与SAS: 30年友好合作
GenaissanceGenaissance Genaissance预测个体对药品的反应 SAS支持先进的信息学系统
ImpactRxImpactRx ImpactRx: 采用SAS提供实时市场情报
IMS HealthIMS Health 精细化销售 IMS Health与SAS联手提供销售绩效咨询服务
Solvay PharmaceuticalsSolvay Pharmaceuticals 掌握全球情报的良策 苏威制药采用SAS®加强全球药品开发
Florida Department of CorrectionsFlorida Department of Corrections 佛罗里达州管教部门 增强佛罗里达州市民的安全性
IHSIHS 印第安健康服务部使用SAS®跟踪医院绩效
Baosteel 上海宝钢Baosteel 上海宝钢 BI伴宝钢共成长
Baosteel 上海宝钢Baosteel 上海宝钢 在竞争中领跑-上海宝钢使用SAS软件来提高产品质量和改进供货流程
POSCOPOSCO 浦项制铁采用SAS 9推动质量流程管理
KraftKraft 奶油含量是多少?脆度是多少? 卡夫食品发现SAS的真实度量
HPHP 挖掘黄金以外的财富--惠普借助SAS®软件飞速提升客户关系管理水平
MaytagMaytag 美泰克电器客户服务借助SAS®保修分析软件传承优良品质
Sub-Zero FreezerSub-Zero Freezer 超‘酷’解决方案--厨房家电制造商借助SAS®软件减少保修索赔
AlconAlcon Alcon提高客户服务水平,优化库存量
Automobile ManufacturerAutomobile Manufacturer 国内领先汽车制造商使用SAS®文本分析构建问题解决方案知识库
1-800-FLOWERS.COM1-800-FLOWERS.COM SAS解决方案帮助1-800-FLOWERS.COM深深扎根于客户
China CITIC BankChina CITIC Bank 通过基于数据分析和客户分群的市场营销活动帮助中信银行提升休眠信用卡激活率
China CustomsChina Customs 全球贸易效率 - 中国海关使用SAS 来审核偷税漏税、指导地方当局和打击走私
China Mobile (Shenzhen)China Mobile (Shenzhen) SAS社会网络分析提升深圳移动的客户满意度,目标客户的界定成功率提高了3-5倍
China Unicom (Tianjin)China Unicom (Tianjin) SAS助天津联通挖掘数据,发现“商机”
Statistics DenmarkStatistics Denmark 丹麦中央统计局 - 如何在不提问的情况下进行人口普查
DMDCDMDC 它不仅仅是一项工作 - 五角大楼官员依赖SAS智能来出台政策
Allianz GroupAllianz Group 金融服务商安联集团使用高性能分析实现实时营销和更多业务目标
- WildTrack Protecting Endangered Species with AI Solutions
- Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Managing risk to move faster in the marketplace
- InShared InShared moves towards an integrated omnichannel marketing approach with SAS Customer Intelligence solution
- Home Credit Hyper-personalized offers help consumer finance company elevate the customer experience
- Repsol Empowering customers to choose more efficient energy consumption
- Bausparkasse Schwäbisch Hall Fighting loan application fraud with cutting-edge analytics
- Gallia-Vinton Educational Service Center Changing the data conversation in Ohio schools
- Erste Bank Austrian bank uses integrated risk and carbon calculation engine to steer toward net-zero by 2050
Company | Description |
SAS 的客户
“我们几乎所有流程都需要使用数据来控制,因此拥有一个用户友好、每个人都能使用的分析平台至关重要。”“SAS Viya 让我们为迈向未来做好了充分准备。” Hans Soeteman • Head of Information Provision Platforms • Rijkswaterstaat
SAS Viya 代表着数据可视化的巨大飞跃。“现在我们可以让更多人享受到分析技术的便利,不必再使用第三方工具,同时也满足了数据分析师的专业分析需求。” Florence Vuillet • Data Director • UTWIN
“我们的教练、体能训练师、表现分析师和数据科学家与 SAS 深入沟通,对我们的表现(如触球和犯规)和对手的表现进行针对性的统计分析,让我们在比赛中变得更强。” Julien Piscione • Head of Performance Support • French Rugby Federation
G2 同行评审网站认可 SAS Viya

“SAS Viya 是一个面向未来的 AI 平台。”
Sheetam V.,高级经理 -
“简单明了的图表和 AI 生成的分析结果非常准确。”
Tiffany S.,小型企业经理 -
Keshav B.,分析经理
SAS 客户认可奖
Shionogi 是一家致力研究传染病和癌症镇痛的知名日本制药公司,该公司在业内率先采用 SAS 的机器分析成功取代了临床试验中的人工分析。
飞马航空于 2005 年被 Esas 集团收购,是土耳其领先的低成本航空公司。借助 SAS Customer Intelligence 360,该公司得以更好地细分客户群并确定通信渠道,制定个性化的乘客互动策略。
CPESN® USA 是美国首个临床综合药房供应商网络,覆盖 2,000 家药房。疫情期间,SAS 帮助该网络满足了数据管理和报告方面的各种联邦要求,并为社区协调输送了近 700 万剂疫苗。