SAS 360 Engage

Reach the right audience on the right devices with omnichannel marketing capabilities.

Boost customer acquisition rates. Build a stronger, more profitable customer base. Generate higher returns on marketing investments.

Create omnichannel marketing campaigns quickly and easily.

No matter the size of your marketing operation, you need a solution that enables you to deliver relevant, satisfying offers to customers whenever and wherever they want them – via the web, email, direct mail, mobile and social apps, etc. With SAS 360 Engage, your marketing, sales and service teams can set up, automate and track activities in a repeatable fashion from a single omnichannel marketing hub. The user-friendly interface lets you easily define target segments, prioritize selection rules, assign messages, orchestrate schedules, automatically execute campaigns and analyze marketing performance with greater efficiency and effectiveness.

Improve testing and targeting, and get higher response rates.

Unmatched analytical capabilities help you turn customer insight into highly targeted segments. Embedded AI and machine learning techniques provide deeper insights into customers and segments, and these insights go back into your retention, cross-sell/up-sell and response models so they get smarter and better over time. You can use what you learn to adjust your marketing tactics to get the best results – from creating ideal product mix offers, to optimizing website strategies to drive higher conversions, to determining the best timing for follow-up or retargeting efforts, and more.

Get a faster return on your investment.

SAS 360 Engage provides all the omnichannel marketing capabilities you need from a single marketing hub. Because SAS 360 Engage is a SaaS offering, you'll always be working with the most leading-edge, innovative omnichannel marketing technology – and staying ahead of the competition. We update the solution with new features frequently, typically once a month. That means you'll always have the most up-to-date solution without expensive, time-consuming upgrades.

Key Features

Personalized, precisely targeted offers delivered to customers across digital channels, devices and points in time.

Single marketing interface

Lets you create, manage and deliver email, web, direct and mobile campaigns through a single, easy-to-use interface.

Unmatched analytics

Provides advanced analytics for better segmentation and a deeper understanding of your audiences.

Comprehensive campaign management

Enables you to efficiently conduct, monitor and automate campaign activities – including design, execution, segmentation and management – via a user-friendly interface.

Embedded data integration

Addresses every aspect of managing customer data, from ETL to data quality.

Integrated data visualization & reporting

Enables you to quickly and easily understand what's working and what isn't.

Event tracking

Track and respond to customer activities occurring across multiple channels.

Flexible hybrid cloud approach

Stores and runs your data where you need to – in the cloud or your on-site data mart – so you can minimize data movement, reduce costs and maintenance, and adhere to your data privacy needs.

SAS 360 Engage – a single, omnichannel marketing hub that provides all the capabilities you need.

SAS 360 Engage: Direct

Gain the power and flexibility to coordinate and deliver analytically driven direct communications.

  • Easily identify targetable segments without having to write code using out-of-the-box point-and-click tools.
  • Control which customers are targeted by channel, offer and message, and determine which customers to include in test segments, using logical decision tools.
  • Automatically run campaigns on a one-time or recurring basis using orchestration controls.
  • Eliminate duplication of effort and improve process efficiency with reusable components.
  • Easily enlarge, zoom and manage selection flows with large numbers of segments using user-friendly navigation tools.
  • Create and select the most appropriate audiences to target for acquisition, retention and loyalty campaigns with graphically driven selection tools that give you easy access to data and analytics.

SAS 360 Engage: Digital

Extract analytical insights from your data and use those insights to orchestrate meaningful customer interactions over digital channels.

  • Make your marketing smarter using analytical decision helpers – analytical processes embedded directly into the solution.
  • Contextually engage with customers across channels by integrating disparate channels to gain deeper customer insights and allow for more confident marketing attribution. 
  • Dial up the detail in your digital data by going beyond channel-level web metrics (e.g., time on page, bounce rate, view rate) to really understand customers and their behavior by tying digital intelligence to traditional data sources.
  • Enable true test and learn by using A/B tests to identify unique customer segments and their key attributes. Or use univariate testing to, for example, compare several web or app elements to gauge performance and effectiveness.
  • Create a stronger, broader platform by customizing with other SAS offerings, such as SAS 360 Plan, SAS 360 Discover, SAS 360 Match and SAS Intelligent Decisioning.

SAS 360 Engage: Email

Send targeted, segmented campaigns to your contacts. Create actionable stats with our analytics, and integrate your email with other marketing channels right in SAS Customer Intelligence 360.

  • Build and maintain your own reputation by sending emails with dedicated IP addresses
  • Create activity maps to build campaigns with multiple marketing channels, including email.
  • Use our built-in email editor to create hyper-personalized content, and our insights analytics to review and act on results.
  • Benefit from our world-class deliverability support, which includes ensuring proper setup and warmup, and monitoring to help maximize email success.

SAS 360 Engage: Email Testing

Ensure that the emails you send to contacts will be right the first time, and reduce the likelihood of them going to spam.

  • Eliminate the need to manually test emails by previewing them before sending to accurately see how content displays on multiple devices, browsers, email clients and platforms.
  • Automatically test email content across several spam filters to determine the likelihood an email will be flagged as spam.
  • Score and correct email content before sending it out to prospects and customers.

SAS 360 Engage: Optimize

Use advanced optimization techniques for true omnichannel marketing. Only SAS delivers true marketing and campaign optimization backed by powerful analytics. That means reduced costs. Higher ROI. And happier, more profitable customers.

  • Predict the impact of constraints using true, robust mathematical optimization.
  • An intuitive interface puts powerful optimization in the hands of marketers.
  • Run a variety of scenarios based on different constraints and objectives using powerful scenario analysis capabilities.
  • Perform detailed modeling, selection and what-if analysis using all your data, not a sample, in a fraction of the time using our high-performance optimization engine.
  • Ensure data privacy with a true hybrid environment. Cloud and on-site technology help keep sensitive PII customer data (used for the optimization calculations) and configuration of the optimization scenarios (performed in the cloud) separate.

Explore More on SAS 360 Engage and Beyond


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The Total Economic Impact Of SAS Customer Intelligence 360

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