Webinarium on-demand

EMEA Banking Fraud Success Stories

PKO Bank Polski - Successful enterprise anti-fraud journey with Advanced Analytics

About the webinar

Banking Fraud Success Stories is a new series of webinars where SAS customers are bringing their experience around combating fraud and financial crimes, and explain how analytics is helping them in that fight.

Within this webinar you will hear a story of PKO Bank Polski - one of largest banks in CEE with a drive to invest in innovation and new technologies.

In the response to rising fraud trends bank decided to implement a holistic anti-fraud platform that heavily relies on advanced analytics. Bank selected SAS as a partner for delivering the Enterprise Fraud Management platform and the business value. Implementation addressed all key fraud areas incl. application fraud, payments fraud and internal fraud.

The session will provide an overview of the project and will guide you how machine learning and network analytics have been used to help bank detect fraud and reduce false positives.

Why it's worth seeing?

  • You will learn how technology can help to detect fraud faster and at lower cost, protecting your reputation and keeping customer satisfaction high through better management of false positives. 
  • You have the opportunity to interact with PKO Bank Polski and SAS experts and asks your questions.

Who should watch?

  • Anti-Fraud Director/Manager
  • Security Director/Manager
  • Fraud Analytics Director/Manager
  • Fraud Analyst/Expert/Data Scientist

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Administratorem Twoich danych osobowych jest SAS Institute Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą przy ul. Gdańskiej 27/31, 01-633 w Warszawie. Twoje dane będą przetwarzane w celu realizacji prawnie uzasadnionego interesu administratora jakim jest organizacja wydarzeń i konferencji związana z marketingiem bezpośrednim własnych produktów i usług. Przysługuje Ci prawo do dostępu do treści danych, sprostowania danych, usunięcia danych, wniesienia sprzeciwu, wniesienia skargi do organu nadzorczego. Więcej informacji o zasadach przetwarzania danych osobowych znajdziesz w Polityce Prywatności

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About the Experts

Krzysztof Stępień Fraud Analytics Expert - PKO Bank Polski

Krzysztof Stępień

Fraud Analytics Expert - PKO Bank Polski

Krzysztof Stępień, PhD, is a Fraud Analytics Expert at PKO Bank Polski. As architect, lead analyst and lead programmer, he is responsible for development of anti-fraud strategies leveraging machine learning and advanced analytics automation. Krzysztof has over 16 years of experience as advanced analytics expert, with broad expertise in building comprehensive data mining solutions in the areas of Fraud, Anti-Money Laundry and Customer Relationship Management in banking, telecommunications and FMCG industries. Before joining PKO BP, for 5 years he had been responsible for statistical analysis automation as a Senior Statistician in Citi Global AML Hub. He has also 7 years of experience of delivering numerous Customer Relationship Management projects for major Polish telecommunications providers in the roles of modeler, architect, lead programmer and lead analyst. Krzysztof graduated in Quantitative Methods and Information Systems from the Warsaw School of Economics. In 2013 he defended his PhD thesis on predictive modelling at the Warsaw School of Economics.

Marcin Nadolny

Marcin Nadolny

Head of EMEA Banking Fraud Practice - SAS

Marcin Nadolny leads the EMEA Banking Fraud Practice. He is a thought leader on fraud, accountable for defining the go-to-market strategy, business development, support of implementations with expert knowledge and fraud analytics. Marcin and his team are subject matter experts that help banks and financial institutions to combat fraud and financial crimes, and improve detection across all areas including payments, applications, insider.

Marcin is an experienced anti-fraud expert, but also data scientist with huge expertise in machine learning applications in business. He has strong background in banking and financial services and over 16 years of professional experience he gained with SAS but also at PwC, Toyota Bank and at DaimlerChrysler R&D. Along his career Marcin was leading fraud teams on the country and regional levels. He participated in numerous projects addressing setting fraud detection strategies with support of machine learning and networks analytics, and particularly he was leading the team of analysts implementing SAS Enterprise Fraud Management platform at largest banks in Central Europe.

Marcin is graduated in mathematics from the University of Warsaw, and also holds a Master of Science degree in Applied Computer Science from Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg in Germany.