SAS® Users Groups
Connect with other SAS users to advance your skills – and get additional support from SAS to build on your success.

Users Group Benefits
- Create connections and collaborate with other SAS professionals.
- Partner with SAS to increase your understanding of SAS products and services.
- Enhance your leadership and presentation skills.
- Receive support from SAS to make your group a success.
SAS users will support you in solving problems, developing your career and establishing personal connections.
John Amrhein
Vice President
How to Start a Users Group
- Download the Users Unite! guide to get insight into how to start a successful SAS Users Group.
- Check first to see if there is already a SAS Users Group in your geographic area or company.
- Form a UG committee. This is usually made up of two to five people who share responsibility for ongoing group activities to help the group succeed.
- Confirm interest/viability. Many people who have started users groups — particularly local groups — have found that surveying potential members before formally organizing helps gauge backgrounds, interests and expectations.
- Create a mission statement or statement of purpose for your new group. It will help keep you focused and let people know why they should join this new group.
- Define structure. Will this group meet in person or virtually? Maybe it varies. Are the meetings monthly? Quarterly? Twice a year? Making this decision early on keeps the group working toward its purpose without confusion.
- Register your group. User groups may register with SAS at any time, and groups are required to renew their registrations on an annual basis. Register your group. Note that you will need to provide contact information for primary contact and committee/board members.
- Request support. SAS provides annual support to all user groups including speakers, giveaways, certificates and more. Request support.