
SAS Customer Intelligence 360 Engage: Email

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SAS Customer Intelligence 360 Engage: Digital

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Customer Guide

SAS® Customer Intelligence 360
Newly released features and benefits

April 2024

Training Updates: Email

(SAS Customer Intelligence 360 Engage: Email)


  • SAS Education has introduced new material covering SAS Customer Intelligence 360 email functionality. Additions and updates include:
    • Editing HTML content using the Layout Manager.
    • Plain text emails.
    • Saving layouts and using templates.
    • Link tracking, display conditions, impression limits and personalization.
    • Editing HTML code and CSS classes.


  • Enhance your SAS Customer Intelligence 360 email skills with new and improved features, covering essential topics like HTML editing and link tracking for more effective email campaigns.  

Unified Data Model: Schema 15

(SAS Customer Intelligence 360 Engage: Email)


  • Extensions to the email data tables provide deeper insights into email events.
  • Schema 15 includes the following enhancements:
    • Additional channel metrics are added to the DAILY_USAGE and MONTHLY_USAGE tables.
    • New columns for EMAIL_OPEN and EMAIL_CLICK tables include more information about how an email is accessed.
    • New columns in the EMAIL_BOUNCE table include the reason code and the raw reason text from SparkPost.


  • Additional channel metrics, detailed email access information and comprehensive bounce data provide richer data and granularity for more insightful analytics and decision making.  

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SAS Tag: New & Improved

(SAS Customer Intelligence 360 Discover, SAS Customer Intelligence Engage)


  • A new updated version of the SAS tag (ot2.min.js) improves support for websites built with modern web technologies.
  • The new SAS tag is more secure, easier to configure, more efficient and enhances support for single page applications (SPAs).  


  • Faster loading: Reduced loading time with fewer requests, smaller file sizes, earlier execution and faster content delivery.
  • Enhanced security: Elimination of dynamic JavaScript injection and adoption of JSON-based configuration for safer interpretation.
  • Streamlined configuration: Automatic page load generation for URL changes eliminates the need for custom logic and reduces setup efforts for spots.
  • Improved data collection: Ensures collection of objects and links added post-page load, captures missed clicks and enables extraction from Shadow DOM.
  • Enhanced personalization: Seamless detection and delivery of content for dynamically appearing spots, including those within Shadow DOM, for enhanced user experiences.
  • The previous version of the SAS tag (ot-all.min.js) is deprecated and will no longer function on Sept. 1, 2024.
  • For detailed information about this update, see the community topic Learn More About the New SAS Tag (Ot2).

Web Identity Events: Subject_ID Support

(SAS Customer Intelligence 360 Discover, SAS Customer Intelligence 360 Engage)


  • Additional use of Subject_ID as an identity type for web identity events.
  • When creating an identity configuration under General Settings -> User Identities, Subject ID is now available as an identification type. Historically, only Login and Customer ID have been supported.
  • In using the JavaScript API (attch_identity call), Subject ID was already supported.  


  • Simplifies the process by eliminating the requirement for uploading a Login ID/Subject ID mapping when the values are already identical on the website. This ensures smoother integration and reduces operational workload.

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SDK Flutter and React Native Cookbook Updates

(SAS Customer Intelligence 360 Digital)


  • App developers will need to undertake additional configurations for the Flutter and React Native Integrations.
  • The updated Flutter and React Native Integration Cookbook offers essential information to support your success. 
  • For additional details, view the Integrating with Hybrid Mobile Apps section for Flutter and React Native in SAS Customer Intelligence 360 Mobile SDK.

iOS and Android SDK Updates

(SAS Customer Intelligence 360 Digital)


  • SAS Customer Intelligence 360 Mobile SDK change log for iOS and Android has been updated.   

General Updates

(SAS Customer Intelligence 360 General)

  • For the latest features and updates in SAS Customer Intelligence 360, keep an eye on the What’s New page.