The Data Science Experience


Come explore real examples of innovation in action as applied analytics and
AI brought to you by the people making it happen in the functions that
turn the wheels of progress forward in each organization.

Each “spotlight” provides a different perspective on how
SAS Viya makes it possible.

Public Sector Data Scientists

The public sector fulfils a fundamental organizing role in every society, so innovations made by public sector data scientists’ work drive improvements in policies, programs and proposed legislation that affect millions of peoples’ lives, as well as how organizations and entire industries operate.

For that reason, we’re pleased to showcase data scientists innovating across a broad spectrum – at a national agency, for a state government agency, at an NGO research institute serving public sector clients, and an innovative SAS Hackathon team with a transformative smart cities application to save lives everywhere.

Qais Hatim
Qais Hatim is a data scientist at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), where he performs work that has substantial merit and national importance. As an expert in industrial engineering, advanced statistical modelling, machine learning, data analytics, and operational research, he holds integrated B.S./M.S. degrees in Mechanical/Nuclear Engineering and dual Ph.D. degrees in Industrial Engineering/Operations Research.

Cheryl Bolchoz
Cheryl Bolchoz is currently working with the South Carolina Department of Corrections as a Biostatistician, where she has developed an innovative dynamic model to analyze inmate behavior and identify predict acts of violence on a weekly basis. Cheryl earned a B.S. in Mathematics from the College of Charleston and a Master of Public Health in Biostatistics from the University of South Carolina. With over 20 years of experience in data mining and statistical analysis, she is the founder of Alpha Datalytics, LLC.

Kim Chantala
Kim Chantala is a Programmer Analyst at RTI International, and is always looking to innovate on public sector and other projects. She has developed SAS macros revolutionizing data preparation and published her work in “The Data Detective’s Toolkit: Cutting-Edge Techniques and SAS Macros to Clean, Prepare, and Manage Data.” Kim earned a BS in Physics from the Colorado School of Mines and an MS in Biometrics from the University of Colorado.

Team Hackanadians
Team Hackanadians are data scientists from Canada that won the SAS Hackathon Data for Good Award for their model to tackle the universal problem of emergency vehicle accidents happening at intersections during crisis response. They developed an innovative AI application with sensors that detect approaching sirens and commandeer traffic lights to allow emergency vehicles to safely pass. Headed by Heather Friesen from B.C., this team includes Amir Hossini and Sara Agakhani from Calgary and Prabhpreet Sidhu from Toronto.

Public Sector innovation in action

Applying AI & Machine Learning to prescription medication marketing data
Qais Hatim, US Food & Drug Administration  

Violence Indicator System
Cheryl Bolchoz, South Carolina Department of Corrections

The Data Detective’s Toolkit
Kim Chantala, RTI International

AI and IoT to the Rescue –
Traffic Lights for Life
SAS Hackathon Team Hackanadians

For Practitioners

For Young Professionals


Drive Analytic Innovation Through SAS and Open Source Integration

SAS Analytics for IoT: Smart Cities – Improve government efficiency and service delivery by fusing analytics with IoT data

Governments leading through change – how analytics and AI are helping agencies face unprecedented challenges

Young Professionals

Blog: Which machine learning algorithm should I use?

Ask the Expert Webinar: Demystifying SAS Viya

Discover how SAS helps you explore, analyze and visualize our data

Empowering Open Integration with SAS Viya series

The benefits of using multiple analytical technologies for model building, model management and model deployment.

In this series, data scientists, model engineers and IT-experts will be talking about how Viya, the AI, Analytics and Data Management platform by SAS, enables everyone to collaborate, scale and operationalize all types of open-source analytics everywhere. Marinela Profi Data & Analytics Specialist SAS

Marinela Profi, Data & Analytics Specialist at SAS explains why it is important to empower open integration.


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