SAS Global Certified Professional Directory

Businesses around the world rely on career professionals with strong SAS® knowledge and skills. This public registry lists individuals who hold a current SAS Certification. New candidates earn SAS credentials every day and are automatically added to this registry.

SAS Global Certified Professional Verification

We encourage employers, customers and others to use the registry as a verification tool. If a certified professional's name is not listed, this does not necessarily mean that an individual is not certified. Individuals can choose to be excluded from the registry.

If you are an employer seeking to verify a candidate's status as a SAS Global Certified Professional and unable to locate the candidate's listing in the registry, additional verification can be obtained by asking the candidate to electronically publish credential verification. Candidates can publish these credentials privately to specific individuals using the "Publish Credentials" feature on the left navigation within SAS Certification Records Management.

The SAS Global Certification Program adheres to privacy laws and cannot release any information about an individual to a third party.