SAS Community Relations
As an integral part of our culture, SAS strives to help our community through charitable donations and philanthropic activities. SAS’ corporate philanthropy supports strategic initiatives that: 1) increase interest in SAS and computer science to create a diverse STEM workforce or 2) solve business and social issues in our priority industries that also showcase SAS technology.
Want to request a donation from SAS?
Follow our simple two-part process to be eligible for consideration.
Part 1: Complete the application and click the submit button.
Part 2: You’ll receive an email confirmation from the SAS Community Relations team. Please respond to the email with the below supporting documentation within one week of your initial application or we will not consider your donation request . Required supporting documentation for Part 2 includes:
- Copy of the IRS 501(c)(3) letter.
- Evidence of current accreditation (for educational institutions).
- Audited financial statement or detailed information on finances.
- List of those currently on the board of directors and their professional affiliations, as well as the executive leadership of the organization.
- Separate project/program budget, if applicable.
- Overview/description of project/program to be funded, or in-kind request.
Applications are reviewed in the order received. Please email us with any additional questions.
Eligibility Criteria
Please review the below criteria prior to your donation application request.
Eligible organizations should:
- Support SAS philanthropic goals and focus areas including targeting STEM initiatives and a higher education audience from middle school upwards.
- Have nonprofit tax exemption status under Internal Revenue Service code 501(c)(3).
- Not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, or any other characteristics.
- Have a responsible board of directors serving without compensation.
- Show financial stability as evidenced by audited annual financial statements.
- Employ ethical methods of publicity, promotion, and solicitation of funds.
- Raise funds without payment of commissions, street solicitations or mailing of unordered tickets.
- Operate from a detailed annual budget.
- Request funds for programs or operations with a minimal portion applied to overhead.
- Use the in-kind donations to benefit organizational members or constituents.
Non-eligible organizations:
- Sponsor professional athletics, amateur sports teams, or individuals.
- Use for single events such as walk-a-thons, fundraisers, workshops, seminars.
- Support religious causes, or political parties or candidates.
- Discriminate based on race, color, national origin, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age or disability.
- Use for trips, tours, or independent film/video productions.
- Request for individuals.