
LIVE virtual sessions with a high-level industry and technology perspective.

Tuesday 9th November 2021

15:00 - 16:00  CETIndustry Sessions
Banking – Studio 1, Track details »
Healthcare – Studio 2, Track details »
Manufacturing – Studio 3, Track details »
Insurance – Studio 4, Track details »
Communication Service Providers – Studio 5, Track details »
16:00 - 16:30  CETNetworking (optional)
16:30 - 17:30  CETTechnology/Topic Sessions
Digital Front Door
 – Studio 1, Track details »
AI Ethics in Principles and Practice – Studio 2, Track details »
Value of Advanced Analytics in the Cloud – Studio 3, Track details »
17:30 - 18:00  CETNetworking (optional)

Studio 1
Time: 15:00-16:00 CET

Time 15:00-15:30Unlock Innovation in the Banking Battlefield
David M Brear, CEO and Co-Founder of 11:FS
Time 15:30-16:00Panel discussion
David M Brear, CEO and Co-Founder of 11:FS
Kaisu Christie, SVP Consumer lending, Collateral and Real Estate Business, OP Financial Group
Deniz Güven, Former CEO of MOX Bank
Johnny Steele, Senior Manager, Retail Banking, SAS 

Studio 2
Time: 15:00-16:00 CET

Time 15:00-15:30Creating healthcare by default
Prof. Dr. Koen Kas, Healthcare futurist, CEO, Healthskouts
Time 15:30-15:40Ending childhood obesity by data-driven whole-of-community approach 
Dr. Peter Bergsten, Program lead, Swelife, Prof. at Uppsala University
Time 15:40-16:00How to transform into a “wall-less” open, data driven hospital fit for innovation and with focus on prevention 
Andrew Proctor, Senior Director of Enterprise Analytics, Medical Operations Division, Cleveland Clinic

Studio 3
Time: 15:00-16:00 CET

Time 15:00-15:20AI in Manufacturing: Addressing changing market dynamics with data analytics and AI
Stefanie Naujoks, Research Director, Manufacturing Insights Europe, IDC
Time 15:20-16:00Panel discussion: How analytics and AI support innovation
Stefanie Naujoks, Research Director for Manufacturing Insights Europe, IDC
Jani Kangas, Divisional Head of Automation & IoT, Stora Enso
Mikael Larsson, CIO & VP Global Trucks Operations, Volvo
Nina Olsson, Head of Connectivity, Scania
Niko Korte, Director, Digital Business Development, SSAB
Christer Bodell, AI Business Advisor Manufacturing, SAS

Studio 4
Time: 15:00-16:00 CET

Join us to hear industry thought leaders discuss the opportunities presented for insurers by applying cognitive technologies to vast amounts of data streaming from the increasing number of connected devices.

Time 15:00-15:40Becoming the insurer of 2030 – what separates the winners from the losers in the connected world?
Dr. Isabelle Fluckiger, Program Lead for New Technologies and Data, The Geneva Association
Matteo Carbone, Founder and Director of the IoT Insurance Observatory
Paul Ridge, Head of Insurance, SAS UK & Ireland
Time 15:40-16:00Making the unpredictable predictable. Using AI & IoT analytics to prevent flood damage 
Srikanth Madani, Industry Advocate, Worldwide Financial Services, Microsoft Corp.
George Berekos, Senior Business Development Manager IOT, SAS

Communication Service Providers
Studio 5
Time: 15:00-16:00 CET

Join us to hear from industry thought leaders as they discuss how you can accelerate 5G adoption and monetization in a world full of new possibilities to connect and network. 

Time 15:00-15:255G Opportunities for Growth
Aurelio Nocerino, Managing Director, Accenture
Mattieu Joosten, Director, SAS 
Time 15:25-15:505G Roll-out and Management
Björn Odenhammar, Head of Networks & Management Services, Ericsson's Customer Unit UK & Ireland
Mari Nilsson Björkman, Global TMT Industry Lead & Principal Marketing Manager, SAS 
Time 15:50-16:00Panel Discussion
Aurelio Nocerino, Managing Director, Accenture
Björn Odenhammar,  Head of Networks & Management Services, Ericsson's Customer Unit UK & Ireland
Mattieu Joosten, Director SAS
Mari Nilsson Björkman, Global TMT Industry Lead & Principal Marketing Manager, SAS

Digital Front Door

Studio 1
Time: 16:30-17:30 CET

Customer and citizen satisfaction is at the top of board level agendas today. Exceptional Customer Experience (CX) is key. But will this deliver brand differentiation, better public service perception, customer loyalty, and lifetime customer value? Listening deeply to the voice of the customer provides analytical insights of customers’ current and future needs. These insights enable timely operational innovations that will make your proposition more attractive, meaningful and relevant.

Time 16:30-17:10Create exceptional digital customer experiences from customer and service insights
Gerry Brown, CX Research Director Europe, IDC
Steve Perks, Sr Manager, Customer Intelligence, North EMEA, SAS 
Time 17:10-17:30Building good customer relations at Jyske Bank in a digitalized world
Tom Palving, Center of Excellence Lead, Jyske Bank

AI Ethics in Principles and Practice

Studio 2
Time: 16:30-17:30 CET

Join us for a fireside chat exploring the topic of ethics in AI in principle and in practice. Timnit Gebru, a Computer Scientist and researcher in artificial intelligence who works to reduce the potential negative impacts of AI, will join Kimberly Nevala, Strategic Advisor at SAS and a member of the SAS Data Ethics Practice for a discussion the road to ethical and equitable AI. Timnit Gebru will share her perspectives and lessons learned for individuals and organizations interested in innovating with AI. This will be a thoughtful, pragmatic reflection on the road to ethical and equitable AI. With due consideration of paths taken, detours and roadblocks experienced and the road ahead on our way to delivering responsible innovation for the benefit of all.

Time 16:30-17:30A fireside chat exploring the road to ethical and equitable AI
Dr. Timnit Gebru, Data Scientist
Kimberley Nevala, Strategic Advisor, SAS.

Value of Advanced Analytics in the Cloud

Studio 3
Time: 16:30-17:30 CET

Join us as we explore what AI, data analytics and Cloud really mean for business leaders and take a look at the benefits customers can gain by moving their analytical environments and workloads to the cloud.

Time 16:30-17:00Value of Analytics in the Cloud
David Rowan, Tech investor, author, Founding Editor-in-Chief of WIRED UK magazine
Time 17:00-17:30Panel session
Jay Upchurch, Executive Vice President and Chief Information Officer, SAS
Mark Smith General Manager, Microsoft Solutions, Microsoft UK