Man and woman standing at cash register

Run your analytics on almost any public, private or hybrid cloud infrastructure

Cloud Retail & Consumer Goods Solutions

Discover how our analytics solutions in the cloud help you make decisions faster on a secure, dependable infrastructure.

Business Challenges

The historically risk-averse retail and consumer goods industry has been taking a slow, methodical approach to cloud adoption. As a result, many companies are technologically behind typical customers, who often have more computing power in their hands than a store associate serving them. Perhaps the biggest issue preventing large-scale cloud adoption in retail and consumer goods is security, with many fearing that having more data in the cloud will increase the risk of cybersecurity breaches. And retailers and consumer goods companies have always been averse to relinquishing control of their IT assets.

How SAS can help

With analytics solutions in the cloud, SAS can help you improve your decision making, regardless of your organization's level of analytical maturity. Our secure, dependable infrastructure gives you peace of mind while enabling you to:

  • Adopt a customer experience analytics foundation that spans all data, analytics and decisioning needs.
  • Segment customer lists into identifiable groups based on shopping behaviors.
  • Explore retail and consumer goods trends, identify opportunities and meet financial objectives.

Why choose SAS for analytics in the cloud?

SAS has the experience and expertise to deliver cutting-edge retail and consumer goods analytics via the cloud securely, in the way that works best for your business:

  • Software as a service (SaaS). We offer standardized, off-the-shelf SaaS offerings that are available for immediate use right out of the box.
  • SAS managed cloud services. Take advantage of cutting-edge SAS technology with maximum uptime, managed by us on your site or ours.
  • SAS software deployed in public or private clouds. We offer multiple ways to deploy SAS in public or private clouds, including deployment patterns like Docker containers, Kubernetes for orchestration, or support for Cloud Foundry.
  • Cloud-specific SAS offerings. SAS works with major cloud infrastructure providers like Microsoft, Amazon, Google and Red Hat to streamline SAS deployments in public clouds. We also partner with a number of managed analytic service providers (MASPs) that offer cloud-based solutions for specific industries, including retail and consumer goods.

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How Retailers Adapt with Analytic Agility

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