Young boys racing wearing watermelon helmets

Future of Hackathons

Hackathons remain popular with problem solvers. Hear from this panel of hackathon producers on what’s in store to support accelerating innovation. 


Discussion triggers

  1. #HackinSAS was designed as a hybrid of hackathons and innovation acceleration. How effective has this approach been?
  2. How did the hack platform provisioned to foster greater creativity?
  3. How did track leads’ role evolve, and what’s next?
  4. Where did mentors to play the biggest role?
  5. What’s next for Hackers’ Hub?

Further reading

Stacking the odds for analytics-driven innovation success

Seeking solutions for
COVID-19: Hackathon surfaces 100 possibilities

9 ways hackathons
can support innovation

Hackathon challenge:
Fighting fire with data

Enabling dreams – and partners – with a hackathon

Life After Hackathons