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Why Get Certified?

You've got the skills. Now get the SAS certification to prove it.

Earning a Skills Certification: Facts & Figures

Professionals who earned an IT certification reported higher salaries, increased recognition and the confidence to explore better jobs, according to a recent report. 


of professionals received
a promotion or salary increase


had more confidence to explore new job opportunities


experienced greater confidence
in their abilities​


Data from the Pearson VUE 2023 Value of IT Certification Report.

SAS Certification Options for Everyone

How SAS Helps you Prepare for Certification

Exam Prep Resources

Reach your certification goals with help from our experts. 

Free Practice Exams

Take a free practice exam and ramp up for the real thing.

Schedule an Exam

Ready to take the test? Visit our certification manager.

SAS Digital Badge

Show Your Network You're SAS Certified With a Digital Badge

Once you've earned a SAS certification, you'll get a digital badge to share on social media sites. The badge shows your peers and potential employers what you've accomplished and helps tell your unique story.

You are automatically added to the SAS certification and skills directory when you earn a badge. This allows employers to see your accomplishments. Opt in to receive messages about job opportunities that match your skills.

Five Reasons to Get SAS Certified