Analytics helping humanity

“It’s easy to look at data and only see the numbers represented, but data represents much more than that. Data provides opportunity and the potential to improve the world as we know it. Each data point charted represents a person, a problem or a part of our planet that needs our help.” - See how #HackinSAS teams have used data to improve the world.


Discussion triggers

  1. In the spirit of #lifelonglearning, what fun fact(s) did you learn from your #HackinSAS project (or the work of other teams)?
  2. #Hackers are efficient problem solvers. What are some of the best practices you witnessed in how #HackinSAS teams approached a problem?
  3. From a #DataScience and #Analytics perspective, name one technical capability/benefit you are most excited about that brings huge improvements/benefits to an important issue?
  4. What advice to you have for future #Data4Good hackers looking to use their curiosity for social good/impact?
  5. After being inspired by the work of #HackinSAS teams, what additional questions / project ideas would you like to see explored in the near future?

Meet the teams

Coral Reef Protection Using Platform Analytics

Translation system for African languages

Detecting Human Trafficking

Traffic lights for life

Workforce Reintegration for Veterans

Best Predictions of Ski Tour Difficulties