Time lapse photo of commuters on subway

Cities and municipalities at
the forefront of innovation

Our digital experiences as consumers influence our expectations of how we wish to engage with public services. Join this tweetchat to explore how progressive cities and municipalities are embracing digital transformation.  


Discussion triggers

  1. What is your favourite city/municipality data/analytics use case emerging in past 12 months?
  2. What does digital transformation mean in the context of a city/municipality?
  3. What do you believe should be in a modern city/municipality dashboard?
  4. How are city/municipality leaders promoting data-driven cultures and more intelligent decisioning?
  5. How will rising awareness of data ethics influence future use case development?

Further reading

Hackanadians: Traffic Lights for Life - audio-based intersection management for emergency vehicles

Cityeye - Tracking changes in the city for the public sector

AI and ML for tires of rubber-tired metro maintenance performance decision-making support

Workforce Reintegration for Veterans

Fake News Detection