Webinars em destaque
- Identificação de abusos, desvios e irregularidades no mercado de saúde em época de volatilidade
- SAS & VERT: Combate a Fraude
- Plataforma de Investigação para análise de fraudes internas
- Modelagem preditiva: o que fazer, ou não, para um resultado eficaz - 1/2
- Modelagem preditiva: o que fazer, ou não, para um resultado eficaz - 2/2
- A importância das decisões baseadas em dados em tempos de incertezas
- Experiência do cliente: conhecer hoje para planejar o futuro
- Education SAS Drops - Entendendo Analytics - Primeiros Passos
- Education SAS Drops - A fábrica de modelos do SAS: Machine Learning
- Education SAS Drops - "Hello Data": Criando o primeiro código no SAS
- #SASMinds: Cenários Pós Pandemia
- O poder dos dados na área da saúde: caso de uso do COVID-19
- SAS Talks Live - Liderança em meio à crise
- O uso da Inteligência Artificial para Governança Tributária
- Forecasting: como prever o futuro?
- O Novo Ecossistema Analítico - Desafios e Road Map - 1/2
- O Novo Ecossistema Analítico - Desafios e Road Map - 2/2
- Identificação e prevenção à fraude em compras governamentais
- #SASMinds - Os desafios do Marketing Pós-pandêmico
- Analytics contra a corrupção
- A evolução da plataforma SAS
- A hora da Inteligência Artificial chegou
- A revelação do novo SAS Enterprise Guide
- Administração da Plataforma SAS
- Administração da Plataforma SAS 9.4
- Administração da Plataforma SAS Viya
- Administração da Plataforma SAS Viya
- Agilidade Analítica
- Analytic Executive Ondemand 3 AB
- SAS Webinar: Analytical Health Management - Identificação de irregularidades em Saúde
- Analytics Avançado para Seguros P&C
- Analytics na indústria 4.0: da visão à implementação
- Saindo do excel entrando no mundo SAS
- Aproveitando oportunidades da IoT com SAS Viya
- SAS Webinar: Automação de Modelos Preditivos com SAS Factory Miner
- Automação de Processos no SAS
- CI360 - Administração das funções de usuário
- CI360 - Criação de conteúdo para email
- CI360 - Criação de tarefas de marketing direto
- CI360 - Definição do perfil dos segmentos
- CI360 - Importação de dados de clientes
- Ciclo analítico completo usando SAS Visual Analytics
- Cloud & Innovation Live
- Como detectar e prevenir fraudes internas usando analytics
- SAS Webinar: Gestão otimizada do contencioso nas organizações
- Como traçar a melhor gestão de ALM e Risco Financeiro nas instituições financeiras e não-financeiras
- Criação & Otimização de Campanhas
- SAS Webinar: Criação de Modelos de Risco utilizando a solução Credit Scoring for SAS Enterprise Miner
- Customer-Centric: o cliente no centro da estratégia
- Identificação de abusos, desvios e irregularidades no mercado de saúde em época de volatilidade e pandemia
- IFRS 17: como se preparar para o impacto e abraçar oportunidades
- SAS Webinar: IFRS 9
- Insurance Summit Brazil 2021
- Inteligência Digital: Os desafios da interação com os clientes em um mundo digital
- Internet das Coisas: coloque-a para trabalhar a favor da sua organização
- SAS Webinar: Soluções para os desafios da Indústria de Energia
- SAS Webinar OnDemand: IoT - A inteligência (analítica) das Coisas – Making things smart
- Saindo do excel entrando no mundo SAS
- Saindo do excel entrando no mundo SAS
- SAS & Hadoop
- SAS Customer Intelligence
- Telco Summit Brazil 2021
- SAS Webinar OnDemand: SAS Enterprise Grid - Como gerenciar e orquestrar essa solução
- SAS Enterprise Guide Analytics
- SAS Fraud & Security Intelligence
- Banking Summit Brazil 2021
- SAS Guide e SAS Studio
- Os segredos das Macros na Programação SAS
- Prevenção a fraudes em compras públicas e privadas utilizando Market Basket
- Webinar Churn: Como reduzir a evasão de clientes usando SAS
- Webinar David Parent
- Telco Summit Brazil 2021
- Webinar Series Customer Advisory
- A importância do analytics na identificação de fraudes
- Analytics
- Data Management
- Fraud
- Hadoop
- Health and Life Sciences
- Marketing
- Risk Management
- SAS Platform
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Se você gostaria de solicitar uma cópia do vídeo ou os slides da apresentação, entre em contato conosco pelo marketingbrasil@sas.com.
Em caso de dúvidas sobre os webinars on-demand, entre em contato com marketingbrasil@sas.com.
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If you've got a fairly new computer, you should have no problems tuning in. Of course, you'll need to hear the audio. Your computer should have:
CPU -- Intel Pentium 4 2.33GHz, AMD Athlon 64 2800+ processor (or faster).
