How pixels, analytics and AI could help Europe to protect it's green deal ambitions


How pixels, analytics and AI could help Europe to protect it's green deal ambitions

presented by SAS

Striving for more quality food while making a positive climate impact on the land on which it is grown. It may sound like a contradiction, but the common market can actually be leveraged to bring about a change with a range of measures to support farmers, keep things affordable for citizens and make our food system more robust and sustainable. How can the EU achieve this?
Data and AI can guide policy and enforce legitimacy and impact across the subsidized farming landscape.

Download this e-book and discover the key role data and AI play to:

  • Achieve the goal of the Green Deal.
  • Deliver the cost-effective benefits that only climate-smart farming can bring.
  • Scope & direct investments to high-impact areas.
  • Detect fraud and make sure incentive schemes have the best outcome per euro invested.