Industry Applications

Operationalizing Utility Analytics

Develop an analytics program that will meet your needs at scale.

Business Challenges

As large, complex business enterprises, utilities are finding that developing analytics programs capable of meeting their needs at scale is no small task. Utility leaders need to be confident that their analytics investments will scale and operationalize to meet enterprisewide business needs. That requires an analytics platform that can align analytics solutions with business needs, moving beyond “pilot-itis” – the inability to break out of the pilot stage – to fully operationalized analytics solutions.

How SAS® Can Help

The utility industry is littered with trendy proofs-of-concept and pilot programs that may work, but the ability to operationalize these instances are proving to be few and far between. Leaders frustrated with their organization’s inability to make the leap from pilot to full production need an analytics platform that can scale and turn trendy pilots into enterprisewide applications that drive tangible business value. Only SAS provides an open, scalable, governed analytics capability backed by more than four decades of development and success that is unique to the utility industry.

Why SAS®?

Move beyond proofs-of-concept and pilots to enterprise analytics. SAS enables utility analytics professionals and leaders to deploy analytics solutions that are governed and scale to meet the needs of the enterprise.

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