RAM -- 512 MB.
Vídeo -- XGA 1024x768 screen resolution or higher, 65535 colors.
Gráfico -- 64 MB.
Áudio -- SoundBlaster audio card (or equivalent).
Alto-falantes ou fones de ouvido.
Velocidade de conexão -- 500kbps minimum for webinars.
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Windows PC Browsers:
Firefox 3.0.1 or higher
Internet Explorer 6 SP1
Internet Explorer 7
Internet Explorer 8
Internet Explorer 9
Internet Explorer 10
Safari 3.2.2 or higher
Safari 4 or higher
Windows PC Flash:
Flash Player 11.1 r102+
Flash Player 11.0 r1+
Flash Player 10.3 rxxx
Flash Player 10.2 rxxx
Mac Browsers:
Firefox 3.0.1 or higher
Safari 3.2.1 or higher
Safari 4 or higher
Mac Flash:
Flash Player 11.1 r102+
Flash Player 11.0 r1+
Flash Player 10.3 rxxx
Flash Player 10.2 rxxx
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I’m not hearing audio through my computer.
Make sure the volume is turned up on your system via your control panel and make sure any external speakers are turned on and the volume is up.
I’ve tried the above and still can’t hear audio.
We apologize for the inconvenience. You can access the archive which will be sent to all registrants several days after the event.
Is a PDF of the slides available?
A PDF of slides is not available during the event. Each event is different but, it is at the discretion of the webinar client whether the PowerPoint will be provided via e-mail.
Is an archive of this event available?
Yes. Typically, a link to the archive of the event will be sent to registrants several days after the event. The link will be the same as the live event link.
How do I ask a question?
Type your question in the "Ask a Question" field below the video window and click submit.
I sent in a question but it was not answered.
The host and panelists make every effort to answer each question but time constraints often prevent us from responding to every question.
I’ve tried everything and still cannot hear or see the webinar?
In some cases a viewer’s company/employer may block this type of content possibly via a proxy server. We can only suggest that they contact their company help desk or try accessing the event from their home PC.
I’m not hearing audio through my computer.
Make sure the volume is turned up on your system via your control panel and make sure any external speakers are turned on and the volume is up.
If the problem persists, access audio via phone by dialing 1-888-682-4285 (International: 1-973-368-0695) and then the conference code followed by the # key.
To find the dial-in and conference code number from the WebEx application:
- From the menu bar, click “Communicate.”
- Then click “Teleconference.”
- Then click “Join Teleconference.”
- A window will pop up with the dial-in instructions and conference code. Example:
Audio for this meeting will be broadcast through your pc speakers.
If you cannot hear the pc audio, please dial into the audio conference:
- US Toll-Free Number : 1-888-682-4285
- Toll/International: 1-973-368-0695
- Conference Code: XXXXXXXX
What is the Conference Code for my event?
To find the dial-in and conference code number:
- From the menu bar, click “Communicate.
- Then click “Teleconference.”
- Then click “Join Teleconference.”
- A window will pop up with the dial-in instructions and conference code. Example:
Audio for this meeting will be broadcast through your pc speakers.
If you cannot hear the pc audio, please dial into the audio conference:
- US Toll-Free Number: 1-888-682-4285
- Toll/International: 1-973-368-0695
- Conference Code: XXXXXXXX
I’ve tried the above and still can’t hear audio.
We apologize for the inconvenience. You can access the archive which will be sent to all registrants several days after the event.
Where do I find the event password needed to log in to the live event?
The password is included in the confirmation e-mail and within the "Add to Calendar" file.
According to the attendee list, it looks like I’m on the only person attending this event.
The full attendee list is visible only to the host and panelists.
Can the panelists hear me?
No, all attendee phone lines are muted and in the listen-only mode.
Is a PDF of the slides available?
A PDF of slides is not available during the event. Each event is different but typically, a PDF of slides is sent to registrants several days after the event.
Is an archive of this event available?
Yes. Typically, a link to the archive of the event will be sent to registrants several days after the event.
I’m not seeing slides or the demo? I only see “Event in Progress.”
Be sure you have the Event window active. On the WebEx Window, click the box that reads “Return to Event.”
How do I ask a question?
From full screen mode, click on the question mark icon on the floating tool bar. Then, select a participant in the “Ask” menu (or send to “All Panelists”) and type your question in the box. There is a 256 character limit.
How do I send a chat message to a panelist or the host?
From full screen mode, click on the Chat icon on the floating tool bar. Select a participant in the “Send to” menu, type your chat message and click “Send.”
Can I chat with other attendees?
No. Attendees can only chat with the host and panelists.
I sent in a question but it was not answered.
The host and panelists make every effort to answer each question but time constraints often prevent us from responding to every question.
How do I reach WebEx support?
WebEx Customer Care can be reached at 1-866-229-3239.