SAS and Ankara Science University join forces for 13 special certification programs

A world leader in advanced analytics, artificial intelligence and celebrating its 25th year in Türkiye this year, SAS is starting a unique initiative in the field of education. As part of its academic collaboration with Ankara Science University, SAS provides a first-of-its-kind opportunity in a country by offering 13 certification programs simultaneously.

The company, which works with many leading organizations to fill the gap between the academic world and industry and eliminate the qualified personnel problem of the sector, aims to reach out to 300 students at the first stage. The free-of-charge certification program it implemented with Ankara Science University will offer many students the chance to get certificates in a broad range of areas from software engineering to management and business administration programs. Students will be able to take the certificates they have earned as part of their academic curriculum. 

Our goal is to contribute to the future of Türkiye

Stating that SAS has more than 300 joint programs with many prestigious academic organization worldwide, SAS Türkiye and Central Asia General Manager Rasim Eğri “At SAS, we believe in Türkiye and we are aware of the potential of its young population. We are putting our mark under many collaborations and educational programs in the region in this sense including our Digital Technology Developers program. We plan to continue to increase our scope and contribution in Türkiye and reach out to many talents.  The program that we have recently realized with Ankara Science University is a great example to this.”

“From a regional perspective we have more than 40 joint certification programs academically in the Middle East and Turkey region. As part of the project with Ankara Science University, we for the first time implemented 13 simultaneous certification programs at a university for various engineering and business administration departments. This project is a first both in the world and in Türkiye for SAS.” said Ahmed Kamal Global Program Manager and Head of SAS Academic Program for the Middle East and Turkey.

Ankara Science University Rector Yavuz Demir: On behalf of Ankara Science University, I can say that the collaboration we made with SAS - a leading software company in the world - is the concrete and most important outputs of our efforts to set our main goal of working together with different organizations to build the joint future of humanity “by immigrating from within”; to this end, I believe that this collaboration will make valuable contributions to our nation and our education in particular, in terms of knowledge and applications and I would like to congratulate both parties.

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Medya İletişimi

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