Управление рисками для конкурентного преимущества
Последние публикации
- Why banks need to evolve their approach to climate and ESG riskManaging environmental, social and governance (ESG) risk is important to banks, regulators, investors and consumers – yet there are many interpretations of how to do it. To thrive, organizations must evolve their risk management practices – including those affected by ESG risk.
- Model risk management: Vital to regulatory and business sustainabilitySloppy model risk management can lead to failure to gain regulatory approval for capital plans, financial loss, damage to a bank's reputation and loss of shareholder value. Learn how to improve model risk management by establishing controls and guidelines to measure and address model risk at every stage of the life cycle.
- Будущее банковского стресс-тестирования с аналитикой SAS в AzureУзнайте о вызовах, с которыми сталкиваются компании при стресс-тестировании, и о преимуществах перехода в облако.
- frtb: a wait and see strategy could be riskyFRTB, fundamental review of the trading book, is a regulation that changes how banks analyze market risk in the trading book to address systemic challenges.
- CECL: Are US banks and credit unions ready?CECL, current expected credit loss, is an accounting standard that requires US banking institutions and credit unions to estimate life-of-loan losses at origination or purchase.
- Beyond IFRS 17 – what's next?IFRS 17 is not just a new accounting standard. Its fundamental objective is to provide transparency and insight to the insurance business while identifying strengths and areas for improvement. Learn how to keep a long-term vision and achieve broader business value beyond the immediate demands of IFRS 17.
- Страховой Дом ВСК: «Страховым компаниям сегодня жизненно важны IT-инновации»Какие технологии позволяют страховщику максимально учитывать характеристики автовладельца и транспортного средства и более объективно оценивать принимаемые риски, рассказал вице-президент Страхового Дома ВСК Василий Бусаров.
- Фокус – на контрольВремя характеризует наши запросы. Сейчас это оперативность, скорость, доступность и простота. Основополагающие изменения, отвечающие темпам жизни и набранным «сверхскоростям» и затронувшие все сферы жизни.
- МСФО 17: нет времени на раздумьяМСФО 17 - это основанный на принципах стандарт бухгалтерского учета для ориентированной на будущее оценки договоров страхования. Предназначенный для повышения финансовой прозрачности, МСФО 17 требует, чтобы страховщики более подробно сообщали о том, как договоры страхования и перестрахования влияют на их финансы и риск.
- Сценарное стресс-тестирование: выходя за пределы нормативных требований Благодаря регуляторному стресс-тестированию банки получили навыки управления в условиях определенности.
- Аналитика SAS поможет страховым компаниямКак применять углубленную аналитику и машинное обучение в медицинском страховании?
- Генеральный регламент по защите данных (GDPR): от проблем к возможностямЕсли оставить в стороне страхи, связанные с необходимостью соответствовать разнообразным требованиям регламента, то вы сможете оценить уникальные возможности, которые GDPR дает компаниям.
- Credit risk management is the answerLending and loan volume is back up to pre-crisis levels. But banks are facing higher delinquencies as well. That's why improving credit risk management is crucial.
- IFRS 9 and CECL: The challenges of loss accounting standardsThe loss accounting standards, CECL and IFRS 9, change how credit losses are recognized and reported by financial institutions. Although there are key differences in the standards for CECL (US) and IFRS 9 (international), both require a more forward-looking approach to credit loss estimation.
- Risk data aggregation: Transparency, controls and governance are needed for data quality and reportingFinancial institutions’ data aggregation and reporting techniques and systems are receiving increased attention both internally and externally. Find out how to take a comprehensive approach to BCBS principles and risk data aggregation and management.
- Risk data infrastructure: Staying afloat on the regulatory floodWhat are the challenges of a risk data infrastructure and how can they be addressed? Here's what you need to know to build an effective enterprise risk and finance reporting warehouse.
- Risk capital and lessons from the TitanicEconomic capital is that something extra that senior management needs for staying financially afloat in tough economic times. Tara Skinner uses the tale of the Titantic to describe risk capital risk management best practices.
- Data quality: The Achilles' heel of risk managementGiven the tightly regulated environment banks face today, the importance of data quality cannot be overstated. Beyond the obvious benefits of staying one step ahead of regulatory mandates, having accurate, integrated and transparent data will drive confident, proactive decisions to support a solid risk management foundation.
- A new arms race: Analytics for commodity market complianceRogue trading and dodgy deals are not the only things keeping chief risk officers awake. Today’s regulators now employ big data analytics to uncover troubles in the commodity swaps market. Staying ahead of innocent compliance errors – and quickly identifying the occasional bad actor from within – will require some tough analytics of your own.
- Attitudes toward liquidity risk have changedIn 2008, most banks took for granted that they would always have access to liquidity, and so they didn’t worry too much about liquidity risk. Even regulators worried little about it – until the danger was exposed.
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