The Data Science Experience


Come explore real examples of innovation in action as applied analytics and
AI brought to you by the people making it happen in the functions that
turn the wheels of progress forward in each organization.

Each “spotlight” provides a different perspective on how
SAS Viya makes it possible.

Insurance Data Scientists

The work of the data scientist in the insurance sector has huge potential for wide impact. And the entire industry is undergoing radical change, driven by ever-higher customer service expectations and opportunities presented by digital innovation. To stay relevant, insurers must become hyperintelligent, AI-driven and customer centered. That means data scientists must flex their superpowers to up their game like never before.

This spotlight features insurance data scientists from different corners of the world who are upping their game in important ways to tackle fraud and improve claims processing with innovative machine learning models. And the need to be responsive to customers means internal changes as well. Hear how one expert makes his mark by empowering others to self-serve their exploration and become citizen data scientists.

Each path to becoming a data scientist is different, but all are paved and maintained with the same important material – curiosity. Scroll below and visit each one to discover for yourself.

Tim Chin
Tim Chin is a Data Scientist at State Farm, the largest auto and homeowner’s insurer in the United States. His day-to-day work involves building predictive models and researching new machine learning techniques. As a result of utilizing data science in the insurance industry, customers are able to face enhanced user experiences where they interact with modernized, fast predictive models from getting a quote to filing a claim.

Tim holds a bachelor's degree in economics and statistics as well as a master's degree in statistics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. In his free time, he enjoys cooking new recipes, going to the gym, watching new movies and TV shows, attending classical orchestra concerts, and traveling around the world with his family.

Ashley Piper
Ashley Piper is a Data Scientist at Covéa Insurance – a UK insurer which is a part of the French mutual insurance group Covéa. His role involves supporting Covéa’s continual adoption of data science, with a particular focus on enhancing the company’s claims and fraud processes. With a background in insurance pricing, Ashley uses his ever-growing technical skills and over 5 years of domain knowledge to develop machine learning models that have the potential to revolutionise how claims are settled and insurance fraud is tackled at Covéa. Ashley holds a BSc in Mathematics with Statistics as well as an MSc in Data Analytics which he recently obtained from the University of Glasgow.

Jack Liu
Jack is an open-minded, tech-savvy, professional critical thinker and natural problem solver, plus a passionate golfer. Being the proud winner of the Bupa Global Everyday Hero award in 2018 from Bupa’s Australian health insurance business, Jack stands with his 85,000 Bupa colleagues providing health and care services around the world. As an expert in complex workforce optimisation and business integration, Jack has been a curious adventurer in the world of data. Jack is also a member of SAS Analytics Explorers, a SAS community that is dedicated to exploring analytics, sharing knowledge, having fun and helping SAS users in their careers.

Insurance Sector innovation in action

Uncovering the algorithm: Interpreting Complex Machine Learning Models
Tim Chin of State Farm  

Tackling fraud and improving claims efficiency
Ashley Piper of Covea

Point & Click Your Way into the Future of Data Science
Jack Liu of Bupa Asia Pacific

For Practitioners

For Young Professionals


Smarter Insurance Investigation Management

Fraudsters love digital 

Drive Analytic Innovation Through SAS and Open Source Integration

Young Professionals

Analytics Value Training for Insurance – Starts November 17th

Insuring customers, insuring growth 

5 ways insurance will change by 2025

Empowering Open Integration with SAS Viya series

The benefits of using multiple analytical technologies for model building, model management and model deployment.

In this series, data scientists, model engineers and IT-experts will be talking about how Viya, the AI, Analytics and Data Management platform by SAS, enables everyone to collaborate, scale and operationalize all types of open-source analytics everywhere. Marinela Profi Data & Analytics Specialist SAS

Marinela Profi, Data & Analytics Specialist at SAS explains why it is important to empower open integration.


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