SAS’ category leader position in our Name and Transaction Screening quadrant owes much to its ability to screen significant volumes with speed and accuracy – vital in the increasingly complex and dynamic watchlist space – combined with innovative technology to enable the effective and efficient management of throughput,’ said Nick Vitchev, Research Director at Chartis. ‘Moreover, SAS’ strength in platform and analytics delivers significant impact via a number of channels, including machine learning and entity network generation."
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- Raport Chartis RiskTech Quadrant for AML Transaction Monitoring Solutions, 2024
- E-book Public procurement integrity at risk
- E-book 5 Steps to a Unified Enterprise Customer Decisioning Strategy
- E-book Your journey to a GenAI future: A strategic path to success in banking
- E-book On the Road to Accelerating Claims Automation
- HISTORIA KLIENTA Revolutionizing fraud detection at Techcombank
- Artykuł Fraud detection and machine learning: What you need to know
- White Paper Generative AI in Health Care: Opportunities and Cautions
- Raport SAS is a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Enterprise Fraud Management, Q2 2024
- Artykuł 6 sposobów wykorzystania analizy big data do usprawnienia przetwarzania roszczeń ubezpieczeniowych
- E-book Seven trends shaping the future of tax
- HISTORIA KLIENTA European Banking-as-a-Service leader strengthens its AML/CFT and fraud surveillance system with SAS
- E-book Faces of Fraud
- Artykuł How AI and advanced analytics are impacting the financial services industry
- White Paper Enforcing Tax Compliance in a Turbulent World
- Artykuł Intelligent policing: Data visualization helps crack down on crime
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- Artykuł 4 strategies that will change your approach to fraud detection
- Raport SAS is a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: AI Decisioning Platforms, Q2 2023.
- HISTORIA KLIENTA Combating financial crime and terrorism financing with real-time sanctions screening
- White Paper Proactive anti-financial crime strategies to improve compliance and reduce risk
- HISTORIA KLIENTA Stopping payment fraud in real time
- Artykuł Know your blind spots in tax fraud prevention
- White Paper Next-generation AML
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- HISTORIA KLIENTA Advanced analytics and machine learning help Poste Italiane identify and stop fraud in real time while enhancing customer experience
- White Paper Banking in 2035: global banking survey report
- Artykuł Containing health care costs: Analytics paves the way to payment integrity
- White Paper Procurement integrity powered by continuous monitoring
- Raport Celent Insurance Fraud Detection Solutions: Property and Casualty Insurance, 2022 Edition
- Raport Celent: Insurance Fraud Detection Solutions: Health Insurance, 2022 Edition
- White Paper Banking in 2035: three possible futures
- Raport SAS is a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Anti-Money Laundering Solutions, Q3 2022
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- E-book High velocity decisions. Trusted outcomes.
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- HISTORIA KLIENTA Fighting loan application fraud with cutting-edge analytics