How AI Helps Detect and Prevent Fraud
Fraud is an increasing challenge for governments and inspectors at all levels, as fraudsters today are more successful than ever. Join our experts to explore how automation-driven efficiencies should be boosted with better integrity assurance.
Discussion triggers
- Why do governments need to increase their attention on fraud prevention?
- What technologies are being used to minimize fraud, waste and abuse?
- How can governments deploy AI most effectively to prosecute fraudsters and recover funds?
- How do we prevent AI hacking compromising automated services provided to citizens?
- What options can governments use to navigate data science skills shortages?
Meet the panel
- Alexandre Negadi Fraud Security Intelligfence - Public Sector EMEA Industry Director, SASTwitter: @anegadi
- Carl Hammersburg Sr. Manager, Government and Health Care Risk and Fraud, SASTwitter: @carlhammersburg
- Colin Gray Helping public sector organisations be better at detecting fraud, SASTwitter: @GrayColinAI
- David Casey Principal Industry Consultant, Tax and Revenue Compliance, SASTwitter: @TaxDataCasey
- Dwijendra Dwivedi Head of AI & IoT EMEA team, SASTwitter: @dwijnath
- Jennifer Robinson Global Government Strategic Advisor, SASTwitter: @JenBRobinson