
7 November 2017
09:00 – 09:30
Conference Registration
09:30 – 09:45Welcome Address Speechlanguage

Prof. Marek Rocki, Rector of SGH Warsaw School of Economics
Prof. Joanna Plebaniak, Dean of the Collegium of Economic Analysis, SGH Warsaw School of Economics
Prof. Irena E. Kotowska, Director of the Institute of Statistics and Demography, SGH Warsaw School of Economics

09:45 – 10:30Using SAS for Multiple Imputation and Analysis of Longitudinal Data language
Patricia Berglund, Senior Research Associate, Survey Methodology Program, Institute for Social Research,  University of Michigan 
Steven G. Heeringa, Senior Research Scientist and Director,
Statistical and Research Design Group, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, USA 
10:30 – 11:00Missing data and imputation in economics and business analytics language
Adam Korczyński, Assistant, Institute of Statistics and Demography, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Statistician at QuintilesIMS, POLAND
11:00 – 11:30Managers and analysts: the Chinese wall and how to break it?language
Siergiej Fuks, Co-founder, AMA Institute
Karol Przanowski, Co-founder, AMA Institute, POLAND
11:30 – 12:00Coffee Break
12:00 – 12:40Social Network Analysis and Artificial Neural Networks to predict churn in telecommunicationslanguage
Carlos Andre Reis Pinheiro, Principal Analytical Training Consultant, SAS, USA Visiting Professor, Data ScienceTech Institute, FRANCE
12:40 – 13:20Challenges in applications of advanced analytics in customer-centric retail marketinglanguage
Rafał Latkowski, Director of Analytics, PAYBACK Polska, POLAND
13:20 – 14:00Lunch
14:00 – 14:30The SAS Platform - Empowering Analytics Innovationslanguage
Scott Chastain, Director, Global Technology Practice, SAS, USA
14:30 – 15:00Improving predictive modeling, the way for personal carrier. Case based on Kaggle challengelanguage
Adam Karwan, Boeing Global Services, Research & Rapid Development, Gdańsk, POLAND
15:00 – 15:20Crowdsourced knowledged as a means of predictionlanguage
Tomasz Kołodziejczuk, Advanced Analytics - Big Data graduate of SGH Warsaw School of Economics POLAND
15:20 – 15:30Closing Remarkslanguage
Prof. Ewa Frątczak, Head of Event History and Multilevel Analysis Unit, SGH Warsaw School of Economics
15:30 - 15:50Presentation of certificates "SAS Statistical Analyst”
15:50Networking Coffee