Male programmer coding on virtual monitor

Democratization of AI 

Empowering employees with better tools can improve efficiency and engagement. Increasing availability of low- and no-code AI tools sounds like a good solution to shortage of technical talent, but what risks need to be mitigated? Join this panel to learn about scope, benefits and challenges of democratization of AI.


Discussion triggers

  1. What does the phrase ‘democratization of AI’ mean in the context of your domain?
  2. What are the biggest benefits of democratization?
  3. How is the concept of citizen data scientist related to the democratisation of AI?
  4. How has cloud computing influenced the pace of democratizing AI?
  5. How have you seen cultural factors impact democratization of AI?
  6. Against the backdrop of rising concerns about bias, what precautions should organisations take on their path to democratization?

Further reading

Size does not matter on the transformation journey

Get data science out of the IT department and into the boardroom


For a more resilient future, organizations will need analytics

6 ways data analytics leads to better decisions for farmers