Manufacturing Industry Sectors

Automotive Manufacturers & Suppliers

How Automotive Manufacturers & Suppliers Use SAS®

  • Derive new sources of revenue, make better decisions about your internal operations and discover inventive ways to better serve customers.
  • Merge advanced streaming analytics with IoT data to make faster, better-informed decisions for and about connected vehicle and mobility strategies.
  • Gain valuable insights by collecting customer data in real time, across every channel.
  • Analyze the information and use it to improve responsiveness, make relevant offers, and use sales and marketing resources more efficiently.
  • Access and aggregate credit data across disparate systems and resources to make well-informed lending decisions.
  • Precisely forecast, measure, monitor and report on potential credit risk exposures to generate higher revenues, fewer delinquencies and an optimized risk portfolio.
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Discover how manufacturing analytics powers the IoT for connected vehicles.

With connected vehicles generating more than 25GB of data every hour, analytics is essential for turning that data from insights into action.

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