
What’s Next? Fraud & AML Trends for 2023 (and Beyond)

The Covid-19 pandemic led to growth in adoption of various online/mobile banking products, services and faster payment options. One of the key trends is digital acceleration causing an uptick in financial crimes and fraud attack rates, prompting financial institutions (FIs) to halt and rethink their digital acquisition strategies.

Within the public sector, the digital transformation has led to more sophisticated online tactics within various government and health care programs, while law enforcement seeks to modernize policing investigation efforts due to the increase on online scams.

Discussion triggers

  1. As we head into 2023, what threats do you see becoming more significant?
  2. What tech-driven fraud busting capabilities are you most looking forward to implementing?
  3. Why will orchestration and enterprise decisioning attract more attention?
  4. How will public sector ID frauds influence measures necessary for banks, insurers, healthcare providers ?
  5. How will open-source intelligence (OSINT) and web scraping contribute to more effective fraud fighting?

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