The IFRS 17 Survival Guide
Technology Edition
About this whitepaper
If you’re reading this, you don’t need us to tell you why IFRS 17 is such a big deal. You already know. You’ve probably already developed the strategic framework of your approach to IFRS 17 and are now looking to fill in the pieces – focusing especially on the technology front.
That’s where we’re focused, too, for obvious reasons. In helping some of the world’s largest insurers get ready for IFRS 17 compliance, we’ve made a few observations that we think warrant extra attention from you and your team, because they directly aect the decisions you’re making about technology today. Plus, they can help you keep volatility in check as you move toward the 2022 compliance deadline.
In short, this whitepaper was made to help your whole IFRS 17 team get on board – fast. So, let’s dive in.
About SAS
SAS is a global leader in AI and analytics software, including industry-specific solutions. SAS helps organizations transform data into trusted decisions faster by providing knowledge in the moments that matter. SAS gives you THE POWER TO KNOW®.