SAS | The Power to Know

TDWI Best Practices Report

Hadoop for the Enterprise

Making data management massively scalable, agile, feature-rich and cost-effective

Can Hadoop rise to the challenge of meeting the needs of the entire enterprise? According to this TDWI report by Philip Russom, the answer is definitely yes.

In fact, it’s likely that in just a few short years, Hadoop will become mainstream within organizations.

TDWI Best Practices Report: Hadoop for the Enterprise

This report sheds light on the many new products, technologies and trends surrounding Hadoop, including:

  • Business and technology drivers for Hadoop.
  • Hadoop’s benefits and barriers.
  • Organizational practices for Hadoop.
  • Current and future applications, platforms and tools.
  • Best practices and top priorities for enterprise Hadoop.

Plus, the report includes a list of some of the top vendor platforms in the Hadoop ecosystem.

Author: Philip Russom, Research Director for Data Management at TDWI



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