It´s time to look at the activities we have planned for you this fall. Have you heard about SAS Analytics Explorers, the platform where you can play, learn, and engage in a customer-only community? Check it out in this newsletter.

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Nordic SAS User Newsletter

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We hope you had an opportunity to enjoy the summer together with family and friends.

This newsletter is about keeping you, our valued SAS users informed and up to date on what´s happening at SAS, learn more about SAS Essentials such as free online resources and upcoming virtual events. We have a lot of activities planned this Autumn. Please look below for more information. We can also offer you user-related webinars in the "Ask the Expert" series live or on-demand, where we follow-up some of these topics in a facilitated discussion in the Nordic webinars.

We are delighted to inform you that a Virtual Nordic SAS Forum is taking place on the 17th of November. The program is well underway planned with some of you presenting your work and demonstrating your use of SAS. We are looking forward to sharing more information with everyone soon.

Are you aware that the Adobe Flash technology is quickly approaching its end-of-life status on December 31, 2020? You can find more information at the end of this newsletter.

If you have any questions or ideas, please get in touch.

Until next time, stay safe!

Pietari Koskela, Frans Holm, Daniel Ringqvist & Pia Rønnevik
User Group Managers, SAS Nordics

Virtual meetups

Virtual meetups in September for FANS/SAS Users

Below you´ll find the virtual events taking place in September and everyone is welcome to join. To get the full overview, visit Denmark, Finland, Norway or Sweden, and register so you can add those you want into your calendar.

We are hosting more than 25 virtual network meetings for the rest of the year. Our experience from the first six months is a great uptick in registrations and engagement, but we are looking forward to seeing you again in-person when everything is back to normal.


See what happens in Denmark:

DateNetwork & links to AgendaTime
7/9FANS | Analytics9-12
8/9FANS | Platform9-12
9/9FANS | Programming9-12
10/9SAS | Platform Overview9-12

See what happens in Finland:

DateNetwork & links to AgendaTime
15/9SAS | Platform Overview - Reporting15-16

See what happens in Norway:

DateNetwork & links to AgendaTime
9/9FANS | Visual Analytics14-17
10/9FANS | Programming14-17
17/9FANS | Customer Intelligence9-11
24/9SAS | Platform Overview14-17

See what happens in Sweden:

DateNetwork & links to AgendaTime
2/9FANS | Visual Analytics13-16
17/9FANS | Platform13-16
SAS Analytics Explorers

Join SAS Analytics Explorers – a new way to play, learn and engage online

Have you joined SAS Analytics Explorers yet? This a customer-only platform (web and app) and is the best way to get the inside scoop on what´s happening around and inside the SAS world.

Be the first to learn about new product updates or how SAS technology is being used through our Data4Good program. Decide whether to participate in product feedback opportunities, take part in our weekly programming challenges, and get notified of content coming out that is relevant to you. You must complete 9 challenges to unlock a world of fun and learning.

By participating in the SAS Analytics Explorers platform, you can accumulate points and rocket up the leaderboard. Swap those points for SAS swag, free training courses, or a 1:1 mentoring session - you choose! Click here, use or create your SAS Profile, and become part of SAS’ insider community today.

SAS e-learning

An opportunity to learn more with SAS e-learning

Thousands of SAS users around the world have grasped the opportunity since early Spring to learn more with SAS e-learning. The online campaigns are still free for you to use for 30 days, so if you haven’t already registered, you should do so today!

The e-learning format is flexible and lots of courses with lab-time to practice - and it’s free and saves you the traveling costs!

Exploit the many different areas you can gain competence with either SAS Learning Subscription or SAS Academy for Data Science. You can access both campaigns by clicking on this green button after you create or log on to your SAS user profile:

GitHub webinars

Monthly Tip

GitHub webinars

It seems that everyone knows that GitHub and many SAS products, including the SAS programming language, now have a direct integration with Git – and that extends to GitHub. We had two relevant webinars around Git in August:

  1. Chris Hemedinger from SAS presented Using SAS® With Git: Bring a DevOps Mindset to Your SAS® Code
  2. Erik Strömgren from SAS did a 2-hour presentation on Version Control in SAS with a deep dive into best practices. Click on this link to find more information and link to the webcast you can watch on-demand.

Book 30-minutes with a SAS Expert

A quick reminder of the Nordic “Meet the Expert”, where you can book a SAS expert to provide a technical 30-minutes, 1:1 session to expand your knowledge and SAS skills. Sign-up for a call if this could be something for you:

Adobe Flash technology

End of life for Adobe Flash technology  

Previously, many SAS applications and SAS solutions used Adobe Flash Player to provide interactive user interfaces. Adobe ends the support for Flash technology and will stop updating and distributing the Flash Player at the end of 2020.

Here’s what you can do to help educate yourself and your colleagues on what this means for your SAS software releases that use Flash.

  1. Check out the SAS Software and Its Use of the Adobe Flash Player support statement.
  2. Review the technical paper Modernizing Your SAS® UIs: Removing Dependencies on Adobe Flash. This paper contains a list of SAS products based on Flash as well as steps on how to evaluate your SAS environment.

If you need further assistance, contact your Account Executive or reach out to your local SAS office:


SAS Nordic User Newsletter

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