Hyper Personalize Your Marketing with AI

On-Demand Webinar

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About this webinar

There are two important and difficult issues that emerged along with analytical hype.

First – the modern way of customer communication management. With AI being everywhere came the need to have a customer communication system highly automated that can make autonomous and intelligent decisions to drive customer relationships. Still, this system should be simple to maintain and monitor and yet should deliver highly personalized and always relevant messages to grow customer engagement.

The second issue is the analytics lifetime and deployment. Nowadays it’s not a problem to deliver a score code. The challenge is to deploy it, monitor, and adapt especially where analytics is used in real-time and an automated reaction on fast-changing data should be applied along with retraining of analytical models and redeployment with no downtime of working business processes. During the presentation, we will show how SAS solution addresses those issues within a consistent and comprehensive platform that automates hyper- personalization processes.

What you will learn:

  • How to automate your marketing in realtime,
  • How to discover moments of truth and arbitrate the next best action,
  • How to hyper personalize your customer’s experience

Duration: 40 min

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About the Experts

Arnost Micek

Arnost Micek 
Group Head of CRM in HomeCredit International

With HomeCredit group since 2015 – on various commercial/CRM positions – China/Vietnam/Prague - HQ

“Father” of customer value management supported by Campaign and interaction management in HomeCredit Group (leading and conceptually driven implementation of SAS CM and RTDM in India, Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines, China, Kazakhstan).

Prior to HomeCredit group acting for 15 on various banking positions within UniCreditGroup (CRM/Technology/InvestmentBanking) (CZ/SK/IT/DE/UK projects and assignments) Wide experience in Technology-driven business bringing automation and decisioning aspects into CRM and Sales business. Strong background of trends in the Credit/Fintech area spread out in emerging markets in Euro-Asian territory.

Klemen Koselj

Klemen Koselj
Senior Solution Architect, Tier One Analytics 

Klemen's professional life revolves around bringing AI, data science, analytics and power of data into the business process at the point of decision making for optimal outcomes. In more than 20 years as solution architect, project manager and consultant he has worked with(in) major banking and other organizations across Europe designing and delivering solutions in the area of marketing, customer experience, risk management and regulatory compliance while working for SAS and IBM among others.

Artur Skalski

Artur Skalski
Sr Business Solutions Manager, SAS

Artur Skalski has been supporting SAS for 10 years in designing Business and Customer Intelligence solutions. He gained broad experience by participating in SAS projects, previously working in telecommunications and consulting companies. He is a graduate of Warsaw School of Economics and Warsaw University of Life Sciences. Participant of the CEGISM program of the European Center of Excellence at the Institute of Spatial Management and Housing, winner of the Minister of Infrastructure's distinction for innovative use of geomatics techniques in spatial development planning.

Radoslaw Grabiec

Radoslaw Grabiec
Customer Intelligence Solutions Manager, CEMEA, SAS

Radoslaw has been working in the business intelligence and IT industry for the past 25 years. His scientific background is in the field of informatics and applied mathematics, namely statistics and data collection. At SAS, Radoslaw leads the Customer Intelligence team in Central EMEA region. He supports organizations in the banking and telco sector in creating marketing automation solutions. In his personal life he enjoys photography, riding a motorcycle and is an avid guitarist. Radoslaw holds MSC degree in applied mathematics from University of Warsaw, majoring in Numerical Analysis and stochastic simulations