SAS | The Power to Know

White Paper

SAS Exploration and Production Optimization Analytics for the Oil and Gas Industry

Analytic insights to mitigate subsurface uncertainty and unconstrained risk

About this paper

Data integration, risk assessment and quantification of uncertainty are key issues in petroleum exploration and development. Oil companies are being forced to explore in more geologically complex and remote areas to exploit deeper hydrocarbon deposits. As the problems become too complex in areas of intrinsically poor data quality, and the cost associated with poor predictions (dry holes) increases, the need for proper integration of disciplines, data fusion, risk reduction and uncertainty management become very important. SAS Analytics provide potential answers to questions related to risk and uncertainty, as well as endorse reserves information and ensure that exploitation plans are adhered to in accordance to predefined targets. With SAS Analytics, you can use a plethora of upstream data to empower effective, efficient and timely decisions that affect reserves exploitation.

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SAS is a global leader in data and AI. With SAS software and industry-specific solutions, organizations transform data into trusted decisions. SAS gives you THE POWER TO KNOW®.

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